Search Results - "Olza, Inés"
Gestural Alignment in Spoken Simultaneous Interpreting: A Mixed-Methods Approach
Published in Languages (Basel) (01-04-2024)“…Cognitive and behavioral alignment plays a major role in simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter centrally monitoring and accommodating his/her behavior to…”
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Quantifying the speech-gesture relation with massive multimodal datasets: Informativity in time expressions
Published in PloS one (02-06-2020)“…The development of large-scale corpora has led to a quantum leap in our understanding of speech in recent years. By contrast, the analysis of massive datasets…”
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What does the media say about palliative care? A descriptive study of news coverage in written media in Spain
Published in PloS one (02-10-2017)“…The goal of palliative care (PC) is to improve the quality of life of terminal stage patients and their families. The subject frequently appears in the…”
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Palliative care stay room - designing, testing and evaluating a gamified social intervention to enhance palliative care awareness
Published in BMC palliative care (20-04-2023)“…The message of palliative care can be promoted using creative thinking and gamification. It can be an innovative strategy to promote changes in behaviour,…”
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Interdisciplinary discussions on palliative care among university students in Spain: giving voice to the social debate
Published in International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being (01-01-2021)“…University students are the future professionals who will influence society. It is thus essential to improve students' understanding of palliative care (PC),…”
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Fraseología del desacuerdo en un corpus multimodal de televisión: un estudio multinivel
Published in Círculo de lingüística aplicada a la comunicación (01-09-2023)“…Este trabajo analiza unidades fraseológicas utilizadas conversacionalmente en español para mostrar rechazo o desacuerdo hacia el contenido proposicional y…”
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Visibilidad de los sanitarios durante la crisis del Covid-19: estudio de fuentes y temáticas en los informativos de televisión
Published in Interface (Botucatu, Brazil) (2021)“…Esta investigación analiza la cobertura mediática de la crisis del Covid-19 en España, y el papel que en ella ha tenido la comunicación sobre salud y sobre los…”
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Nursing narratives and reflective practice: A theoretical review
Published in Journal of advanced nursing (01-08-2019)“…Aim To explore the literature regarding how nursing narratives have been used to enhance reflective practice. Design Theoretical review. Data sources A…”
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Acting like a Hedgehog in Times of Pandemic: Metaphorical Creativity in the #reframecovid Collection
Published in Metaphor and symbol (03-04-2022)“…The need to provide novel but meaningful ways to reason and talk about an unprecedented crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a surge of…”
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On the (meta)pragmatic value of some Spanish idioms based on terms for body parts
Published in Journal of pragmatics (01-09-2011)“…► We analyze a corpus of Spanish metapragmatic idioms based on terms for parts of the body. ► These idioms effect pragmatic functions related to discursive…”
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The relationship competencies guiding tool: A development, content validation and implementation study
Published in Nurse education in practice (01-02-2023)“…The aims of this paper are (1) to present the results of the development, content validation and implementation study of the Relationship Competencies Guiding…”
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Metáfora y argumentación en el lenguaje político y la prensa españoles: aproximación a las metáforas relacionadas con el "proceso de paz"
Published in ELUA (15-12-2008)“…Este trabajo analiza el potencial argumentativo que posee el empleo de metáforas en el lenguaje político y de la prensa. En él se examinan los distintos…”
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Fijo que este artículo te gustará: o emprego dalgúns fraseoloxismos pragmáticos na linguaxe xuvenil do español e do inglés / ‘I’m sure you’ll like this paper’: the use of some pragmatic phraseologisms in Spanish and English teenage language
Published in Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega (01-01-2013)“…Este artigo presenta un estudo de diversos fraseoloxismos pragmáticos do español e do inglés que, en termos xerais, o falante emprega para expresa-lo seu…”
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Habla, soy todo oídos. Reflexo das accións e das actitudes do receptor na fraseoloxía somática metalingüística do español
Published in Cadernos de Fraseoloxía Galega (01-01-2010)“…Neste artigo analízanse as unidades fraseolóxicas (UUFF) somáticas do español que reflicten as accións e as actitudes do receptor/oínte discursivo. O estudo…”
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