Search Results - "ONYISI, P. U. E"

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  1. 1

    The ATLAS data quality defect database system by Golling, T., Hayward, H. S., Onyisi, P. U. E., Stelzer, H. J., Waller, P.

    “…The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider has implemented a new system for recording information on detector status and data quality, and for…”
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    Search for New Phenomena in Two-Body Invariant Mass Distributions Using Unsupervised Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector by Antel, C., Artoni, G., Bailey, V.  R., Bakos, E., Bauer, P., Bednyakov, V.  A., Bentvelsen, S., Berthold, A., Biswal, J.  P., Borbély, A.  G., Burdin, S., Cetin, S.  A., Chen, S., Clark, P.  J., Clissa, L., Deiana, A.  M., Delitzsch, C.  M., Demichev, M., Derue, F., Diamantopoulou, M., Etzion, E., Fabbri, L., Garay Walls, F.  M., Gilbert, B.  J., Gololo, M.  G. D., Gomes, A., Gorini, B., Gostkin, M.  I., Graham, K., Hall, J.  J., Hampshire, E.  J., Harkusha, S., Heggelund, A.  L., Hehir, N.  D., Heinlein, J.  G., Hillier, S.  J., Hoya, J., Huang, Y., Johnson, J.  W., Kagan, H., Kelly, A.  S., Khandoga, M., Krowpman, K.  S., Lacour, D., Le Boulicaut, E.  M., Lefebvre, H.  P., Leisos, A., Leitgeb, C.  E., Leitner, R., Li, Q.  Y., Lohse, T., Löschcke Centeno, G., Luehring, F., Luongo, N.  A., Lysak, R., Ma, K., Ma, L.  L., Majewski, S., Masetti, L., Maurer, J., Meng, H.  Y., Mijović, L., Mikenberg, G., Mohapatra, S., Montella, M., Nikolopoulos, K., Nunes De Moura Junior, N.  M. J., Oh, A., Oliveira Damazio, D., Passaggio, S., Pettee, M., Piacquadio, G., Privara, R., Proklova, N., Rinn, T.  T., Sampsonidou, D., Sánchez, J., Sanchez Pineda, A., Santoni, C., Schwienhorst, R., Shatalov, P.  B., Shrestha, S., Solodkov, A.  A., Sommer, P., Sonneveld, J.  M., Terzo, S., Teuscher, R.  J., Thaler, A., Traeet, A., Truong, L., Trzebinski, M., Turtuvshin, T., Tzamarias, S., Valls Ferrer, J.  A., Van Rijnbach, M., Wiglesworth, C., Worm, S.  D., Wosiek, B.  K., Yu, Y., Zeng, J.  C.

    Published in Physical review letters (2024)
    “…Searches for new resonances are performed using an unsupervised anomaly-detection technique. Events with at least one electron or muon are selected from 140…”
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    Study of High-Transverse-Momentum Higgs Boson Production in Association with a Vector Boson in the qqbb Final State with the ATLAS Detector by Aad, G, Abbott, B, Abeling, K, Abicht, N J, Abidi, S H, Aboulhorma, A, Abramowicz, H, Abreu, H, Abulaiti, Y, Acharya, B S, Adam Bourdarios, C, Adamczyk, L, Addepalli, S V, Addison, M J, Adelman, J, Adiguzel, A, Adye, T, Affolder, A A, Afik, Y, Agaras, M N, Agarwala, J, Aggarwal, A, Agheorghiesei, C, Ahmad, A, Ahmadov, F, Ahmed, W S, Ahuja, S, Ai, X, Aielli, G, Aikot, A, Ait Tamlihat, M, Aitbenchikh, B, Aizenberg, I, Akbiyik, M, Åkesson, T P A, Akimov, A V, Akiyama, D, Akolkar, N N, Aktas, S, Al Khoury, K, Alberghi, G L, Albert, J, Albicocco, P, Albouy, G L, Alderweireldt, S, Alegria, Z L, Aleksa, M, Aleksandrov, I N, Alexa, C, Alexopoulos, T, Alfonsi, F, Algren, M, Alhroob, M, Ali, B, Ali, H M J, Ali, S, Alibocus, S W, Aliev, M, Alimonti, G, Alkakhi, W, Allaire, C, Allbrooke, B M M, Allen, J F, Allendes Flores, C A, Allport, P P, Aloisio, A, Alonso, F, Alpigiani, C, Alvarez Estevez, M, Alvarez Fernandez, A, Alves Cardoso, M, Alviggi, M G, Aly, M, Amaral Coutinho, Y, Ambler, A, Amelung, C, Amerl, M, Ames, C G, Amidei, D, Amor Dos Santos, S P, Amos, K R, Ananiev, V, Anastopoulos, C, Andeen, T, Anders, J K, Andrean, S Y, Andreazza, A, Angelidakis, S, Angerami, A, Anisenkov, A V, Annovi, A, Antel, C, Anthony, M T, Antipov, E, Antonelli, M, Anulli, F, Aoki, M, Aoki, T, Aparisi Pozo, J A, Aparo, M A

