Search Results - "Onabanjo, A O"
Effect of the aqueous extract of entandrophragma utile bark on gastric acid secretion in ghosh and schild rat preparations
Published in The Nigerian postgraduate medical journal (01-06-2011)“…The reduction of aggressive factors such as gastric acid is considered a key target of gastrointestinal protection. We investigated the antisecretory effect of…”
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Orbital cellulitis: a review of 21 cases from Ibadan, Nigeria
Published in International journal of clinical practice (Esher) (01-01-2003)“…This study was set up to review cases of orbital cellulitis admitted to the eye ward of our hospital between 1994 and 1998, and to compare the findings with…”
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Gastroprotective effects of an aqueous extract of Entandrophragma utile bark in experimental ethanol-induced peptic ulceration in mice and rats
Published in Journal of ethnopharmacology (01-04-1990)“…An aqueous extract of Entandrophragma utile bark was shown to be efficacious in preventing experimental ethanol-induced ulcers in rats. A therapeutic dose…”
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Possible involvement of platelets in Plasmodium yoelii nigeriensis malaria infection in mice
Published in Haemostasis (1991)“…The possible involvement of platelets in the pathogenesis of malaria was examined by monitoring the changes in platelet function (bleeding time [BT] and…”
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The effects of extracts of Enantia chlorantha in malaria
Published in Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology (01-12-1991)“…The aqueous extract of the plant Enantia chlorantha was found effective in suppressing Plasmodium yoelii infection in mice if given orally in drinking fluid at…”
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Studies on vasodilatation in the hand on exposure to heat
Published in European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology (15-04-1978)“…In five subjects whose hands were exposed to heat, no depletion in the plasma kininogen level was observed when vasodilatation occurred. This might be due to…”
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Chemotherapeutic effects of Annona senegalensis in Trypanosoma brucei brucei
Published in Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology (1989)“…Mice infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei 8/18 strain were treated orally and intramuscularly (im) with aqueous root extracts of Annona senegalensis, in…”
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The significance of plasma kinins in malaria
Published in Agents and Actions (01-01-1978)Get full text
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Some aspects on certain pathogenic agents in malaria
Published in Bulletin de la Societe de pathologie exotique et de ses filiales (01-01-1980)“…Plasmodium knowlesi in rhesus monkeys, pathogenesis with particular reference to brain lesions, review…”
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Toxicological study of the extracts of anti-malarial medicinal plant Enantia chlorantha
Published in Central African journal of medicine (01-03-1994)“…Acute and sub-acute toxicity studies of the medicinal plant Enantia chlorantha were carried out in mice. The oral and s.c. routes of administration of both the…”
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The effects of histamine in malaria
Published in British journal of pharmacology (01-08-1970)“…Summary 1 Extracts of the blood of monkeys (Macaca mulatta) infected with Plasmodium knowlesi contain histamine. A mean total concentration of 0·15 μg/ml was…”
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Kinin Release after Gastric Surgery
Published in British Medical Journal (04-09-1971)“…Kinin studies were performed in six patients with vasomotor dumping after gastric surgery and in six control patients who had had similar surgical procedures…”
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Kallikrein as a pathogenic agent in Plasmodium knowlesi infection in Macaca mulatta
Published in British journal of experimental pathology (01-10-1970)“…Methods for the fractionation and estimation of serum kallikrein in the blood of healthy and rhesus monkeys infected with Plasmodium knowlesi are discussed. A…”
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The probable pathogenic role of adenosine in malaria
Published in British journal of experimental pathology (01-12-1970)“…An increase in concentration of 0·14 mg./ml. of adenosine was demonstrated in the blood of Macaca mulatta infected with Plasmodium knowlesi at the advanced…”
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Physiological studies on blood bradykininogen utilization in man
Published in British journal of experimental pathology (01-12-1970)“…The experiments recorded in this work were conducted in apparently healthy subjects at different environmental conditions to study bradykininogen utilization…”
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The significance of kinin-destroying enzymes activity in Plasmodium knowlesi malarial infection
Published in British journal of experimental pathology (01-10-1970)“…Experiments were performed on healthy (non-infected) and Plasmodium knowlesi -infected rhesus monkeys ( Macaca mulatta ) to determine the activity of the…”
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Pathophysiological role of plasma kinins in malaria
Published in West African journal of pharmacology and drug research (01-01-1974)Get more information
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Kinin release after gastric surgery
Published in British journal of surgery (01-04-1971)Get more information
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The in vitro and in vivo effects of mefloquine on Trypanosoma brucei brucei
Published in Journal of hygiene, epidemiology, microbiology, and immunology (1992)“…Blood stream forms of Trypanosoma brucei brucei were grown over mouse kidney (MK) cells in minimum essential medium with various concentrations of mefloquine…”
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