Search Results - "PALUDO, Giane R"
Case report: Urbanized non-human primates as sentinels for human zoonotic diseases: a case of acute fatal toxoplasmosis in a free-ranging marmoset in coinfection with yellow fever virus
Published in Frontiers in public health (21-08-2023)“…Free-ranging non-human primates (NHP) can live in anthropized areas or urban environments in close contact with human populations. This condition can enable…”
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RT-rtPCR quantification of circulating microRNAs in plasma and serum samples from healthy domestic cats
Published in Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation (01-11-2021)“…MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression at a post-transcriptional level by silencing targeted messenger RNA (mRNA). Most…”
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Leptospira spp. in Free-Ranging Capybaras ( Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris ) from Midwestern Brazil
Published in Vector borne and zoonotic diseases (Larchmont, N.Y.) (01-03-2023)“…Leptospirosis is a contagious disease that affects domestic and wild animals as well as humans. It is caused by infection with some pathogenic species of the…”
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An undescribed species of Sarcocystis associated with necrotizing meningoencephalitis in naturally infected backyard chickens in the Midwest of Brazil
Published in Parasitology international (01-06-2020)“…Sarcocistys -associated menigoencephalitis is virtually an unrecognized cause of neurological disease in chickens. An undescribed species of Sarcocystis cause…”
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Short‐term impact of a wildfire on the homeostasis of Tropidurus oreadicus lizards
Published in Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Ecological and integrative physiology (01-05-2023)“…Wildfires cause significant changes in natural habitats and can impact lizard populations. Through changes in the thermal environment, reduced prey…”
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Hemoplasma infection in wild captive carnivores
Published in Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira (01-04-2020)“…Hemoplasmas are bacteria able to adhere themselves loosely to the plasma membrane of erythrocytes and may parasitize several species of mammals. There are…”
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Frequency and hematological alterations of different hemoplasma infections with retrovirusis co-infections in domestic cats from Brazil
Published in Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira (01-08-2016)“…Mycoplasma haemofelis is the agent of feline infectious anemia, although Candidatus M. haemominutum can also be associated. This study evaluated the frequency…”
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Investigação molecular de Ehrlichia spp. e Anaplasma platys em felinos domésticos: alterações clínicas, hematológicas e bioquímicas
Published in Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira (01-10-2011)“…Ehrlichia sp. e Anaplasma platys são micro-organismos Gram negativos, parasitos intracelulares obrigatórios, residindo em vacúolos citoplasmáticos de…”
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Touchdown polymerase chain reaction detection of polycystic kidney disease and laboratory findings in different cat populations
Published in Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation (01-07-2014)“…Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most prevalent inherited genetic disease of cats, predominantly affecting Persian and…”
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Detection of Theileria equi in spleen and blood of asymptomatic piroplasm carrier horses
Published in Acta parasitologica (01-06-2013)“…This study aimed to determine whether asymptomatic horses naturally infected with Theileria equi retain infected erythrocytes in the spleen and whether the…”
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Investigação molecular de Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma platys, Anaplasma phagocytophilum e Rickettsia spp. em felídeos selvagens cativos
Published in Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira (01-03-2018)“…RESUMO: Doenças transmitidas por vetores estão emergindo e reemergindo em todo o mundo, representando um desafio na medicina humana e veterinária. Entre essas…”
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Interaction of erythrocytes with magnetic nanoparticles
Published in Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology (01-03-2007)“…Internalization of biocompatible magnetic nanoparticles by red blood cells (RBCs) is a key issue for opportunities of new applications in the biomedical field…”
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Taxa de infecção pelo Herpesvírus ovino tipo 2 (OvHV-2)em rebanhos de ovinos no Distrito Federal
Published in Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira“…RESUMO: A febre catarral maligna (FCM) é uma doença causada pela infecção de bovinos pelo herpesvírus ovino tipo 2 (OvHV-2), responsável por perdas econômicas…”
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Anaplasmataceae em gatos (Felis catus) no município de Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro
Published in Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira“…RESUMO: No Brasil, até o ano 2000, os agentes riquetsiais em felinos domésticos eram poucos conhecidos, existindo somente relatos esporádicos de Ehrlichia sp…”
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Hepatozoon spp : pathological and partial 18s rRNA sequence analysis from three Brazilian dogs
Published in Parasitology research (1987) (01-09-2005)“…Molecular and histopathological studies were carried out on samples from three Brazilian dogs with persistent hepatozoonosis parasitemia. Canine hepatozoonosis…”
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Chemical restraint of peccaries with tiletamine/zolazepam and xylazine or tiletamine/zolazepam and butorphanol
Published in Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia (01-01-2003)“…To evaluate the use of a combination of tiletamine/zolazepam and xylazine (TZX) in collared and white-lipped peccaries and to compare its efficacy as an…”
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Diffuse periosteal reaction in a pet European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) positive to Hepatozoon sp
Published in Journal of exotic pet medicine (01-01-2021)Get full text
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Anaplasmataceae em gatos (Felis catus) no município de Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro
Published in Pesquisa veterinária brasileira (01-06-2018)“…RESUMO: No Brasil, até o ano 2000, os agentes riquetsiais em felinos domésticos eram poucos conhecidos, existindo somente relatos esporádicos de Ehrlichia sp…”
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Investigação molecular de Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma platys, Anaplasma phagocytophilum e Rickettsia spp. em felídeos selvagens cativos
Published in Pesquisa veterinária brasileira (01-03-2018)“…RESUMO: Doenças transmitidas por vetores estão emergindo e reemergindo em todo o mundo, representando um desafio na medicina humana e veterinária. Entre essas…”
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Taxa de infecção pelo Herpesvírus ovino tipo 2 (OvHV-2)em rebanhos de ovinos no Distrito Federal
Published in Pesquisa veterinária brasileira (01-07-2017)“…RESUMO: A febre catarral maligna (FCM) é uma doença causada pela infecção de bovinos pelo herpesvírus ovino tipo 2 (OvHV-2), responsável por perdas econômicas…”
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