    Published in Physical review letters (29-03-2024)
    “…This Letter presents the first study of Higgs boson production in association with a vector boson (V=W or Z) in the fully hadronic qqbb final state using data…”
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    Observation of WZγ Production in pp Collisions at sqrt[s]=13  TeV with the ATLAS Detector by Aad, G, Abbott, B, Abeling, K, Abicht, N J, Abidi, S H, Aboulhorma, A, Abramowicz, H, Abreu, H, Abulaiti, Y, Abusleme Hoffman, A C, Acharya, B S, Adam Bourdarios, C, Adamczyk, L, Adamek, L, Addepalli, S V, Addison, M J, Adelman, J, Adiguzel, A, Adye, T, Affolder, A A, Afik, Y, Agaras, M N, Agarwala, J, Aggarwal, A, Agheorghiesei, C, Ahmad, A, Ahmadov, F, Ahmed, W S, Ahuja, S, Ai, X, Aielli, G, Ait Tamlihat, M, Aitbenchikh, B, Aizenberg, I, Akbiyik, M, Åkesson, T P A, Akimov, A V, Akiyama, D, Akolkar, N N, Al Khoury, K, Alberghi, G L, Albert, J, Albicocco, P, Albouy, G L, Alderweireldt, S, Aleksa, M, Aleksandrov, I N, Alexa, C, Alexopoulos, T, Alfonsi, A, Alfonsi, F, Algren, M, Alhroob, M, Ali, B, Ali, H M J, Ali, S, Alibocus, S W, Aliev, M, Alimonti, G, Alkakhi, W, Allaire, C, Allbrooke, B M M, Allen, J F, Allendes Flores, C A, Allport, P P, Aloisio, A, Alonso, F, Alpigiani, C, Alvarez Estevez, M, Alvarez Fernandez, A, Alves Cardoso, M, Alviggi, M G, Aly, M, Amaral Coutinho, Y, Ambler, A, Amelung, C, Amerl, M, Ames, C G, Amidei, D, Amor Dos Santos, S P, Amos, K R, Ananiev, V, Anastopoulos, C, Andeen, T, Anders, J K, Andrean, S Y, Andreazza, A, Angelidakis, S, Angerami, A, Anisenkov, A V, Annovi, A, Antel, C, Anthony, M T, Antipov, E, Antonelli, M, Antrim, D J A, Anulli, F, Aoki, M, Aoki, T, Aparisi Pozo, J A

