Search Results - "Oliveira Jr, Moacir de Miranda"
Bricolage as capability for frugal innovation in emerging markets in times of crisis
Published in European journal of innovation management (16-02-2022)“…PurposeThis research aims to answer the following question: Could bricolage become a capability for companies in emerging markets to develop frugal innovations…”
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Interorganizational cooperation and process innovation: The dynamics of national vs foreign location of partners
Published in Journal of manufacturing technology management (09-03-2020)“…PurposeIn this paper, the authors investigate whether the location of interorganizational partners affects the outcomes of process innovation. Herein, the term…”
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Strategic assets in technology-based incubators in Brazil
Published in European journal of innovation management (01-01-2017)“…Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between strategic assets and the launch of new products in technology-based incubators (TBIs)…”
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Environmental conditions, subsidiaries’ autonomy and global innovation in multinational enterprises
Published in Journal of science and technology policy management (Online) (18-06-2020)“…PurposeThe purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of environmental conditions of the subsidiaries’ host country in the process of developing global…”
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The relational embeddedness in the context of multinational subsidiaries: in search of new avenues
Published in Multinational business review (30-09-2024)Get full text
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Interorganizational cooperation and process innovation
Published in Journal of manufacturing technology management (13-03-2020)“…Purpose In this paper, the authors investigate whether the location of interorganizational partners affects the outcomes of process innovation. Herein, the…”
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The reverse transfer of innovation of foreign subsidiaries of Brazilian multinationals
Published in European management journal (01-06-2012)“…► Original survey with foreign subsidiaries of Brazilian multinationals. ► Emerging multinationals are seeking innovation abroad. ► The peculiarities of the…”
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Internationalization of Brazilian franchise chains: a comparative study/Internacionalizacao das redes de franquias brasileiras: um estudo comparativo/Internacionalización de las redes de franquicias brasileñas: un estudio comparativo
Published in Revista de administração de emprêsas (01-05-2015)“…The primary goal of this paper is to comprehend the fundamental organizational differences between Brazilian franchise chains that only operate in the home…”
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Accelerated Internationalization in Emerging Markets: Empirical Evidence from Brazilian Technology-Based Firms
Published in Journal of technology management & innovation (01-04-2014)“…This paper offers an analysis into the external factors influencing the accelerated internationalization of technology-based firms (TBFs) in the context of an…”
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Is offshoring an international process only from developed countries to emerging economies?/O processo de offshoring internacional ocorre apenas de paises desenvolvidos para as economias emergentes?
Published in Internext (01-01-2012)“…This article proposes to analyze the applicability of transaction cost economics --TCE (Coase, 1937; Williamson, 1975, 1979) through its characteristic…”
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The role of subsidiaries from emerging economies-A survey involving the largest Brazilian multinationals
Published in Thunderbird international business review (01-05-2012)“…Several research projects have been devoted to the study of the internationalization of Brazilian firms; however there is a lack of research related to the…”
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Internationalization of companies in the contemporary government development agenda: critical and analytical reflections for international business/A internacionalizacao de empresas na agenda governamental contemporanea de desenvolvimento: reflexoes criticas e analiticas para os negocios internacionais/La internacionalizacion de empresas en la agenda gubernamental contemporanea
Published in Cadernos EBAPE.BR (15-07-2016)“…As an essay, this article thinks through the internationalization phenomenon as a mediator in the relations between governments and companies in a context of…”
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Internationalization of Brazilian franchise chains: a comparative study/Internacionalizacao das redes de franquias brasileiras: um estudo comparativo/Internacionalización de las redes de franquicias brasileñas: un estudio comparativo
Published in Revista de administração de emprêsas (01-05-2015)“…The primary goal of this paper is to comprehend the fundamental organizational differences between Brazilian franchise chains that only operate in the home…”
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Práticas e indicadores de sustentabilidade em incubadoras de empresa: um estudo no estado de São Paulo
Published in RACEF (14-12-2016)Get full text
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Offshoring of call center services: a comparison of Brazilian, Indian and South African options/Offshoring de servicos de call center: um estudo comparativo entre Brasil, India e Africa do Sul/Offshoring de servicios de call center: un estudio comparativo entre Brasil, India y Africa del Sur
Published in Revista de gestão (01-04-2009)“…The call center sector has made great progress worldwide, driven by advances in telecommunications and information technology as well as the need to provide…”
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Estratégias de marcas em processos de aquisição – um estudo de caso exploratório na indústria de alimentos
Published in Revista Administração em Diálogo (01-07-2008)“…O objetivo deste artigo é identificar como as empresas adquirentes que efetuam processos de aquisição de outras empresas do mesmo setor lidam com suas…”
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Services offshoring and its strategic effects on value chains
Published in BAR, Brazilian administration review (01-07-2008)“…This article's main objective is to examine some known management theories under the offshoring point of view. It detaches some factors in existing theories…”
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Vantagem competitiva nacional: a perspectiva das subsidiárias de corporações estrangeiras no Brasil
Published in Revista Administração em Diálogo (01-05-2008)“…Este artigo analisa a perspectiva das subsidiárias de corporações multinacionais instaladas no país acerca do ambiente competitivo brasileiro. Para isso foi…”
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International analysis of the countries where Brazilian franchise chains operate/Analise internacional dos paises de operacao das redes de franquias brasileiras/Analisis internacional de los paises en que operan las cadenas de franquicias brasilenas
Published in Revista de administração (São Paulo) (01-01-2015)“…This paper aims to demonstrate which external environment factors are involved in the international commitment of Brazilian franchise chains. Our objectives…”
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