Search Results - "Otto, Sabine"
Genetics of intellectual disability in consanguineous families
Published in Molecular psychiatry (01-07-2019)“…Autosomal recessive (AR) gene defects are the leading genetic cause of intellectual disability (ID) in countries with frequent parental consanguinity, which…”
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Introducing the MMAD Repressive Actors Dataset
Published in Research & politics (01-04-2023)“…We present the MMAD Repressive Actors Dataset (MMAD-RA). The MMAD-RA is a new data source that provides systematic information on the repressive actors present…”
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Capturing group alignments: Introducing the Government and Armed Actors Relations Dataset (GAARD)
Published in Research & politics (01-10-2020)“…Recent research has generated important new insights into the existence, behavior, and violent consequences of armed actors in civil wars. However, the lack of…”
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The Grass Is Always Greener? Armed Group Side Switching in Civil Wars
Published in The Journal of conflict resolution (01-08-2018)“…Why do armed groups switch sides during civil wars? Most theories of conflict assume that armed groups have a fixed alignment with the government throughout…”
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Many hurdles to take: Explaining peacekeepers’ ability to engage in human rights activities
Published in Journal of peace research (15-11-2024)“…Human rights are a fundamental principle and purpose of the United Nations (UN). Yet, UN peacekeeping operations (PKOs) exhibit substantial variation in their…”
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UN peacekeeping upon deployment: Peacekeeping activities in theory and practice
Published in Cooperation and conflict (01-12-2024)“…United Nations peacekeeping operations (UNPKO) have been deployed in conflict-affected countries for decades. While we thoroughly understand what UNPKOs are…”
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Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten medienbasierter Bürgerkriegsdatensätze
Published in Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen (2018)Get full text
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Genetic Dissection of X-Linked Interspecific Hybrid Placental Dysplasia in Congenic Mouse Strains
Published in Genetics (Austin) (01-09-1999)“…Interspecific hybridization in the genus Mus results in male sterility and X-linked placental dysplasia. We have generated several congenic laboratory mouse…”
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Spatial and temporal genetic variation of Drosophila suzukii in Germany
Published in Journal of pest science (01-09-2021)“…Native to Southeast Asia, the spotted wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii Matsumura, rapidly invaded America and Europe in the past 20 years. As a crop…”
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In vivo analysis of palm wine ( Elaeis guineensis) volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry
Published in International journal of mass spectrometry (15-04-2009)“…The in vivo volatile organic compounds (VOCs) release patterns in palm wine was carried out using the PRT-MS. In order to analyze the complex mixtures of VOCs…”
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Mutations of the aminoacyl‐tRNA‐synthetases SARS and WARS2 are implicated in the etiology of autosomal recessive intellectual disability
Published in Human mutation (01-06-2017)“…Intellectual disability (ID) is the hallmark of an extremely heterogeneous group of disorders that comprises a wide variety of syndromic and non‐syndromic…”
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Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten medienbasierter Bürgerkriegsdatensätze
Published in Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen (13-07-2018)“…In jüngster Zeit wurden zahlreiche neue globale Datensätze zu politischer Gewalt erhoben, die häufig auf Medienberichten basieren. Datensätze, die…”
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The Use of Positive Words in Political Science Language
Published in PS, political science & politics (01-07-2018)“…Political science takes pride in objective and methodologically rigorous research. This should be reflected in a clear and concise writing style that convinces…”
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Coding one-sided violence from media reports
Published in Cooperation and Conflict (01-12-2013)“…Event datasets on political violence, which are comprised of coded collected news reports, have enjoyed a renaissance within the academic community. The…”
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Dynamics of retronasal aroma perception during consumption: Cross-linking on-line breath analysis with medico-analytical tools to elucidate a complex process
Published in Food chemistry (15-06-2008)“…An analytical concept is developed for the on-line investigation of the temporal and spatial dynamics in ortho- and retronasal odor perception. It aims at the…”
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Purification of the large mobilization protein of plasmid RSF1010 and characterization of its site‐specific DNA‐cleaving/DNA‐joining activity
Published in European journal of biochemistry (01-11-1993)“…A site‐specific and strand‐specific nick, introduced into the RSF1010 plasmid origin of transfer (oriT), initiates unidirectional DNA transfer during bacterial…”
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Dynamics of retronasal aroma perception during consumption : Cross-linking on-line breath analysis with medico-analytical tools to elucidate a complex process: COST Action 921. Food Matrices: Structural Organisation from Nano to Macro Scale and Impact on Flavour Release and Perception
Published in Food chemistry (2008)Get full text
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Loss-of-imprinting of Peg1 in mouse interspecies hybrids is correlated with altered growth
Published in Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000) (01-05-2004)“…Previous studies have shown that loss‐of‐imprinting (LOI) is a regular occurrence in interspecies hybrids of the genus Peromyscus. Furthermore, evidence was…”
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Isolation, Structural Elucidation, and Synthesis of Curcutetraol
Published in European journal of organic chemistry (01-01-2005)“…The new natural products (+)‐curcutetraol and (−)‐curcutriolamide were isolated from the bacterium CNH‐741 and the fungus CNC‐979, isolated from marine…”
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