    Published in Physical review letters (12-01-2024)
    “…This Letter reports the observation of WZγ production and a measurement of its cross section using 140.1±1.2  fb^{-1} of proton-proton collision data recorded…”
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    Combination of Measurements of the Top Quark Mass from Data Collected by the ATLAS and CMS Experiments at s=7 and 8 TeV by Waltenberger, W., Donertas, I.  S., Gomes De Souza, R., Yuan, L., Bharthuar, S., Ranken, E., Schindler, J., Gianneios, P., Sandeep, K., Palit, P., Chatterjee, S., Banerjee, S., Kar, C., Elmetenawee, W., Gennai, S., Pinolini, B.  S., Yoo, J., Szleper, M., Wulff, J.  W., Redondo Ferrero, D.  D., Duarte Campderros, J., Huber, B., Lyon, A. -M., Marchegiani, M., Amsler, C., Rout, P.  K., Dancu, J.  S., Davies, J., Hatakeyama, K., Campagnari, C., Kim, J., Patterson, J.  R., Kim, D., Bloom, K., Han, Y., Band, R., Fallon, C., Schnetzer, S., Malhotra, S., Lee, S.  W., Agheorghiesei, C., Alves Cardoso, M., Artoni, G., Backman, F., Baron Moreno, D.  A., Beau, T., Bogdanchikov, A.  G., Burger, A.  M., Cadamuro, L., Cerutti, F., Coimbra, A.  E. C., Demers, S., Dingfelder, J., Duda, D., Fournier, D., Gentile, S., Gil, D.  T., Goussiou, A.  G., Gupta, R., Heidegger, K.  K., Hertenberger, R., Hervas, L., Hubacek, Z., Kitsaki, C., Kuprash, O., Leeuw, L.  L., Li, C-Q, Liu, X., Lou, X., Love, J., Lu, Y.  J., Maguire, H., Malek, F., Manhaes de Andrade Filho, L., Marti-Garcia, S., Mc Ginn, C., Mcpartland, C.  M., Meyer, J-P, Mishima, A., Nielsen, J., Pernegger, H., Portillo Quintero, D.  M., Ramirez-Berend, I.  A., Ran, K., Rastogi, A., Raymond, M., Reed, A.  S., Ruggiero, A., Schoeffel, L., Strom, D.  M., Trefzger, T., Valente, M., Valiente Moreno, E., Vasile, M.  E., Voigt, J.  C., Vreeswijk, M., Walkowiak, W., White, A.  S., Wu, C., Yang, H.  J.

    Published in Physical review letters (27-06-2024)
    “…A combination of fifteen top quark mass measurements performed by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC is presented. The datasets used correspond to an…”
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    Measurement of the Centrality Dependence of the Dijet Yield in p+Pb Collisions at sNN=8.16 TeV with the ATLAS Detector by Antel, C., Barberis, D., Basso, M.  J., Bindi, M., Bogdanchikov, A.  G., Cardenas, J.  C. J., Carnelli, A., Catmore, J.  R., Chakraborty, D., Chargeishvili, B., Clark, P.  J., Costanza, F., Cui, Z., Cunningham, W.  R., Curcio, F., De Asmundis, R., Degens, J., Delitzsch, C.  M., Demichev, M., Derue, F., Diamantopoulou, M., Fomin, N., Franconi, L., Fujimoto, M., Ganguly, S., Garcia Caffaro, A.  G., Ghosh, A., Giacobbe, B., Giugni, D., Haley, J., Hangal, D.  A., Harkusha, S., Heidorn, W.  D., Hofer, J., Huiberts, S.  K., Jacobs, R.  M., Jenni, P., Kagan, M., Kajomovitz, E., Kawamoto, C., Kazakos, S., Kepka, O., Kukhtin, V., Lahbabi, F.  Z., Lampoudis, C., Laurier, A., Leinonen, W., Leney, K.  J. C., Li, Z., Lohse, T., Maguire, H., Majewski, S., Maltezos, S., Mandalia, J.  P., Marti-Garcia, S., Martinez Agullo, P., Marzin, A., Massa, L., Mastrandrea, P., Mc Kee, S.  P., Moskvitina, P., Moyse, E.  J. W., Mullin, A.  J., Nagy, E., Nelson, C., Nommensen, T., Nozka, L., Oerdek, S., Pacheco Pages, A., Palacino, G., Pasqualucci, E., Patel, P., Qichen, D., Robson, A., Saito, T., Sandaker, H., Sawada, R., Schott, M., Severini, H., Shapiro, M., Shlomi, J., Smith, E.  A., Soldevila, U., Sonay, A., Svatos, M., Tayalati, Y., Tskhadadze, E.  G., Tsopoulou, M., Tuna, A.  N., Turk Cakir, I., Van Gemmeren, P., Vanadia, M., Wang, Z., Watton, E., Wilson, B.  J., Woodward, E.  L., Wu, S.  L., Zeng, H., Zhemchugov, A., Zhou, N.

