Search Results - "P., Sreedevi E."
A Generalized Measure of Cumulative Residual Entropy
Published in Entropy (Basel, Switzerland) (23-03-2022)“…In this work, we introduce a generalized measure of cumulative residual entropy and study its properties. We show that several existing measures of entropy,…”
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On approximation and estimation of distribution function of sum of independent random variables
Published in Statistical papers (Berlin, Germany) (01-05-2024)“…In this paper, we obtain an approximation for the distribution function of sum of two independent random variables using quantile based representation. The…”
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A proportional hazards model for the analysis of doubly censored competing risks data
Published in Communications in statistics. Theory and methods (18-05-2016)“…Competing risks data are common in medical research in which lifetime of individuals can be classified in terms of causes of failure. In survival or…”
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Defective regression models for cure rate data with competing risks
Published in Journal of biopharmaceutical statistics (14-11-2024)“…In this paper, we propose a novel method for the analysis of cure rate data with competing risks using defective distributions. We develop two defective…”
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A Semiparametric Bayesian Approach for the Analysis of Competing Risks Data
Published in Communications in statistics. Theory and methods (01-08-2012)“…In survival studies, the failure (death) of an individual may be classified into one of k (k > 1) mutually exclusive classes, usually causes of failure…”
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Nonparametric inference for panel count data with competing risks
Published in Journal of applied statistics (10-12-2021)“…In survival and reliability studies, panel count data arise when we investigate a recurrent event process and each study subject is observed only at discrete…”
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Dynamic cumulative residual entropy generating function and its properties
Published in Communications in statistics. Theory and methods (17-08-2024)“…In this work, we study the properties of the cumulative residual entropy generating function (CREGF). We also discuss the non parametric estimation of CREGF…”
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A new goodness of fit test for gamma distribution with censored observations
Published in Communications in statistics. Simulation and computation (14-08-2023)Get full text
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A martingale-based test for independence of time to failure and cause of failure for competing risks models
Published in Communications in statistics. Theory and methods (18-08-2017)“…In this article, we introduce a class of tests, using a martingale approach, for testing independence of failure time and cause of failure for competing risks…”
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Semiparametric regression analysis of doubly censored recurrent event data
Published in Japanese journal of statistics and data science (19-01-2024)Get full text
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A quantile based test for comparing cumulative incidence functions of competing risks models
Published in Statistics & probability letters (01-05-2010)“…In the present note, we develop a nonparametric testing procedure for testing equality of cumulative incidence functions of competing risks models using…”
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Semiparametric regression analysis of doubly censored recurrent event data
Published in Japanese journal of statistics and data science (01-06-2024)“…Recurrent event data are common in survival and reliability studies, where a subject experiences the same type of event repeatedly. There are situations, in…”
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Non-parametric estimation of cumulative (residual) extropy
Published in Statistics & probability letters (01-06-2022)“…We obtain simple estimators of cumulative (residual) extropy for complete and right censored data and study their properties. A Monte Carlo simulation study is…”
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A non-parametric test for independence of time to failure and cause of failure for discrete competing risks data
Published in Statistics (Berlin, DDR) (03-09-2021)“…Competing risks data with discrete lifetime come up in practice. However, only limited literature exists for such data. In this paper, we propose a…”
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Semiparametric Regression Analysis of Panel Count Data with Multiple Modes of Recurrence
Published in Annals of data science (19-03-2024)Get full text
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A Nonparametric Test for Stochastic Dominance Using Total Time on Test Transform
Published in American journal of mathematical and management sciences (03-04-2015)“…The concept of stochastic dominance has found important applications in the theory and applications of economics and statistics. It refers to a set of…”
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A Nonparametric Test for Comparing Cumulative Incidence Functions of Current Status Competing Risks Data
Published in Journal of statistical theory and practice (02-10-2014)“…In survival or reliability studies, current status censoring is common where the exact life time of patients (objects) is unobservable, but one can only…”
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JEL ratio test for independence of time to failure and cause of failure in competing risks
Published 17-10-2021“…In the present article, we propose jackknife empirical likelihood (JEL) ratio test for testing the independence of time to failure and cause of failure in…”
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Relationships between cumulative entropy/extropy, Gini mean difference and probability weighted moments
Published 26-08-2022“…In this work, we establish a connection between the cumulative residual entropy and the Gini mean difference (GMD). Some relationships between the extropy and…”
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Weighted cumulative residual Entropy Generating Function and its properties
Published 09-02-2024“…The study on the generating function approach to entropy become popular as it generates several well-known entropy measures discussed in the literature. In…”
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