Search Results - "Pérez De la Hoz, Ana Beatriz"
Intervención educativa sobre salud bucal en niños prescolares
Published in Edumecentro (2022)“…RESUMEN Fundamento: por su alta prevalencia, las enfermedades bucales son una de las principales causas de molestias en la población infantil y pueden ser…”
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Sitio web sobre la asignatura Prevención en Estomatología: alternativa didáctica novedosa y pertinente
Published in Edumecentro (01-04-2020)“…Prevention in dentistry is taught in the first year of the degree. For the improvement of its teaching-learning process and as a didactic alternative, a…”
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Educational software on pathogenesis of chronic immunoinflammatory periodontal disease in periodontology
Published in Edumecentro (01-05-2020)“…Background: The integration of ICT as tools for designing teaching media has shown its relevance in the training process, enabling student learning. Objective:…”
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Software educativo sobre patogenia de la enfermedad periodontal inmunoinflamatoria crónica en Periodoncia
Published in Edumecentro (2020)“…Background: The integration of ICT as tools for designing teaching media has shown its relevance in the training process, enabling student learning. Objective:…”
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Sitio web para el estudio de los contenidos de la asignatura Epidemiología en Estomatología
Published in Edumecentro (2019)“…Background: educational software has revolutionized traditional pedagogy towards new teaching models where space, time and resources for learning are not…”
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Multimedia educativa para el estudio de los contenidos de la asignatura Odontopediatría
Published in Edumecentro (01-06-2018)“…Fundamento: la incorporación de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones permite al docente desarrollar al máximo las capacidades individuales de…”
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