    Published in Physical review letters (07-03-2024)
    “…ATLAS measured the centrality dependence of the dijet yield using 165 nb-1 of p + Pb data collected at $\sqrt{^SNN}$ =8.16 TeV in 2016. The event centrality,…”
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    Combined Measurement of the Higgs Boson Mass from the $H→γγ$ and $H→ZZ$→ 4⁢ℓ Decay Channels with the ATLAS Detector Using $\sqrt{s}$ = 7, 8, and 13 TeV $pp$ Collision Data by Ahuja, S., Alderweireldt, S., Alonso, F., Anisenkov, A.  V., Antipov, E., Antonelli, M., Anulli, F., Azuelos, G., Bailey, V.  R., Baker, O.  K., Bauer, P., Bentvelsen, S., Biglietti, M., Boehler, M., Bogdanchikov, A.  G., Burdin, S., Calafiura, P., Camarero Munoz, D., Carnelli, A., Chu, X., Coadou, Y., Connell, S.  H., Etzion, E., Fabbri, L., Fomin, N., Franconi, L., Fuenzalida Garrido, S., Fujimoto, M., Gallop, B.  J., Gazis, E.  N., Ghorbanian, K., Godin, D., Gomes, A., Guan, W., Gwilliam, C.  B., Hadef, A., Han, L., Hommels, L.  B. A. H., Huiberts, S.  K., Iengo, P., Jones, D.  M., Jones, T.  J., Kaur, S., Kazakos, S., Keshri, S., Khoda, E.  E., Kodyš, P., Kolb, M., Lambert, J.  E., Leite, M.  A. L., Li, H., Liang, S., Lien, H., Lomas, J.  D., Long, J.  D., Longo, L., Lu, Y.  J., Mamuzic, J., Manhaes de Andrade Filho, L., Masik, J., Massa, L., Masubuchi, T., Mckenzie, R.  P., McMahon, S.  J., Mercado, G., Mishima, A., Moder, P., Mohammed, A.  F., Morange, N., Nayak, R., Nechansky, F., Nindhito, H.  R., Onofre, A., Pan, T., Pinto Pinoargote, A.  E., Pirttikoski, A., Pollard, C.  S., Poulsen, T., Ragusa, F., Ramirez-Berend, I.  A., Robson, A., Saito, T., Sandaker, H., Sawada, R., Schott, M., Severini, H., Shapiro, M., Smith, E.  A., Soldevila, U., Sonay, A., Thomas, J.  P., Tudorache, A., Turra, R., Tuts, P.  M., Van Vulpen, I., Vecchio, V., Williams, H.  H., Yang, X., Ye, H., Zhao, H.

