Search Results - "Norman, P.I"

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  1. 1

    Energy dependence of hyperon production in nucleus–nucleus collisions at SPS by Antinori, F, Bacon, P.A, Badalà, A, Barbera, R, Belogianni, A, Bhasin, A, Bloodworth, I.J, Bombara, M, Bruno, G.E, Bull, S.A, Caliandro, R, Campbell, M, Carena, W, Carrer, N, Clarke, R.F, Dainese, A, de Haas, A.P, de Rijke, P.C, Di Bari, D, Di Liberto, S, Divià, R, Elia, D, Evans, D, Feofilov, G.A, Fini, R.A, Ganoti, P, Ghidini, B, Grella, G, Helstrup, H, Hetland, K.F, Holme, A.K, Jacholkowski, A, Jones, G.T, Jovanovic, P, Jusko, A, Kamermans, R, Kinson, J.B, Knudson, K, Kolozhvari, A.A, Kondratiev, V, Králik, I, Kravčáková, A, Kuijer, P, Lenti, V, Lietava, R, Løvhøiden, G, Manzari, V, Martinská, G, Mazzoni, M.A, Meddi, F, Michalon, A, Morando, M, Nappi, E, Navach, F, Norman, P.I, Palmeri, A, Pappalardo, G.S, Pastirčák, B, Pišút, J, Pišútová, N, Posa, F, Quercigh, E, Riggi, F, Röhrich, D, Romano, G, Šafařı́k, K, Šándor, L, Schillings, E, Segato, G, Sené, M, Sené, R, Snoeys, W, Soramel, F, Spyropoulou-Stassinaki, M, Staroba, P, Toulina, T.A, Turrisi, R, Tveter, T.S, Urbán, J, Valiev, F, van den Brink, A, van de Ven, P, Vande Vyvre, P, van Eijndhoven, N, van Hunen, J, Vascotto, A, Vik, T, Villalobos Baillie, O, Vinogradov, L, Virgili, T, Votruba, M.F, Vrláková, J, Závada, P

    Published in Physics letters. B (12-08-2004)
    “…A measurement of strange baryon and antibaryon production in Pb–Pb collisions has been carried out by the NA57 experiment at the CERN SPS, with 40 and…”
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    Strangeness enhancement at mid-rapidity in Pb–Pb collisions at 158 A GeV/ c by Andersen, E., Antinori, F., Armenise, N., Bakke, H., Bán, J., Barberis, D., Beker, H., Beusch, W., Bloodworth, I.J., Böhm, J., Caliandro, R., Campbell, M., Cantatore, E., Carrer, N., Catanesi, M.G., Chesi, E., Dameri, M., Darbo, G., Diaczek, A., Di Bari, D., Di Liberto, S., Earl, B.C., Elia, D., Evans, D., Fanebust, K., Fini, R.A., Fontaine, J.C., Ftáčnik, J., Ghidini, B., Grella, G., Guida, M., Heijne, E.H.M., Helstrup, H., Holme, A.K., Huss, D., Jacholkowski, A., Jones, G.T., Jovanovic, P., Jusko, A., Kachelhoffer, T., Kinson, J.B., Kirk, A., Klempt, W., Knudsen, B.T.H., Knudson, K., Králik, I., Lenti, V., Lietava, R., Loconsole, R.A., Løvhøiden, G., Lupták, M., Mack, V., Manzari, V., Martinengo, P., Mazzoni, M.A., Meddi, F., Michalon, A., Michalon-Mentzer, M.E., Middelkamp, P., Morando, M., Muciaccia, M.T., Nappi, E., Navach, F., Norman, P.I., Osculati, B., Pastirčák, B., Pellegrini, F., Pı́ška, K., Posa, F., Quercigh, E., Ricci, R.A., Romano, G., Rosa, G., Rossi, L., Rotscheidt, H., Šafařı́k, K., Saladino, S., Salvo, C., Šándor, L., Segato, G., Sené, M., Sené, R., Simone, S., Snoeys, W., Staroba, P., Szafran, S., Thompson, M., Thorsteinsen, T.F., Tomasicchio, G., Torrieri, G.D., Tveter, T.S., Urbán, J., Venables, M., Villalobos Baillie, O., Virgili, T., Volte, A., Votruba, M.F., Závada, P.

