Search Results - "Osborn, Stephen"
Methane contamination of drinking water accompanying gas-well drilling and hydraulic fracturing
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (17-05-2011)“…Directional drilling and hydraulic-fracturing technologies are dramatically increasing natural-gas extraction. In aquifers overlying the Marcellus and Utica…”
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Increased stray gas abundance in a subset of drinking water wells near Marcellus shale gas extraction
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (09-07-2013)“…Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing are transforming energy production, but their potential environmental effects remain controversial. We analyzed…”
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Geochemical evidence for possible natural migration of Marcellus Formation brine to shallow aquifers in Pennsylvania
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (24-07-2012)“…The debate surrounding the safety of shale gas development in the Appalachian Basin has generated increased awareness of drinking water quality in rural…”
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Chemical and isotopic tracers of the contribution of microbial gas in Devonian organic-rich shales and reservoir sandstones, northern Appalachian Basin
Published in Applied geochemistry (01-03-2010)“…In this study, the geochemistry and origin of natural gas and formation waters in Devonian age organic-rich shales and reservoir sandstones across the northern…”
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Groundwater methane in relation to oil and gas development and shallow coal seams in the Denver-Julesburg Basin of Colorado
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (26-07-2016)“…Unconventional oil and gas development has generated intense public concerns about potential impacts to groundwater quality. Specific pathways of contamination…”
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Origin, distribution and hydrogeochemical controls on methane occurrences in shallow aquifers, southwestern Ontario, Canada
Published in Applied geochemistry (01-11-2014)“…Natural gas reservoirs in organic-rich shales in the Appalachian and Michigan basins in the United States are currently being produced via hydraulic…”
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The Disruptive bEhavior manageMEnt ANd prevention in hospitalized patients using a behaviORal intervention team (DEMEANOR) study protocol: a pragmatic, cluster, crossover trial
Published in Current controlled trials in cardiovascular medicine (24-05-2020)“…Disruptive behavior in hospitalized patients has become a priority area of safety concern for clinical staff, and also has consequences for patient management…”
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A Framework for Identifying Organic Compounds of Concern in Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids Based on Their Mobility and Persistence in Groundwater
Published in Environmental science & technology letters (09-06-2015)“…We developed a screening framework for identifying organic components of hydraulic fracturing fluid with increased probability of exposure via groundwater…”
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The effect of long-term regional pumping on hydrochemistry and dissolved gas content in an undeveloped shale-gas-bearing aquifer in southwestern Ontario, Canada
Published in Hydrogeology journal (01-06-2015)“…Baseline groundwater geochemical mapping of inorganic and isotopic parameters across 44,000 km 2 of southwestern Ontario (Canada) has delineated a discreet…”
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Promoting patient and nurse safety: testing a behavioural health intervention in a learning healthcare system: results of the DEMEANOR pragmatic, cluster, cross-over trial
Published in BMJ open quality (01-02-2022)“…BackgroundBased on clinical staff safety within a learning healthcare system, the purpose of this study was to test an innovative model of care for addressing…”
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The timing of diagenesis and thermal maturation of the Cretaceous Marias River Shale, Disturbed Belt, Montana
Published in Clays and clay minerals (01-04-2014)“…The hypothesis that chemical remanent magnetization (CRM) in argillaceous rocks may be due to release of Fe during smectite illitization has been tested by…”
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Reply to Engelder: Potential for fluid migration from the Marcellus Formation remains possible
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (26-12-2012)Get full text
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Microbial and Biogeochemical Indicators of Methane in Groundwater Aquifers of the Denver Basin, Colorado
Published in Environmental science & technology (05-01-2021)“…The presence of methane and other hydrocarbons in domestic-use groundwater aquifers poses significant environmental and human health concerns. Isotopic…”
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Elemental and isotope geochemistry of Appalachian fluids: Constraints on basin-scale brine migration, water-rock reactions, microbial processes, and natural gas generation
Published 01-01-2010“…This study utilizes new geochemical analyses of fluids (formation water and gas) collected predominately from Devonian organic-rich shales and reservoir…”
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On the timing and causes of illite formation and remagnetization in the Cretaceous Marias River Shale, Disturbed Belt, Montana
Published in Journal of geochemical exploration (01-04-2006)“…In this study, we test a burial model for diagenetic illite and whether illitization is related to the acquisition of a chemical remanent magnetization (CRM)…”
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Identification of cell surface and secreted proteins essential for tumor cell survival using a genetic suppressor element screen
Published in Oncogene (21-10-2004)“…Survival factors play critical roles in regulating cell growth in normal and cancer cells. We designed a genetic screen to identify survival factors which…”
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Elemental and isotope geochemistry of Appalachian fluids: Constraints on basin-scale brine migration, water-rock reactions, microbial processes, and natural gas generation
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