    Published in Physical review letters (21-12-2023)
    “…A measurement of the mass of the Higgs boson combining the H → ZZ* → 4ℓ and H → γγ decay channels is presented. The result is based on 140 fb–1 of…”
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    Measurement of the Sensitivity of Two-Particle Correlations in $\mathcal{pp}$ Collisions to the Presence of Hard Scatterings by Atkinson, M., Barberis, D., Basso, M.  J., Bechtle, P., Bhatta, S., Boehler, M., Bogdanchikov, A.  G., Bossio Sola, J.  D., Boudreau, J., Bruce, L.  E., Bruckman de Renstrom, P.  A., Callea, G., Chen, S., Chow, E.  Y. S., Coelli, S., Corpe, L.  D., Curcio, F., D’Auria, S., Davis-Purcell, B., Dedovich, D.  V., Delmastro, M., Djama, F., Farazpay, Z., Feng, C., Fernandez Luengo, S.  I., Filipčič, A., Fleck, I., Fomin, N., Garg, R.  B., Guida, A., Hanagaki, K., Hinds, J.  R., Hugli, C.  A., Ibragimov, I., Ivina, A., Jamieson, J., Jiang, Y., Karkanias, I., Khwaira, Y.  A. R., Klein, C., Klioutchnikova, T., Krieger, P., Kuze, M., Kvita, J., Laatu, L.  A. O., Lacker, H., Lai, S., Lampl, W., Lancaster, A.  N., Lee, S.  C., Leroy, C., Levinson, L.  J., Li, A., Li, B., Li, Z., Makovec, N., Manzoni, S., Marcon, C., Martin-Haugh, S., Mazza, M., Mclaughlin, D.  J., Min, T., Miralles Lopez, M., Monig, G., Moschovakos, P., Mosidze, M., Nguyen, H.  D. N., Passaggio, S., Pereira, B. Pinheiro, Puddefoot, J.  E., Quadt, A., Quetant, G., Rafanoharana, D., Salzburger, A., Santos, H., Schleicher, K.  E., Shrestha, S., Shroff, M.  J., Simoniello, R., Sinha, S., Sioli, M., Solans Sanchez, C.  A., Solomon, S., Spiteri, D.  P., Spousta, M., Stanitzki, M.  M., Stelzer-Chilton, O., Stewart, G.  A., Tsai, F., Tzovara, E., Ushioda, R., Vermeulen, J.  C., Von Toerne, E., Wang, T., Watson, A.  T., Weidberg, A.  R., Yeletskikh, I., Yorita, K., Zhang, R., Zheng, X.

    Published in Physical review letters (16-10-2023)
    “…A key open question in the study of multiparticle production in high-energy pp collisions is the relationship between the “ridge”—i.e., the observed azimuthal…”
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  10. 10

    Observation of the $γγ → ττ$ Process in $\mathrm{Pb + Pb}$ Collisions and Constraints on the $\tau$-Lepton Anomalous Magnetic Moment with the ATLAS Detector by Ahmadov, F., Alderweireldt, S., Alfonsi, A., Anastopoulos, C., Anthony, M.  T., Arguin, J-F, Azuelos, G., Barillari, T., Baron, P., Bauer, P., Bindi, M., Bogdanchikov, A.  G., Cardenas, J.  C. J., Corrigan, E.  E., Desch, K., Di Nardo, R., Djobava, T., Ehrke, L.  F., Fedin, O.  L., Ferrari, A., Ferretti, C., Forti, A.  C., Franconi, L., Franklin, M., Fritzsche, N., Harenberg, T., Heidegger, C., Hejbal, J., Hinchliffe, I., Hirose, M., Hodgkinson, M.  C., Horii, Y., Huang, S., Javurkova, M., Jones, E., Karyukhin, A.  N., Katzy, J., Kirchhoff, A., Kodama, T., Koeck, D.  M., Korotkova, N., Kumari, N., Kuze, M., Kvita, J., Leisos, A., Li, J., Li, Q.  Y., Liu, M., Livan, M., Lucotte, A., Lysak, R., Malaescu, B., Manzoni, S., Meirose, B., Meyer, J-P, Mohammed, A.  F., Monnier, E., Morii, M., Murin, M., Nellist, C., Nguyen, H.  D. N., Nobe, T., Novak, J., Padovano, G., Parrish, V.  A., Plesanovs, V., Popeneciu, G.  A., Potamianos, K., Potti, H., Renardi, A., Robles Gajardo, C.  M., Santos, H., Sharma, P., Singh, S., Sinha, S., Sioli, M., Smizanska, M., Stelzer-Chilton, O., Stewart, G.  A., Tanaka, A., Tlou, S.  H., Tokushuku, K., Tsuno, S., Tzovara, E., Ushioda, R., Vaslin, L., Veliscek, I., Vranjes, N., Wahdan, S., Wang, T., Warrack, N., Watson, A.  T., Wei, C., Xella, S., Xu, Z., Yang, H.  J., Yang, X., Zeng, J.  C., Zerwas, D., Zhang, L.