    Published in Physics letters. B (1999)
    “…K S 0, Λ, Ξ, Ω and negative particle yields and transverse mass spectra have been measured at central rapidity in Pb–Pb and p–Pb collisions at 158 A GeV/ c…”
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    Enhancement of central $\Lambda, \Xi$ and $\Omega$ yields in Pb-Pb collisions at 158 A GeV/c by Andersen, E., Antinori, F., Armenise, N., Bakke, H., Ban, J., Barberis, D., Beker, H., Beusch, W., Bloodworth, I.G., Bohm, J., Caliandro, R., Campbell, M., Cantatore, E., Carrer, N., Catanesi, M.G., Chesi, E., Dameri, M., Darbo, G., Diaczek, A., Di Bari, D., Di Liberto, S., Earl, B.C., Elia, D., Evans, D., Fanebust, K., Fini, R., Fontaine, J.C., Ftacnik, J., Ghidini, B., Grella, G., Guida, M., Heijne, E.H.M., Helstrup, H., Holme, A.K., Huss, D., Jacholkowski, A., Jones, G.T., Jovanovic, P., Jusko, A., Kachanov, V.A., Kachelhoffer, T., Kinson, J.B., Kirk, A., Klempt, W., Knudsen, B.T.H., Knudson, K., Kralik, I., Lassalle, J.C., Lenti, V., Lietava, R., Loconsole, R.A., Lovhoiden, G., Luptak, M., Mack, V., Manzari, V., Martinengo, P., Mazzoni, M.A., Meddi, F., Michalon, A., Michalon-Mentzer, M.E., Middelkamp, P., Morando, M., Muciaccia, M.T., Nappi, E., Navach, F., Norman, P.I., Osculati, B., Pastircak, B., Pellegrini, F., Piska, K., Posa, F., Quercigh, E., Ricci, R.A., Romano, G., Rosa, G., Rossi, L., Rotscheidt, H., Safarik, K., Saladino, S., Salvo, C., Sandor, L., Scognetti, T., Segato, G., Sene, M., Sene, R., Simone, S., Singovski, A., Snoeys, W., Staroba, P., Szafran, S., Thompson, M., Thorsteinsen, T.F., Tomasicchio, G., Torrieri, G.D., Tveter, T.S., Urban, Jakub, Vassiliadis, G., Venables, M., Villalobos Baillie, O., Virgili, T.

    Published in Physics letters. B (06-08-1998)
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    Transverse mass spectra of strange and multi–strange particles in Pb–Pb collisions at 158 A GeV/c by Antinori et al, F.

    “…The WA97 experiment has measured the transverse mass \(({m_{\mathrm T}})\) spectra for negative hadrons (\(\mathrm{h}^-\)) and strange particles produced at…”
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    Results from NA57 by Dainese, A.

    Published in Nuclear physics. A (07-08-2006)
    “…The NA57 experiment has measured the production of strange and multi-strange hadrons in heavy-ion collisions at the CERN SPS. After briefly introducing the…”
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    Determination of the number of wounded nucleons in Pb+Pb collisions at 158 A GeV/c by Antinori et al, F.

    “…The charged particle multiplicity distributions measured by two experiments, WA97 and NA57, in Pb+Pb collisions at 158 A GeV/c have been analyzed in the…”
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    Hyperon production in lead-lead interactions at 40 and 160 A GeV/c by Antinori, F., Bacon, P.A., Badalà, A., Barbera, R., Belogianni, A., Bhasin, A., Bloodworth, I.J., Bombara, M., Bruno, G.E., Bull, S.A., Caliandro, R., Campbell, M., Carena, W., Carrer, N., Clarke, R.F., Dainese, A., de Haas, A.P., de Rijke, P.C., Bari, D. Di, Liberto, S. Di, Divià, R., Elia, D., Evans, D., Fanebust, K., Feofilov, G.A., Fini, R.A., Ganoti, P., Ghidini, B., Grella, G., Helstrup, H., Holme, A.K., Jacholkowski, A., Jones, G.T., Jovanovic, P., Jusko, A., Kamermans, R., Kinson, J.B., Knudson, K., Kolozhvari, A.A., Kondratiev, V., Králik, I., Kravčáková, A., Kuijer, P., Lenti, V., Lietava, R., Løvhøiden, G., Manzari, V., Martinská, G., Mazzoni, M.A., Meddi, F., Michalon, A., Morando, M., Nappi, E., Navach, F., Norman, P.I., Palmeri, A., Pappalardo, G.S., Pastirčák, B., Pišút, J., Pišútova, N., Posa, F., Quercigh, E., Riggi, F., Röhrich, D., Romano, G., Šafařík, K., Šándor, L., Schillings, E., Segato, G., Sené, M., Sené, R., Snoeys, W., Soramel, F., Spyropoulou-Stassinaki, M., Staroba, P., Toulina, T.A., Turrisi, R., Tveter, T.S., Urbán, J., Valiev, F., van den Brink, A., van de Ven, P., Vyvre, P. Vande, van Eijndhoven, N., van Hunen, J., Vascotto, A., Vik, T., Baillie, O. Villalobos, Vinogradov, L., Virgili, T., Votruba, M.F., Vrláková, J., Závada, P.

