Search Results - "Orlenius, C."
Channel Sounding of Loaded Reverberation Chamber for Over-the-Air Testing of Wireless Devices: Coherence Bandwidth Versus Average Mode Bandwidth and Delay Spread
Published in IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters (2009)“…This letter finds the relation between different parameters that characterize the reverberation chamber as a channel emulator for over-the-air (OTA) testing of…”
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In Situ Measurement of UHF Wearable Antenna Radiation Efficiency Using a Reverberation Chamber
Published in IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters (2008)“…The radiation efficiency and resonance frequency of five compact antennas worn by nine individual test subjects was measured at 2.45 GHz in a reverberation…”
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Calculated and measured absorption cross sections of lossy objects in reverberation chamber
Published in IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility (01-05-2004)“…Reverberation chambers can be used to measure radiation efficiency of small antennas when these are located close to lossy objects. The lossy objects represent…”
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OTA Testing in Multipath of Antennas and Wireless Devices With MIMO and OFDM
Published in Proceedings of the IEEE (01-07-2012)“…New over-the-air (OTA) measurement technology is wanted for quantitative testing of modern wireless devices for use in multipath. We show that the…”
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Characterization of Reverberation Chambers for OTA Measurements of Wireless Devices: Physical Formulations of Channel Matrix and New Uncertainty Formula
Published in IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation (01-08-2012)“…The paper deals with reverberation chambers for over-the-air (OTA) testing of wireless devices for use in multipath. We present a formulation of the…”
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Threshold Receiver Model for Throughput of Wireless Devices With MIMO and Frequency Diversity Measured in Reverberation Chamber
Published in IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters (2011)“…We present a simple theoretical model for the throughput data rate of a wireless LTE device including the improvements of data rate due to diversity in…”
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Measuring the Impact of Multiple Terminal Antennas on the Bit Rate of Mobile Broadband Systems Using Reverberation Chambers
Published in 2007 International workshop on Antenna Technology: Small and Smart Antennas Metamaterials and Applications (01-03-2007)“…The bit rate of new mobile broadband services will be directly affected by the configuration and efficiency of the terminal antennas. Each dB not lost through…”
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Repeatable performance measurements of MIMO systems in connected reverberation chambers with controlled keyhole effect
Published in Radioengineering (01-12-2009)“…A straightforward, fast, and repeatable procedure for measuring the system performance of the antennas in a MIMO system is presented. Due to the use of two…”
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@@uIn Situ@ Measurement of UHF Wearable Antenna Radiation Efficiency Using a Reverberation Chamber
Published in IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters (01-01-2008)“…The radiation efficiency and resonance frequency of five compact antennas worn by nine individual test subjects was measured at 2.45 GHz in a reverberation…”
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Models for the number of independent samples in reverberation chamber measurements with mechanical, frequency, and combined stirring
Published in IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters (01-01-2004)“…The accuracy in reverberation chamber measurements relies on the chamber setup being able to generate a large number of independent measurement samples. Simple…”
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Measurements of realized diversity gain of active DECT phones and base-stations in a reverberation chamber
Published in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium, 2004 (2004)“…The purpose of this paper is to present different setups to measure the diversity gain of active DECT telephones and base stations by use of a reverberation…”
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Conference Proceeding -
A solid hand phantom for mobile phones and results of measurements in reverberation chamber
Published in IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium, 2004 (2004)“…A solid hand phantom for use with mobile phones is presented. It has been found that the use of the hand phantom typically causes an additional loss of…”
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A short history of reverberation chambers for Over-the-Air measurements: The story of Bluetest from crazy idea to commercial success
Published in 2013 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) (01-04-2013)“…The breakthrough of mobile phone communications in the late 1990's led to the invention and development of reverberation chambers for Over-the-Air measurements…”
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Antenna performance characterization of multi-antenna terminals used in multiple-input-multiple-output communication systems
Published in 2010 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (01-07-2010)“…With new third and fourth generation mobile communication systems emerging, there has been an increased focus on the antenna performance of mobile terminals…”
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Measuring 4×4 MIMO capability in reverberation chambers
Published in 2013 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) (01-04-2013)“…We utilize two reverberation chambers (RC) to characterize two four-port antennas. The RC set-ups contain four mounted fixed antennas. This configuration…”
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Conference Proceeding -
On the use of reverberation chambers for assessment of MIMO OTA performance of wireless devices
Published in 2013 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) (01-04-2013)“…The emerging of wireless MIMO enabled devices capable of reaching high data rate levels calls for new measurement methodologies for verifying the radiated…”
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The double-sided 4-port bow-tie antenna: A new compact wideband MIMO antenna
Published in 2013 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) (01-04-2013)“…We present a new compact ultra-wideband 4-port antenna for use in MIMO systems, such as in reverberation chambers for OTA measurements. The new antenna is…”
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Repeatable performance measurements of MIMO systems in connected reverberation chambers with controlled keyhole effect
Published in 2009 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (01-03-2009)“…A straightforward, fast, and repeatable procedure for measuring the system performance of the antennas in a MIMO system is presented. Due to the use of two…”
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Measurements of total isotropic sensitivity and average fading sensitivity of CDMA phones in reverberation chamber
Published in 2005 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (2005)“…The authors describe two ways to measure receive performance of active terminals by using a reverberation chamber, referred to as total isotropic sensitivity…”
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MIMO LTE OTA measurements in reverberation chamber: Rich isotropic reference environment makes agreement with theoretical system model
Published in 2012 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP) (01-03-2012)“…The reverberation chamber has during the last 10 years been developed into an accurate instrument for OTA measurements, having a well-defined rich isotropic…”
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