Search Results - "Ottolini, Andrea"
Oscillations for order statistics of some discrete processes
Published in Journal of applied probability (01-09-2020)“…Suppose k balls are dropped into n boxes independently with uniform probability, where n, k are large with ratio approximately equal to some positive real…”
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Card guessing and the birthday problem for sampling without replacement
Published in The Annals of applied probability (01-12-2023)“…Consider a uniformly random deck consisting of cards labelled by numbers from 1 through n, possibly with repeats. A guesser guesses the top card, after which…”
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Concentration of hitting times in Erdős‐Rényi graphs
Published in Journal of graph theory (01-10-2024)“…We consider Erdős‐Rényi graphs G(n,p) $G(n,p)$ for 0<p<1 $0\lt p\lt 1$ fixed and n→∞ $n\to \infty $ and study the expected number of steps, Hwv ${H}_{wv}$,…”
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Guessing cards with complete feedback
Published in Advances in applied mathematics (01-09-2023)“…We consider the following game that has been used as a way of testing claims of extrasensory perception (ESP). One is given a deck of mn cards comprised of n…”
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On point interactions realised as Ter-Martirosyan–Skornyakov Hamiltonians
Published in Reports on mathematical physics (01-04-2017)“…For quantum systems of zero-range interaction we discuss the mathematical scheme within which modelling the two-body interaction by means of the physically…”
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Graph curvature via resistance distance
Published in Discrete Applied Mathematics (15-05-2024)“…Let G=(V,E) be a finite, combinatorial graph. We define a notion of curvature on the vertex set V via the inverse of the resistance distance matrix. We prove…”
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Multiplicity of self-adjoint realisations of the (2+1)-fermionic model of Ter-Martirosyan—Skornyakov type
Published in Reports on mathematical physics (01-02-2018)“…We reconstruct the whole family of self-adjoint Hamiltonians of Ter-Martirosyan—Skornyakov type for a system of two identical fermions coupled with a third…”
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Rates of convergence for Gibbs sampling in the analysis of almost exchangeable data
Published in Stochastic processes and their applications (01-11-2023)“…Motivated by de Finetti’s representation theorem for almost exchangeable arrays, we want to sample p∈[0,1]d from a distribution with density proportional to…”
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Spectral Analysis of the 2 + 1 Fermionic Trimer with Contact Interactions
Published in Mathematical physics, analysis, and geometry (01-12-2018)“…We qualify the main features of the spectrum of the Hamiltonian of point interaction for a three-dimensional quantum system consisting of three point-like…”
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On a comparison between absolute and relative self-adjoint extension schemes
Published in Quaestiones mathematicae (02-01-2024)“…The problem of connecting the operator parameters that label the same self-adjoint extension of a given symmetric operator, respectively, within the 'absolute'…”
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Birthday Problems and Rates of Convergence for Gibbs Sampling
Published 01-01-2021“…This thesis is concerned with classical topics in probability theory: the birthday problem and mixing time for Markov chains. Some of this work is contained in…”
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Dissertation -
Hitting times in the stochastic block model
Published 14-02-2024“…Given a large connected graph $G=(V,E)$, and two vertices $w,\neq v$, let $T_{w,v}$ be the first hitting time to $v$ starting from $w$ for the simple random…”
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Cutoff in total variation for the shelf shuffle
Published 22-10-2024“…We analyze the mixing time of a popular shuffling machine known as the shelf shuffler. It is a modified version of a $2m$-handed riffle shuffle ($m=10$ in…”
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Oscillations for order statistics of some discrete processes
Published 18-10-2020“…Journal of Applied Probability, 57, 3, 703-719, 2020 Suppose $k$ balls are dropped into $n$ boxes independently with uniform probability, where $n, k$ are…”
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Central limit theorem in complete feedback games
Published 09-07-2023“…J. Appl. Probab. 61 (2024) 654-666 Consider a well-shuffled deck of cards of $n$ different types where each type occurs $m$ times. In a complete feedback game,…”
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Greedy Matching in Optimal Transport with concave cost
Published 06-07-2023“…We consider the optimal transport problem between a set of $n$ red points and a set of $n$ blue points subject to a concave cost function such as $c(x,y) =…”
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Concentration of Hitting Times in Erd\"os-R\'enyi graphs
Published 09-04-2023“…We consider Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi graphs $G(n,p)$ for $0 < p < 1$ fixed and $n \rightarrow \infty$ and study the expected number of steps, $H_{wv}$, that a random…”
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Guessing cards with complete feedback
Published 16-11-2022“…We consider the following game that has been used as a way of testing claims of extrasensory perception (ESP). One is given a deck of $mn$ cards comprised of…”
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Cutoff for a class of auto-regressive models with vanishing additive noise
Published 03-09-2022“…We analyze the convergence rates for a family of auto-regressive Markov chains $(X^{(n)}_k)_{k\geq 0}$ on $\mathbb R^d$, where at each step a randomly chosen…”
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Card guessing and the birthday problem for sampling without replacement
Published 16-08-2021“…Consider a uniformly random deck consisting of cards labelled by numbers from $1$ through $n$, possibly with repeats. A guesser guesses the top card, after…”
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Journal Article