Search Results - "Ondé, Daniel"
People's attitudes towards the agrifood system influence the value of ecosystem services of mountain agroecosystems
Published in PloS one (04-05-2022)“…Studies covering the social valuation of ecosystem services (ES) are increasingly incorporating people's attitudes, which allows social heterogeneity to be…”
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The Hedonic and Arousal Affect Scale (HAAS): A brief adjective checklist to assess affect states
Published in Personality and individual differences (01-06-2023)“…The present study aims to develop a brief instrument to assess self-reported affective experiences, the Hedonic and Arousal Affect Scale (HAAS), rooted in the…”
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Somatic symptoms in the general population of Spain: Validation and normative data of the Patient Health Questionnaire-15 (PHQ-15)
Published in Journal of affective disorders (01-10-2024)“…The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-15) has been widely used to assess somatic symptoms. This study aimed to analyze the psychometric properties of the…”
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Analysis of the Structural Validity of the Reduced Version of Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory
Published in Frontiers in psychology (14-06-2022)“…The application of metacognitive strategies is considered a basic skill of the student at any educational level. In the present study, we evaluate the reduced…”
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Scale Validation Conducting Confirmatory Factor Analysis: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study With LISREL
Published in Frontiers in psychology (22-05-2018)Get full text
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How do farm and farmer attributes explain perceived resilience?
Published in Agricultural systems (01-08-2024)“…Uncertainty surrounds farming systems across Europe and strengthening their resilience lies at the centre of the European policy agenda. Although farming…”
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Estrategias metacognitivas en relación con la metacomprensión lectoescritora y la motivación del estudiante universitario
Published in Revista colombiana de educación (Bogotá, Colombia : 1978) (01-10-2024)“…La evaluación de estrategias metacognitivas y la motivación son de gran interés para los procesos de enseñanza universitaria. No obstante, la mayor parte de la…”
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Application of S-1 Bifactor Model to Evaluate the Structural Validity of TMMS-24
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (12-07-2021)“…(1) Background: Recent studies have shown that the internal structure of TMMS-24 can be conceptualized as a bifactor. However, these studies, based exclusively…”
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The Role of Emotional Intelligence, Meta-Comprehension Knowledge and Oral Communication on Reading Self-Concept and Reading Comprehension
Published in Education sciences (01-12-2023)“…Emotional Intelligence (EI) is considered a fundamental variable for a person’s adequate psychosocial adjustment. In education, its importance transcends the…”
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Consequences of Disregarding Metric Invariance on Diagnosis and Prognosis Using Psychological Tests
Published in Frontiers in psychology (15-02-2018)Get full text
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Social Care and Gender: Who Cares for Dependent Adults in Spain?
Published in Papeles de Europa (01-01-2019)“…Care work encompasses a series of tasks of distinct social and economic importance; however, it has not been a traditional object of study in Economics. The…”
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Latent class analysis as a typology identification technique
Published in INFAD (Barcelona) (01-09-2019)“…In Psychology, it is common to find situations in which some kind of classification of people in subgroups or classes is needed. There are multivariate…”
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Exploring Biphobia Among Heterosexuals and LGBTQ + Individuals in Spain: Psychometric Properties of the Biphobia Scale in a Spanish Sample
Published in Journal of bisexuality (02-04-2024)“…Self-reported questionnaires for assessing biphobia have been developed and validated in English-speaking countries. In Spain, despite considerable rates of…”
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Social Care and Gender: Who Cares for Dependent Adults in Spain?/Social Care y Genero: ?Quien cuida de los adultos dependientes en Espana?
Published in Papeles de Europa (01-06-2019)“…Care work encompasses a series of tasks of distinct social and economic importance; however, it has not been a traditional object of study in Economics. The…”
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Análisis de clases latentes como técnica de identificación de tipologías
Published in INFAD (Barcelona) (01-09-2019)“…En Psicología es frecuente encontrar situaciones en las que se necesita realizar algún tipo de clasificación de personas en subgrupos o clases. Existen…”
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