Search Results - "Normuradova, Nodira M."
Aortic Isthmus Retrograde Blood Flow in Intrauterine Child as a Sign of the Terminal Stage of Placental Dysfunction: Clinical Observation
Published in Voprosy sovremennoĭ pediatrii (07-05-2023)“…Background . Aortic isthmus retrograde blood flow in intrauterine children with growth delay and centralization of blood circulation in the late stages of…”
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Prenatal Ultrasound Diagnostics of Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease in Fetus: Clinical Case
Published in Voprosy sovremennoĭ pediatrii (01-05-2022)“…Background. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease is a rare congenital anomaly with poor prognosis. It characterized by the development of cysts in…”
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Ultrasound Differential Diagnosis and Prognosis of Right Main Bronchus Atresia in Fetus: Clinical Case
Published in Voprosy sovremennoĭ pediatrii (18-05-2021)“…Background. Obstructive lesion of upper respiratory tract in fetus is extremely rare pathology with adverse perinatal outcomes. Clinical Case Description…”
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Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: Diagnostic Difficulties in Prenatal Period
Published in Pediatricheskai͡a︡ farmakologii͡a︡ : nauchno-prakticheskiĭ zhurnal Soi͡u︡za pediatrov Rossii (01-12-2021)“…The article discusses the possible diagnostic errors in the hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) with mitral atresia and intact interventricular septum…”
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Prenatal Ultrasound Signs of Cornelia de Lange Syndrome in Monochorionic Twins: Case Study
Published in Voprosy sovremennoĭ pediatrii (03-03-2022)“…Background . Cornelia de Lange syndrome is rare genetic disease manifested by short stature, limb abnormalities, craniofacial dysmorphies, and developmental…”
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