    Published in Physical review letters (12-10-2023)
    “…This Letter reports the observation of τ-lepton pair production in ultraperipheral lead-lead collisions, Pb+Pb→Pb(γγ→ττ)Pb, and constraints on the τ-lepton…”
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    Search for Heavy Neutral Leptons in Decays of $W$ Bosons Using a Dilepton Displaced Vertex in $\sqrt3$ = TeV $pp$ Collisions with the ATLAS Detector by Arguin, J-F, Azuelos, G., Bakalis, C., Balz, J., Bashta, I., Beck, H.  P., Benjamin, D.  P., Biglietti, M., Bjørke, K., Borgna, L.  S., Bortoletto, D., Bouquet, R., Burdin, S., Catmore, J.  R., Chen, S., Cheung, K., Chu, M.  C., Cieri, D., Clark, P.  J., Dabrowski, W., D’Amico, V., de Jong, P., Derendarz, D., Di Bello, F.  A., Díez Cornell, S., Dinu, I-M, Dülsen, C., Dziedzic, B.  S., Ene, I., Evans, H., Forland, B.  C., Formica, A., Freeman, P.  M., Gibson, S.  M., Gingrich, D.  M., Gwenlan, C., Haley, J., Herrmann, T., Hong, Y., Kado, M., Karentzos, E., Kersten, S., Krüger, H., Lai, S., Lange, J.  C., Leonidopoulos, C., Linck, R.  A., Majewski, S., Mankad, D.  C., Marjanovic, M., Martinez, M., McKay, M.  A., Morvaj, L., Nagano, K., Nishu, N., Ould-Saada, F., Ozcan, V.  E., Parker, A.  J., Pedersen, M., Petrukhin, A., Polini, A., Pozo Astigarraga, M.  E., Reynolds, E., Robles Gajardo, C.  M., Rocchi, A., Rousso, D., Rüttinger, E.  M., Sánchez, J., Sanchez Pineda, A., Schmieden, K., Sekhniaidze, G., Silverstein, S.  B., Slawinska, M., Smirnov, Y., Stanitzki, M.  M., Stärz, S., Stelzer-Chilton, O., Stockton, M.  C., Stugu, B., Sultanaliyeva, L., Todt, S., Trzebinski, M., Tsulaia, V., Uchida, K., Vannoli, L., Vessella, M., Vranjes, N., Wang, P., Wang, R. -J., Wang, W.  T., Wittgen, M., Xu, R., Xu, Z., Yan, Z., Zanzi, D., Zenin, O., Zhao, T., Zhu, H.  L., Zieminska, D., Zinsser, J.

    Published in Physical review letters (07-08-2023)
    “…A search for a long-lived, heavy neutral lepton ($\mathscr{N}$) in 139 fb-1 of $\sqrt3$ = TeV $pp$ collision data collected by the ATLAS detector at the Large…”
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    Confirmation of the Y ( 4260 ) resonance production in initial state radiation by He, Q., Insler, J., Muramatsu, H., Park, C. S., Thorndike, E. H., Yang, F., Coan, T. E., Gao, Y. S., Artuso, M., Blusk, S., Butt, J., Li, J., Menaa, N., Mountain, R., Nisar, S., Randrianarivony, K., Sia, R., Skwarnicki, T., Stone, S., Wang, J. C., Zhang, K., Csorna, S. E., Bonvicini, G., Cinabro, D., Dubrovin, M., Lincoln, A., Asner, D. M., Edwards, K. W., Briere, R. A., Chen, J., Ferguson, T., Tatishvili, G., Vogel, H., Watkins, M. E., Rosner, J. L., Adam, N. E., Alexander, J. P., Berkelman, K., Cassel, D. G., Duboscq, J. E., Ecklund, K. M., Ehrlich, R., Fields, L., Galik, R. S., Gibbons, L., Gray, R., Gray, S. W., Hartill, D. L., Hertz, D., Jones, C. D., Kandaswamy, J., Kreinick, D. L., Kuznetsov, V. E., Mahlke-Krüger, H., Onyisi, P. U. E., Patterson, J. R., Peterson, D., Pivarski, J., Riley, D., Ryd, A., Sadoff, A. J., Schwarthoff, H., Shi, X., Stroiney, S., Sun, W. M., Wilksen, T., Weinberger, M., Athar, S. B., Patel, R., Potlia, V., Yelton, J., Rubin, P., Cawlfield, C., Eisenstein, B. I., Karliner, I., Kim, D., Lowrey, N., Naik, P., Sedlack, C., Selen, M., White, E. J., Wiss, J., Mitchell, R. E., Shepherd, M. R., Besson, D., Pedlar, T. K., Cronin-Hennessy, D., Gao, K. Y., Hietala, J., Kubota, Y., Klein, T., Lang, B. W., Poling, R., Scott, A. W., Smith, A., Zweber, P., Dobbs, S., Metreveli, Z., Seth, K. K., Tomaradze, A.

