Search Results - "OLIVEIRA, Flávio P"

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  1. 1

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation of posterior parietal cortex affects decisions of hand choice by Oliveira, Flavio T. P., Diedrichsen, Jörn, Verstynen, Timothy, Duque, Julie, Ivry, Richard B.

    “…Deciding which hand to use for an action is one of the most frequent decisions people make in everyday behavior. Using a speeded reaching task, we provide…”
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  2. 2

    Proactive and reactive processes in the medial frontal cortex: an electrophysiological study by Oliveira, Flavio T P, Hickey, Clayton, McDonald, John J

    Published in PloS one (03-01-2014)
    “…The posterior medial frontal cortex (pMFC) is known to be involved in adaptive goal-directed behavior, but its specific function is not yet clear. Most…”
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  3. 3

    Performance monitoring in the anterior cingulate is not all error related: expectancy deviation and the representation of action-outcome associations by Oliveira, Flavio T P, McDonald, John J, Goodman, David

    Published in Journal of cognitive neuroscience (01-12-2007)
    “…Several converging lines of evidence suggest that the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is selectively involved in error detection or evaluation of poor…”
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  4. 4

    The Representation of Action: Insights from Bimanual Coordination by Oliveira, Flavio T. P., Ivry, Richard B.

    “…The motor-program concept, emphasizing how actions are represented in the brain, helped bring the study of motor control into the realm of cognitive…”
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    Esternotomia mediana como via preferencial na anastomose de Blalock-Taussig modificada by ABRAHÃO, Rogério, Kalil, Renato Abdala K., Boustany, Sharbel M., SANT'ANNA, João Ricardo M., Prates, Paulo R., TEIXEIRA FILHO, Guaracy F., WENDER, Orlando C. B., Oliveira, Flávio P., NESRALLA, Ivo A.

    “…A abordagem usual para a realização da anastomose de Blalock-Taussig modificada (ABTM) tem sido a toracotomia lateral. Esta via acarreta necessariamente trauma…”
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    Conscious and Effortful or Effortless and Automatic: A Practice/Performance Paradox in Motor Learning by Oliveira, Flavio T. P., Goodman, David

    Published in Perceptual and motor skills (01-08-2004)
    “…High cognitive effort has been frequently related to better indices of motor learning through the study of many different paradigms. However, automaticity…”
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    Fatores preditivos de reversão a ritmo sinusal após intervenção na valva mitral em pacientes com fibrilação atrial crônica by Claudia MARATIA, Renato A. K KALIL, João Ricardo M SANT'ANNA, Paulo R PRATES, Orlando C WENDER, Guaracy F TEIXEIRA FILHO, Rogério ABRAHÃO, Flávio P OLIVEIRA, Ivo A NESRALLA

    “…Pacientes portadores de valvopatia mitral resultante de febre reumática podem exibir fibrilação atrial decorrente de alterações anatômicas e funcionais da…”
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    Energy-minimization bias: compensating for intrinsic influence of energy-minimization mechanisms by Oliveira, Flavio T P, Elliott, Digby, Goodman, David

    Published in Motor control (01-01-2005)
    “…Anecdotal and scientific evidence suggest humans tend to undershoot targets in rapid movements. We investigated whether this undershoot bias derives from…”
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    Proactive and Reactive Processes in the Medial Frontal Cortex: An Electrophysiological Study: e84351 by Oliveira, Flavio TP, Hickey, Clayton, McDonald, John J

    Published in PloS one (01-01-2014)
    “…The posterior medial frontal cortex (pMFC) is known to be involved in adaptive goal-directed behavior, but its specific function is not yet clear. Most…”
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  12. 12

    Esternotomia mediana como via preferencial na anastomose de Blalock-Taussig modificada by ABRAHÃO, Rogério, Kalil, Renato Abdala K., Boustany, Sharbel M., SANT'ANNA, João Ricardo M., Prates, Paulo R., TEIXEIRA FILHO, Guaracy F., WENDER, Orlando C. B., Oliveira, Flávio P., NESRALLA, Ivo A.

    “…A abordagem usual para a realização da anastomose de Blalock-Taussig modificada (ABTM) tem sido a toracotomia lateral. Esta via acarreta necessariamente trauma…”
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    Short of the goal? by Oliveira, Flavio T.P

    Published in Coach and Athletic Director (01-04-2006)
    “…In the show entitled: "Better Baseball", John Garver, a retired high school teacher, argues that baseball players, when hitting high and low pitches, present…”
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