Search Results - "Nur Farhana Abdul Rahman"
Religious Tolerance Conceptual Framework: Malaysian Religious Leaders and Scholars’ Perspective
Published in International journal of Islamic thought (01-12-2023)“…Religious tolerance is an important element in developing the balance and harmony cf Malaysia's pluralistic society. Despite this, there are still some…”
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Culturally Wetland Responsive Teaching to Improve Science Literacy and Wasaka Character
Published in Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research (Online) (30-04-2024)“…Chemistry students still have low levels of scientific literacy, although in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the transition to Society 5.0,…”
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al-Wasatiyyah in the practice of religious tolerance among the families of new Muslims in sustaining a well-being society
Published in Humanomics (01-01-2017)“…Purpose The main value in a culture of tolerance is wasatiyyah. The fragility of relationships and misunderstanding between Muslim and non-Muslim communities…”
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Pemahaman Konsep Tauhid Asas Keharmonian Kepelbagaian Agama
Published in International journal of Islamic thought (01-06-2012)“…Efforts in forming harmonious existence among religious believers have produced two important responses and approaches as reaction to religious diversity. The…”
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Muhajir Penjana Interaksi dan Toleransi Beragama Saudara Baru-Muslim-Non-Muslim
Published in Akademika (Kuala Lumpur) (01-08-2017)“…Saudara Baru, Saudara Muslim dan Mualaf merupakan istilah yang sering dirujuk sebagai individu yang mulai berjinak-jinak dengan agama Islam. Realitinya,…”
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Religious Tolerance in Malaysia: Problems and Challenges
Published in International journal of Islamic thought (01-06-2013)“…Every religion is normally perceived from their own religion to tend toward exclusiveness by claiming that their religion is the only true religion, offering…”
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Published in al-Banjari : jurnal ilmiah ilmu-ilmu keislaman Pascasarjana IAIN Antasari (31-12-2018)“…The emergence of more propaganda magazine because of propagandas or strategies development to spread the ideology of Islamic extremist groups.Dabiq magazines…”
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Persepsi Penganut Muslim dan bukan Muslim terhadap Isu-Isu Sensitif Agama: Kajian di Lembah Klang
Published in International journal of Islamic thought (01-12-2020)“…Religious sensitive issues are frequently raised in the Malaysia community whether by Muslims or non-Muslims. The rise of these issues could affect the peace…”
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Persepsi Penganut Muslim dan bukan Muslim terhadap Isu-Isu Sensitif Agama: Kajian di Lembah Klang
Published in International journal of Islamic thought (01-12-2020)“…Religious sensitive issues are frequently raised in the Malaysia community whether by Muslims or non-Muslims. The rise of these issues could affect the peace…”
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Isu-Isu Pluralisme Agama dalam Tuntutan Comango: Satu Analisis Terhadap Laporan 2013 dan 2018
Published in International journal of Islamic thought (13-06-2019)Get full text
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Inter-Religious Dialogue Activity: An Experience among Undergraduate Students in Selected Universities in Malaysia
Published in Akademika (Kuala Lumpur) (01-04-2019)“…The study is aimed at exploring a few inter-religious dialogue activities among undergraduate students in the Department of Aqidah and Islamic Thought, the…”
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Persepsi Penganut Muslim dan bukan Muslim terhadap Isu-Isu Sensitif Agama: Kajian di Lembah Klang
Published in International journal of Islamic thought (01-12-2020)“…Religious sensitive issues are frequently raised in the Malaysia community whether by Muslims or non-Muslims. The rise of these issues could affect the peace…”
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Autoriti Agama di Malaysia: Kedudukan dan Kritikan
Published in International journal of Islamic thought (01-12-2018)“…The purpose of this study is to highlight the view of G25 towards the religious authority in Malaysia. G25 is seen to have its own definitions pertaining to…”
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Autoriti Agama di Malaysia: Kedudukan dan Kritikan
Published in International journal of Islamic thought (01-12-2018)“…The purpose of this study is to highlight the view of G25 towards the religious authority in Malaysia. G25 is seen to have its own definitions pertaining to…”
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Isu-Isu Pluralisme Agama dalam Tuntutan Comango: Satu Analisis Terhadap Laporan 2013 dan 2018
Published in International journal of Islamic thought (01-06-2019)“…Coalition of Malaysian NGO’s in the UPR Process (COMANGO) is a group combines several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Malaysia. COMANGO has submitted…”
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Isu-Isu Pluralisme Agama dalam Tuntutan Comango: Satu Analisis Terhadap Laporan 2013 dan 2018
Published in International journal of Islamic thought (01-06-2019)“…Coalition of Malaysian NGO's in the UPR Process (COMANGO) is a group combines several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Malaysia. COMANGO has submitted…”
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Religious Tolerance in Malaysia: Problems and Challenges
Published in International journal of Islamic thought (01-06-2013)“…Every religion is normally perceived from their own religion to tend toward exclusiveness by claiming that their religion is the only true religion, offering…”
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Memahami Agama Lain Asas Toleransi Beragama: Tujuan dan Syarat dari Perspektif Pemimpin Agama di Malaysia
Published in Akademika (Kuala Lumpur) (01-01-2020)“…Artikel ini menjelaskan keperluan terhadap memahami agama lain sebagai asas keharmonian agama di Malaysia. Tidak dinafikan bahawa usaha untuk memupuk…”
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Pemahaman Konsep Tauhid Asas Keharmonian Kepelbagaian Agama
Published in International journal of Islamic thought (01-06-2012)“…Efforts in forming harmonious existence among religious believers have produced two important responses and approaches as reaction to religious diversity. The…”
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Memahami Agama Lain : Tujuan Dan Syarat Dari Perspektif Pemimpin Agama Di Malaysia
Published in Akademika (Kuala Lumpur) (01-01-2020)“…Kertas kerja ini menjelaskan keperluan terhadap memahami agama lain sebagai asas keharmonian agama di Malaysia. Tidak dinafikan bahawa usaha untuk memupuk…”
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