Search Results - "Nurmukhanbetova A."

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    18F alpha cluster structure in the resonant 14N+α scattering by Nurmukhanbetova, A. K., Goldberg, V. Z., Volya, A., Nauruzbayev, D. K., Rogachev, G. V.

    “…The resonant 14 N+ α particle scattering was studied in the 18 F excitation region from 6.5 to 9 MeV at Astana cyclotron using the TTIK approach. The…”
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    Strong Resonances at High Excitation Energy in O Alpha Resonance Scattering by Nauruzbayev, D. K., Nurmukhanbetova, A. K., Goldberg, V. Z., Cognata, M. La, Pietro, A. Di, Figuera, P., Cherubini, S., Gulino, M., Lamia, L., Pizzone, R. G., Spartà, R., Tumino, A., Serikov, A., Gazeeva, E. M.

    Published in Physics of atomic nuclei (01-07-2020)
    “…The thick target inverse kinematics (TTIK) approach was used to measure excitation functions for the elastic O ( ) scattering at the initial O beam energy of…”
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    An Effective Way of Measuring the Excitation Function for (α, n) Reactions at Low Energies by Gazeeva, E. M., Bezbakh, A. A., Goldberg, V. Z., Golovkov, M. S., Zalewski, B., Kurmanaliyev, Zh. K., Nauruzbayev, D. K., Nurmukhanbetova, A. K., Serikov, A.

    “…A new way of measuring the excitation function for reactions with neutron emission is presented. A trial experiment is performed using a DC-60 heavy ion…”
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    Thick target inverse kinematics approach for neutron emission by Goldberg, V. Z., Gazeeva, E. M., Golovkov, M. S., Bezbakh, A. A., Nauruzbayev, D. K., Nurmukhanbetova, A. K., Kurmanaliyev, Zh, Serikov, A., Zalewski, B., Rogachev, G. V.

    Published in Physical review research (12-08-2020)
    “…We applied the thick target inverse kinematics method for a study of resonances decaying through neutron emission. In this approach, the time of flight of the…”
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    The Lowest Broad Alpha Cluster Resonances in $^{19}$F by Volya, A, Goldberg, V. Z, Nurmukhanbetova, A. K, Nauruzbayev, D. K, Rogachev, G. V

    Published 28-04-2021
    “…There is a deep astrophysical interest in the structure of $^{19}$F states close to the alpha decay threshold. The nuclear structure of these states is…”
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    Low Energy Resonances 22Ne(α, α) in Elastic Scattering by Nauruzbayev, D. K., Nurmukhanbetova, A. K., Goldberg, V. Z.

    Published in Physics of particles and nuclei (01-04-2022)
    “…The Thick Target Inverse Kinematic approach was used to measure the elastic 22 Ne(α, α) scattering. The new resonance structures were observed at low energies…”
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    The TTIK approach for neutrons by Goldberg, V. Z, Gazeeva, E. M, Golovkov, M. S, Bezbakh, A. A, Nauruzbayev, D. K, Nurmukhanbetova, A. K, Kurmanaliyev, Zh, Serikov, A, Zalewski, B, Rogachev, G. V

    Published 18-02-2020
    “…Phys. Rev. Research 2, 032036 (2020) We applied Thick Target Inverse Kinematics Method for a study of resonances decaying through neutron emission. As a test…”
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    Strong resonances at high excitation energy in 17O+alpha resonance scattering by Nauruzbayev, D. K, Nurmukhanbetova, A. K, Goldberg, V. Z, La Cognata, M, Di Pietro, A, Figuera, P, Cherubini, S, Gulino, M, Lamia, L, Pizzone, R. G, Spart`a, R, Tumino, A, Serikov, A, Gazeeva, E. M

    Published 20-10-2019
    “…The Thick Target Inverse Kinematic (TTIK) approach was used to measure excitation functions for the elastic 17O ({\alpha}, {\alpha}) scattering at the initial…”
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    Study of the excitation function for the 13C + 4He elastic scattering with the thick-target inverse kinematics method by Mynbayev, N. A., Nurmukhanbetova, A. K., Gol’dberg, V. Z., Golovkov, M. S., Rogachev, G. V., Dzyubin, V. N., Koloberdin, M. V., Ivanov, I. A., Tribble, R. E.

    “…The results of the study of the resonance α + 13 C interaction using the thick-target inverse kinematic method at the heavy ion DC-60 cyclotron are presented…”
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    Study of the excitation function for the [sup.13]C + [sup.4]He elastic scattering with the thick-target inverse kinematics method by Mynbayev, N.A, Nurmukhanbetova, A.K, Goldberg, V.Z, Golovkov, M.S, Rogachev, G.V, Dzyubin, V.N, Koloberdin, M.V, Ivanov, I.A, Tribble, R.E

    “…The results of the study of the resonance α + [sup.13]C interaction using the thick-target inverse kinematic method at the heavy ion DC-60 cyclotron are…”
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    {21}$Ne level structure in the resonance $^{17}$O+$\alpha$ elastic scattering by Nurmukhanbetova, A. K, Goldberg, V. Z, Nauruzbayev, D. K, Golovkov, M. S, Volya, A

    Published 04-05-2019
    “…Phys. Rev. C 100, 062802 (2019) The first study of resonances in $^{17}$O+$\alpha$ elastic scattering was carried out using the Thick Target Inverse Kinematics…”
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    Structure of $^{20}$Ne states in the resonance $^{16}$O+$\alpha$ elastic scattering by Nauruzbayev, D. K, Goldberg, V. Z, Nurmukhanbetova, A. K, Golovkov, M. S, Volya, A, Rogachev, G. V, Tribble, R. E

    Published 26-04-2017
    “…Phys. Rev. C 96, 014322 (2017) Background The nuclear structure of the cluster bands in $^{20}$Ne presents a challenge for different theoretical approaches. It…”
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