Search Results - "O.O. Pypka"
Automorphism groups of some non-nilpotent Leibniz algebras
Published in Researches in mathematics (Online) (08-07-2024)“…Let $L$ be an algebra over a field $F$ with the binary operations $+$ and $[,]$. Then $L$ is called a left Leibniz algebra if it satisfies the left Leibniz…”
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On Poisson (2-3)-algebras which are finite-dimensional over the center
Published in Researches in mathematics (Online) (08-07-2024)“…One of the classic results of group theory is the so-called Schur theorem. It states that if the central factor-group $G/\zeta(G)$ of a group $G$ is finite,…”
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Description of the automorphism groups of some Leibniz algebras
Published in Researches in mathematics (Online) (19-06-2023)“…Let $L$ be an algebra over a field $F$ with the binary operations $+$ and $[,]$. Then $L$ is called a left Leibniz algebra if it satisfies the left Leibniz…”
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The description of the automorphism groups of finite-dimensional cyclic Leibniz algebras
Published in Dopovidi Nacionalʹnoï akademiï nauk Ukraïni (10-05-2022)“…In the study of Leibniz algebras, the information about their automorphisms (as well as about endomorphisms, derivations, etc.) is very useful. We describe the…”
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Some Relationships between the Generalized Central Series of Leibniz Algebras
Published in Ukrainian mathematical journal (01-05-2022)“…We prove the existence of a close relationship between the generalized central series of Leibniz algebras. We also prove some analogs of the classical Schur…”
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On the Automorphism Groups for Some Leibniz Algebras of Low Dimensions
Published in Ukrainian mathematical journal (01-03-2023)“…We study the automorphism groups of Leibniz algebras of low dimensions and obtain complete descriptions of the automorphism groups of Leibniz algebras of…”
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On Leibniz Algebras whose Subalgebras are Either Ideals or Self-Idealizing Subalgebras
Published in Ukrainian mathematical journal (01-11-2021)“…A subalgebra S of a Leibniz algebra L is called self-idealizing in L if it coincides with its idealizer I L ( S ) . We study the structure of Leibniz algebras…”
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On the Relationships Between Central Series in Some Locally Finite Groups
Published in Ukrainian mathematical journal (01-03-2017)“…It is shown that the class of locally finite divisible-by-bounded groups is both a Schur class and a Baer class…”
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Про деякi групи з чернiковською групою автоморфiзмiв
Published in Vìsnik Dnìpropetrovsʹkogo unìversitetu. Serìâ Matematika (Online) (01-08-2014)“…Отримано автоморфний аналог теореми Шура у випадку, коли довiльна пiдгрупа A групи автоморфiзмiв Aut(G) групи G та фактор-група групи G по A-центру є…”
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