Search Results - "Oliveira, Debora Santos de"
Association between hearing loss and cognitive decline in the elderly: A systematic review with meta-analysis study
Published in PloS one (09-11-2023)“…Objective Hearing loss has been pointed out as a potential predictor for cognitive decline. This study conducted a systematic review to evaluate the scientific…”
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Impact of drains positioning on pulmonary function after coronary artery bypass grafting: an observational study
Published in Brazilian journal of anesthesiology (Elsevier) (01-01-2022)“…Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is a procedure associated with a decline in pulmonary function. Among the main causes is the presence of the drain that…”
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Brazilian kefir fraction mitigates the Alzheimer-like phenotype in Drosophila melanogaster with β-amyloid overexpression model
Published in Scientific reports (26-10-2024)“…Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative condition and the primary form of dementia among elderly people. The amyloidogenic hypothesis is…”
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Depth of invasion of oral squamous cell carcinoma in Nos2‐knockout mice correlated to alterations in systemic inflammatory markers following 4NQO treatment
Published in Journal of oral pathology & medicine (01-03-2024)“…Background Peripheral blood analysis is a non‐invasive and low‐cost technique of prognostic value for several diseases, including oral cancer. Considering the…”
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Mouse Models of Mayaro Virus
Published in Viruses (24-08-2023)“…Mayaro virus (MAYV), the etiologic agent of Mayaro fever, leads patients to severe myalgia and arthralgia, which can have a major impact on public health in…”
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Hyperglycemia induces mechanical hyperalgesia and depolarization of the resting membrane potential of primary nociceptive neurons: Role of ATP-sensitive potassium channels
Published in Journal of the neurological sciences (15-06-2019)“…Cumulating data suggests that ion channel alterations in nociceptive neurons might be involved in the development of diabetic painful neuropathy. In the…”
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Los premios de Literatura infantil y Juvenil de Brasil
Published in Encontros Bibli (13-12-2023)“…La relevancia de los premios literarios ha sido ampliamente estudiada, aunque no se han encontrado trabajos que reflejen su importancia en el caso de la…”
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Prevalence of food addiction and its association with anxiety, depression, and adherence to social distancing measures in Brazilian university students during the COVID-19 pandemic: a nationwide study
Published in Eating and weight disorders (01-08-2022)“…The study’s objective was to determine the prevalence of food addiction (FA) in Brazilian university students and to verify whether there is an association…”
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Social and Racial Disparities in Food Consumption Among Brazilian College Students: a Nationwide Study
Published in Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities (01-12-2023)“…This study aims to assess the association between economic class, race/skin color, and food consumption among Brazilian college students. A cross-sectional…”
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A armadilha da cultura cívica revisitada: A persistência dos limites analíticos no campo da cultura política
Published in Revista debates (Porto Alegre) (31-08-2022)“…Este artigo objetiva discutir e sintetizar a persistência de armadilhas teórico-epistemológicas na abordagem de cultura política para a América Latina e…”
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Hearing Loss in the Elderly: A Proposal for Intervention in Primary Health Care
Published in SAGE open (01-10-2023)“…To evaluate the performance of professionals regarding knowledge about hearing loss in the elderly, through theoretical and practical training by a speech…”
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A insatisfação política e a ascensão do autoritarismo-populista: uma análise da América do Sul e da Europa
Published in Revista debates (Porto Alegre) (18-12-2020)“…Nos últimos anos, observamos a ascensão de atores autoritário-populistas tanto em democracias consolidadas quanto naquelas ainda não bem estabelecidas. Neste…”
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Liberal-conservative asymmetries in anti-democratic tendencies are partly explained by psychological differences in a nationally representative U.S. sample
Published in Communications psychology (02-07-2024)“…Based on theory and research in political psychology, we hypothesized that liberal-conservative differences in right-wing authoritarianism, social dominance…”
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Alloxan as a better option than streptozotocin for studies involving painful diabetic neuropathy
Published in Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods (01-11-2021)“…Previous data indicate that the diabetogenic substance streptozotocin might act in nociceptive neurons changing the sensory signal, regardless of…”
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Published in Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology (01-06-2024)“…The present work aims to detail the combination of antitumor peptides and herbal compounds, as antineoplastic agents. A literature review was carried out in…”
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lei n.º 10.639/2003: educação antirracista e regime de informação
Published in Múltiplos Olhares em Ciência da Informação (30-05-2022)“…Aborda o contexto histórico por meio do qual se dá o projeto e o desenvolvimento da Lei n.º 10.639 de janeiro de 2003, que versa sobre a obrigatoriedade da…”
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Published in Encontros Bibli (2024)“…RESUMEN Objetivo: La relevancia de los premios literarios ha sido ampliamente estudiada, aunque no se han encontrado trabajos que reflejan su importancia en el…”
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Association between COVID-19 diagnosis and economic class, race/skin color and social distancing in Brazilian university students
Published in Medicina (Sao Paulo. 197?) (01-02-2022)“…Purpose: To determine the association between diagnosis of COVID-19 and the economic class, race/skin color, and adherence to social distancing in Brazilian…”
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Anuran species in a remnant of the Atlantic rainforest in an urban area
Published in Papéis avulsos de zoologia (São Paulo) (2018)“…Forest fragments in urban areas have many habitat resources that frogs use for refuge, reproduction and growth. Knowledge of an anuran assembly is the first…”
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