Search Results - "Oi, D. K. L."
Coherent time evolution of a single-electron wave function
Published in Physical review letters (17-04-2009)“…Observation of coherent single-electron dynamics is severely limited by experimental bandwidth. We present a method to overcome this using moving quantum dots…”
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Quantum system characterization with limited resources
Published in Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences (28-11-2012)“…The construction and operation of large-scale quantum information devices presents a grand challenge. A major issue is the effective control of coherent…”
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Reference frames for Bell inequality violation in the presence of superselection rules
Published in New journal of physics (19-04-2011)Get full text
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Reference frames for Bell inequality violation in the presence of superselection rules
Published 17-05-2011“…New J. Phys. 13, 043027 (2011) Superselection rules (SSRs) constrain the allowed states and operations in quantum theory. They limit preparations and…”
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Quantum System Identification by Bayesian Analysis of Noisy Data: Beyond Hamiltonian Tomography
Published 06-11-2009“…Laser physics 20 (5), 1203-1209 (2010) We consider how to characterize the dynamics of a quantum system from a restricted set of initial states and…”
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Ancilla-driven quantum computation with twisted graph states
Published in Theoretical computer science (27-04-2012)“…We introduce a new paradigm for quantum computing called Ancilla-Driven Quantum Computation (ADQC) which combines aspects of the quantum circuit (Deutsch,…”
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Two-Qubit Hamiltonian Tomography by Bayesian Analysis of Noisy Data
Published 19-02-2009“…Phys. Rev. A 80, 022333 (2009) We present an empirical strategy to determine the Hamiltonian dynamics of a two-qubit system using only initialization and…”
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Experimental Hamiltonian identification for controlled two-level systems
Published in Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (01-05-2004)“…We present a strategy to empirically determine the internal and control Hamiltonians for an unknown two-level system (black box) subject to various (piecewise…”
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Twisted Graph States for Ancilla-driven Universal Quantum Computation
Published in Electronic notes in theoretical computer science (08-08-2009)“…We introduce a new paradigm for quantum computing called Ancilla-Driven Quantum Computation (ADQC) which combines aspects both of the quantum circuit [D…”
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Sapphire test-masses for measuring the standard quantum limit and achieving quantum non-demolition
Published in Applied physics. B, Lasers and optics (01-02-1997)Get full text
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Quantum cryptography based on qutrit Bell inequalities
Published in Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (01-01-2003)“…We present a cryptographic protocol based upon entangled qutrit pairs. We analyze the scheme under a symmetric incoherent attack and plot the region for which…”
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The Geometry of Single-Qubit Maps
Published 06-06-2001“…The physically allowed quantum evolutions on a single qubit can be described in terms of their geometry. From a simple parameterisation of unital single-qubit…”
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Controlled phase gate for solid-state charge-qubit architectures
Published in Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (01-01-2005)“…We describe a mechanism for realizing a controlled phase gate for solid-state charge qubits. By augmenting the positionally defined qubit with an auxiliary…”
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Operational approach to the Uhlmann holonomy
Published 24-08-2006“…Physical Review A 75, 032106 (2007) We suggest a physical interpretation of the Uhlmann amplitude of a density operator. Given this interpretation we propose…”
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Quantum tomographic cryptography with Bell diagonal states: Nonequivalence of classical and quantum distillation protocols
Published in Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (01-01-2005)“…We present a generalized tomographic quantum key distribution protocol in which the two parties share a Bell diagonal mixed state of two qubits. We show that…”
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Controlled phase gate for solid-state charge qubits
Published 07-10-2004“…Phys. Rev. A 71, 012325 (2005) We describe a mechanism for realizing a controlled phase gate for solid-state charge qubits. By augmenting the positionally…”
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Implementation of controlled multi-qudit operations for a solid-state quantum computer based on charge qudits
Published 09-05-2003“…We consider a mechanism to generate controllable qudit-qudit interactions in a charge-position paradigm for a quantum computer, through the use of auxiliary…”
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Quantum tomographic cryptography with Bell diagonal states: non-equivalence of classical and quantum distillation protocols
Published 13-08-2004“…We present a generalized tomographic quantum key distribution protocol in which the two parties share a Bell diagonal mixed state of two qubits. We show that…”
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Fidelity of Single Qubit Maps
Published 24-01-2002“…Phys. Lett. A 294, 258 (2002) We describe a simple way of characterizing the average fidelity between a unitary (or anti-unitary) operator and a general…”
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Fidelity of Single Qubit Maps
Published 15-03-2001“…We give a simple way of characterising the average fidelity between a unitary and a general operation on a single qubit which only involves calculating the…”
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