Search Results - "Oteros Fernandez, R."
Treatment of posterior circulation strokes by mechanical thrombectomy with a stent-retriever: a retrospective observational study at a single center
Published in Radiologia (01-01-2020)“…To determine the rate of recanalization, functional outcome at three months, and independent prognostic factors in patients with posterior circulation strokes…”
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Intracranial stents in the endovascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke
Published in Radiologia (01-05-2017)“…To evaluate the efficacy and safety of intracranial stenting as a rescue therapy after failed mechanical thrombectomy in patients with acute ischemic stroke…”
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Vertebrobasilar recanalization techniques before the placement of stent-retrievers: reopening is not synonymous with good outcome
Published in Radiologia (01-01-2014)“…To evaluate the recanalization rate and clinical outcome three months after endovascular treatment for vertebrobasilar occlusion before the placement of…”
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Is CT-guided biopsy of aggressive sacral tumors always able to reach a diagnosis?
Published in Radiología (01-07-2010)“…To present a series of eight cases of rare sacral tumors that represent a wide spectrum of the aggressive disease involving the sacrum and to discuss the…”
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First-Pass Effect in M1-Occlusion Stroke Patients Treated with Combined Stent-Retriever/Large-Bore Distal Aspiration Catheter Thrombectomy
Published in Clinical neuroradiology (Munich) (01-09-2023)“…Introduction Combined stent-retriever/large-bore distal aspiration catheter (LB-DAC) thrombectomy was recently introduced to treat large-vessel occlusion;…”
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Intracranial stents in the endovascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke
Published in Radiología (English ed.) (01-05-2017)“…Abstract Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of intracranial stenting as a rescue therapy after failed mechanical thrombectomy in patients with acute…”
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Vertebrobasilar recanalization modalities before the placement of stent-retrievers: Reopening is not synonymous with good outcome
Published in Radiología (English ed.) (01-01-2014)“…Abstract Objectives To evaluate the recanalization rate and clinical outcome three months after endovascular treatment for vertebrobasilar occlusion before the…”
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Treatment of posterior circulation strokes by mechanical thrombectomy with a stent-retriever: a retrospective observational study at a single centre
Published in Radiología (English ed.) (01-01-2020)“…To determine the rate of recanalization, functional outcome at three months, and independent prognostic factors in patients with posterior circulation strokes…”
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Is CT-guided biopsy of aggressive sacral tumors always able to reach a diagnosis?
Published in Radiología (English ed.) (2010)“…To present a series of eight cases of rare sacral tumors that represent a wide spectrum of the aggressive disease involving the sacrum and to discuss the…”
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May-Thurner syndrome and surgery for scoliosis
Published in Radiología (01-05-2008)“…May-Thurner syndrome consists of the compression of the left iliac vein by the right iliac artery. We present the case of a 13-year-old girl with severe…”
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Vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm
Published in Neurología (Barcelona, Spain) (01-11-2009)Get more information
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Prevention de l’embolie pulmonaire par le filtre cave venatech (TM) LP : resultats de l’etude multicentrique europeenne
Published in Journal de radiologie (01-10-2007)“…Pour prévenir l’embolie pulmonaire (EP), évaluer la faisabilité de pose du filtre cave permanent VenaTech™ LP puis le suivi du patient, le devenir du filtre…”
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Phlegmasia cerulea dolens and pulmonary embolism resolved with systemic thrombolysis and venous thrombectomy
Published in Medicina clínica (04-10-1997)Get more information
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