Search Results - "Oliveira, Silviene Fabiana"
Genetic and genomics in congenital heart disease: a clinical review
Published in Jornal de pediatria (01-05-2020)“…Discuss evidence referring to the genetic role in congenital heart diseases, whether chromosomic alterations or monogenic diseases. LILACS, PubMed, MEDLINE,…”
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Insights into how environment shapes post-mortem RNA transcription in mouse brain
Published in Scientific reports (21-06-2021)“…Most biological features that occur on the body after death were already deciphered by traditional medicine. However, the molecular mechanisms triggered in the…”
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ZDHHC9 X‐linked intellectual disability: Clinical and molecular characterization
Published in American journal of medical genetics. Part A (01-02-2023)“…The ZDHHC9 gene encodes the Zinc Finger DHHC‐Type Containing 9 protein that functions as a palmitoyltransferase. Variants in this gene have been reported as…”
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Cardiovascular risk factors across different levels of urbanization in Brazilian Afro‐derived communities (quilombos)
Published in American journal of human biology (01-04-2023)“…Objectives The frequency of cardiovascular diseases has increased throughout the world. People of African descent have been disproportionately affected,…”
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Brazilian quilombos: A repository of Amerindian alleles
Published in American journal of human biology (01-03-2014)“…ABSTRACT Objectives As a consequence of colonization of the Americas and decimation of the native population, an important portion of autochthonous genetic…”
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Who were the male founders of rural Brazilian Afro-derived communities? A proposal based on three populations
Published in Annals of human biology (01-03-2011)“…Background: Brazilian Quilombos are Afro-derived communities founded mainly by fugitive slaves between the 16th and 19th centuries; they can be recognized…”
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Aprendizagem baseada em casos clínicos no ensino de genética para medicina
Published in Revista brasileira de educação médica (2024)“…Resumo Introdução: A necessidade premente de formar médicos autônomos e proativos implica novas abordagens didáticas e formas de mediar o conteúdo. Nesse…”
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Análise comparativa da motivação e percepção da aprendizagem entre aulas expositivas e jogo didático no ensino de ecologia para alunos da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA)
Published in Revista brasileira de ensino de ciência e tecnologia (31-05-2022)“…A Constituição Federal brasileira de 1988 estabelece que é dever do Estado ofertar educação básica gratuita a todos os brasileiros, independentemente da idade…”
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Genetic and genomics in congenital heart disease: a clinical review
Published in Jornal de Pediatria (Versão em Português) (01-05-2020)“…Discuss evidence referring to the genetic role in congenital heart diseases, whether chromosomic alterations or monogenic diseases. LILACS, PubMed, MEDLINE,…”
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Glutathione S-Transferase M1 and T1 Polymorphisms in Brazilian African Descendants
Published in Human biology (01-02-2007)“…The glutathione S-transferase gene family has an important role in the biotransformation and detoxification of different xenobiotics and endogenous compounds…”
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Avaliação da cobertura do programa de triagem neonatal de hemoglobinopatias em populações do Recôncavo Baiano, Brasil
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (01-12-2006)“…Em 2001, a Portaria n. 822/2001 do Ministério da Saúde tornou obrigatória a triagem neonatal para as hemoglobinopatias, especialmente a anemia falciforme, a…”
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Advances in forensic genetics: Exploring the potential of long read sequencing
Published in Forensic science international : genetics (01-01-2025)“…DNA-based technologies have been used in forensic practice since the mid-1980s. While PCR-based STR genotyping using Capillary Electrophoresis remains the gold…”
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Distribution of glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 and GSTT1 null phenotypes in Brazilian Amerindians
Published in Genetics and molecular biology (01-03-2005)“…The distribution of glutathione S-transferase (GST) GSTM1 and GSTT1 null phenotype frequencies in two Brazilian Amerindian tribes, the Munduruku tribe from…”
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Expanding the spectrum of TBL1XR1 deletion: Report of a patient with brain and cardiac malformations
Published in European journal of medical genetics (01-01-2018)“…The TBL1XR1 gene product is a nuclear protein ubiquitously produced. The protein is a component of SMRT/N-CoR co-repressor complexes and participates in the…”
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Role of the host genetic variability in the influenza A virus susceptibility
Published in Acta biochimica Polonica (01-01-2014)“…The aftermath of influenza infection is determined by a complex set of host-pathogen interactions, where genomic variability on both viral and host sides…”
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Non-overlapping 22q11.2 microdeletions in patients with oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum
Published in American journal of medical genetics. Part A (01-02-2014)Get full text
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Partial AFF2 microduplication in a patient with auditory processing disorder, emotional impairment and macrosomia
Published in American journal of medical genetics. Part A (01-12-2014)Get full text
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Ancestry informative markers in Amerindians from Brazilian Amazon
Published in American journal of human biology (01-01-2008)“…Ancestry informative markers (AIMs) are genetic loci with large frequency differences between the major ethnic groups and are very useful in admixture…”
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Superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and gluthatione S-transferases M1 and T1 gene polymorphisms in three Brazilian population groups
Published in Genetics and molecular biology (01-01-2011)“…Antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX1) reduce the oxidation rates in the organism. Gluthatione…”
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The Awá-Guajá Indians of the Brazilian Amazon. Demographic data, serum protein markers and blood groups
Published in Human heredity (01-05-1998)“…The South-American Indian group Awá-Guajá, currently living in the State of Maranhão (Northeastern Brazil), is one of the most recently contacted Indian groups…”
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