Search Results - "Novaes, Magdala de Araujo"
Telemental health in Brazil: past, present and integration into primary care
Published in Revista de psiquiatria clínica (01-04-2015)“…Background: Telemental Health Care has reported very good results and is included within mental health priorities by the World Health Organization. Objective:…”
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Providing Telehealth Services to a Public Primary Care Network: The Experience of RedeNUTES in Pernambuco, Brazil
Published in Telemedicine journal and e-health (01-08-2016)“…Information technologies have been applied in primary care domains to improve the delivery of health services. This article reports the telehealth network…”
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A telehealth strategy for increasing adherence in the treatment of hypertension in primary care
Published in Telemedicine journal and e-health (01-04-2013)“…This study describes and analyzes a telehealth strategy for Family Health Teams (FHTs) providing primary care services. This strategy aimed to increase the…”
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A human centered GeoVisualization framework to facilitate visual exploration of telehealth data: a case study
Published in Technology and health care (01-01-2012)“…Public health data is typically organized by geospatial units. Routine geographic monitoring of health data enables an understanding of the spatial patterns of…”
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Representing second opinion requests from primary care within the Brazilian tele-health program: international classification of primary care, second edition
Published in Studies in health technology and informatics (2013)“…Standardization of second opinion question-answer pairs with a classification system can be used to facilitate data sharing and reuse. The Brazilian telehealth…”
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Designing human centered GeoVisualization application--the SanaViz--for telehealth users: a case study
Published in Technology and health care (01-01-2012)“…Public health data is typically organized by geospatial unit. GeoVisualization (GeoVis) allows users to see information visually on a map. Examine telehealth…”
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Advances in obstetric telemonitoring: a systematic review
Published in International journal of medical informatics (Shannon, Ireland) (01-02-2020)“…•Obstetric telemonitoring supports the prevention of complications by local intervention prior to hospitalization.•Obstetric telemonitoring provides better…”
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Tele-education for continuing education in mental health for family healthcare teams: an experience in Pernambuco, Brazil
Published in Interface (Botucatu, Brazil) (01-10-2012)“…Studies have shown that actions relating to mental healthcare are rare within the Family Health Strategy. There is a need to raise professionals' awareness and…”
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An Obstetric Application Architecture for Information, Diagnosis and Control of Diabetes in High Risk Pregnancy
Published in Studies in health technology and informatics (21-08-2019)“…Hyperglycemia associated with pregnancy has been related to several unfavorable perinatal outcomes, as well as to the increase of incidence on future…”
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Analysis of the implementation of the TeleHealth Program in Pernambuco State, Brazil: a case study
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (01-11-2015)“…The Network of TeleHealth Centers (RedeNutes) is part of the TeleHealth Brazil Program and conducts activities for the Family Health Strategy through the…”
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Validation of Minimum Data of Archetyped Telehealth Clinical Report for Monitoring Prenatal Care
Published in Studies in health technology and informatics (2015)“…Studies on the validation of minimum data sets from international information standards have drawn the attention of the academic community to the…”
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A Comparison between LMS tools to support e-health educational activities
Published in Studies in health technology and informatics (2015)“…The objective of this study is to understand how a Learning Management System (LMS) plataform is used in a telehealth center to support two virtual learning…”
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Análise da implantação do Programa Telessaúde Brasil em Pernambuco, Brasil: estudo de casos
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (01-11-2015)“…Resumo A Rede de Núcleos de Telessaúde (RedeNutes) integra o Programa Telessaúde Brasil e desenvolve ações para Estratégia Saúde da Família, por meio dos…”
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Telefonoaudiologia como estratégia de educação permanente na atenção primária à saúde no Estado de Pernambuco
Published in Revista CEFAC (01-06-2017)“…RESUMO Objetivo: descrever a implantação e o nível de satisfação dos usuários sobre ações de tele-educação, relacionadas à saúde da comunicação humana…”
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Telespeech therapy as a continued education strategy in primary health care in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil/Telefonoaudiologia como estrategia de educacao permanente na atencao primaria a saude no estado de Pernambuco
Published in Revista CEFAC (01-05-2017)“…Purpose: to describe the Implementation and level of satisfaction of users on tele-education actions related to the health of human communication. Methods: an…”
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Análise do grau de dependência de cuidados de enfermagem em uma unidade de recuperação pós-anestésica
Published in Enfermería actual en Costa Rica (01-06-2020)“…O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar o grau de dependência de pacientes em uma Unidade de Recuperação Pós-Anestésica, comparando as necessidades de cuidados…”
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Análisis del grado de dependencia de los cuidados de enfermería en una unidad de recuperación post anestesia
Published in Enfermería actual en Costa Rica (2020)“…The objective of this research was to analyze the degree of dependence of patients in a Post Anesthesia Recovery Unit comparing nursing care needs. It is a…”
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A characterization of web-conference seminars on the health of adolescents and young people at cyber-health centers in the Brazilian State of Pernambuco
Published in Revista brasileira de saúde materno infantil = Brazilian journal of mother and child health (01-01-2012)“…Objectives: to characterize the profile of web-conference seminars on the health of adolescents and young people using registers from the cyber-education…”
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Monitoramento e rastreabilidade de artigos esterilizados no bloco operatório
Published in Revista de enfermagem UFPE on line (19-04-2019)“…RESUMOObjetivo: avaliar o conhecimento da equipe multiprofissional do bloco operatório sobre os critérios de monitoramento e rastreabilidade dos artigos…”
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Tele-educação para educação continuada das equipes de saúde da família em saúde mental: a experiência de Pernambuco, Brasil
Published in Interface: Comunicação, Saúde, Educação (01-12-2012)“…Estudos demonstram que são escassas as ações relacionadas à saúde mental na Estratégia da Saúde da Família, requerendo sensibilização e capacitação dos…”
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