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    The ATLAS Data Quality Defect Database System by Golling, T, Hayward, H. S, Onyisi, P. U. E, Stelzer, H. J, Waller, P

    Published 14-05-2012
    “…Eur. Phys. J. C 72(4), 1960 The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider has implemented a new system for recording information on detector status and…”
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    Heavy Flavor Physics at CLEO-c by Onyisi, P. U. E

    Published 03-07-2009
    “…Nuovo Cim.C32N5-6:235-243,2009 The CLEO-c experiment, running at charm threshold, has measured many charmed meson properties. Here I summarize results on…”
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    Improved Measurement of Absolute Branching Fraction of Ds to tau nu by CLEO Collaboration, Onyisi, P. U. E

    Published 11-03-2009
    “…Phys.Rev.D79:052002,2009 We have studied the leptonic decay D^+_s to tau^+ nu_tau, via the decay channel tau^+ to e^+ nu_e anti-nu_tau, using a sample of…”
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    Search for lepton flavor violation in upsilon decays by Love, W, Savinov, V, Lopez, A, Mehrabyan, S, Mendez, H, Ramirez, J, Huang, G S, Miller, D H, Pavlunin, V, Sanghi, B, Shipsey, I P J, Xin, B, Adams, G S, Anderson, M, Cummings, J P, Danko, I, Hu, D, Moziak, B, Napolitano, J, He, Q, Insler, J, Muramatsu, H, Park, C S, Thorndike, E H, Yang, F, Artuso, M, Blusk, S, Horwitz, N, Khalil, S, Li, J, Menaa, N, Mountain, R, Nisar, S, Randrianarivony, K, Sia, R, Skwarnicki, T, Stone, S, Wang, J C, Bonvicini, G, Cinabro, D, Dubrovin, M, Lincoln, A, Asner, D M, Edwards, K W, Naik, P, Briere, R A, Ferguson, T, Tatishvili, G, Vogel, H, Watkins, M E, Rosner, J L, Adam, N E, Alexander, J P, Berkelman, K, Cassel, D G, Duboscq, J E, Ehrlich, R, Fields, L, Galik, R S, Gibbons, L, Gray, R, Gray, S W, Hartill, D L, Heltsley, B K, Hertz, D, Jones, C D, Kandaswamy, J, Kreinick, D L, Kuznetsov, V E, Mahlke-Krüger, H, Mohapatra, D, Onyisi, P U E, Patterson, J R, Peterson, D, Pivarski, J, Riley, D, Ryd, A, Sadoff, A J, Schwarthoff, H, Shi, X, Stroiney, S, Sun, W M, Wilksen, T, Athar, S B, Patel, R, Yelton, J, Rubin, P, Cawlfield, C, Eisenstein, B I, Karliner, I, Kim, D, Lowrey, N, Selen, M, White, E J, Wiss, J, Mitchell, R E, Shepherd, M R, Besson, D, Pedlar, T K, Cronin-Hennessy, D

    Published in Physical review letters (14-11-2008)
    “…In this Letter, we describe a search for lepton flavor violation (LFV) in the bottomonium system. We search for leptonic decays Upsilon(nS)-->mutau (n=1, 2,…”
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