    “…AbstractThe NA57 experiment has measured strange baryon and antibaryon production in Pb-Pb collisions at 40 A GeV/c and 160 A GeV/c beam momenta. This…”
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    Hyperon production in 158 and 40 A GeV/ c Pb Pb and p-Be collisions from the NA57 experiment by Antinori, F., Bacon, P.A., Badala`, A., Barbera, R., Belogianni, A., Bhasin, A., Bloodworth, I.J., Bombara, M., Bruno, G.E., Bull, S.A., Caliandro, R., Campbell, M., Carena, W., Carrer, N., Clarke, R.F., Dainese, A., de Haas, A.P., de Rijke, P.C., Di Bari, D., Di Liberto, S., Divia`, R., Elia, D., Evans, D., Fanebust, K., Feofilov, G.A., Fini, R.A., Ganoti, P., Ghidini, B., Grella, G., Helstrup, H., Holme, A.K., Jacholkowski, A., Jones, G.T., Jovanovic, P., Jusko, A., Kamermans, R., Kinson, J.B., Knudson, K., Kolozhvari, A.A., Kondratiev, V., Kra´lik, I., Kravcˇa´kova´, A., Kuijer, P., Lenti, V., Lietava, R., Løvhøiden, G., Manzari, V., Martinska´, G., Mazzoni, M.A., Meddi, F., Michalon, A., Morando, M., Nappi, E., Navach, F., Norman, P.I., Palmeri, A., Pappalardo, G.S., Pastircˇa´k, B., Pisˇu´t, J., Posa, F., Quercigh, E., Riggi, F., Ro¨hrich, D., Romano, G., Sˇafarˇi´k, K., Sˇandor, L., Schillings, E., Segato, G., Sene´, M., Sene´, R., Snoeys, W., Soramel, F., Spyropoulou-Stassinaki, M., Staroba, P., Toulina, T.A., Turrisi, R., Tveter, T.S., Urba´n, J., Valiev, F., van den Brink, A., van de Ven, P., Vande Vyvre, P., van Eijndhoven, N., van Hunen, J., Vascotto, A., Vik, T., Villalobos-Baillie, O., Vinogradov, L., Virgili, T., Votruba, M.F., Vrla´kova´, J., Za´vada, P.

    Published in Nuclear Physics A (2004)
    “…The NA57 experiment at the CERN SPS has measured strange baryon and antibaryon production in Pb Pb collisions with 158 and 40 A GeV/ c beam momenta. Recent…”
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    Strangeness enhancement at midrapidity in Pb–Pb collisions at 158 A GeV/c: A comparison with VENUS and RQMD models by Antinori et al, F.

    “…Recently the WA97 Collaboration has measured \(\mathrm{K}^0_{\mathrm{S}}\), \(\mathrm\Lambda\), \(\mathrm\Xi\), \(\mathrm\Omega\) and negative particle yields…”
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    Results on 40 A GeV/ c Pb Pb collisions from the NA57 experiment by Antinori, F., Badalá, A., Barbera, R., Belogianni, A., Bhasin, A., Bloodworth, I.J., Bruno, G.E., Bull, S.A., Caliandro, R., Campbell, M., Carena, W., Carrer, N., Clarke, R.F., Dainese, A., de Haas, A.P., de Rijke, P.C., Di Bari, D., Di Liberto, S., Divia, R., Elia, D., Evans, D., Fanebust, K., Fayazzadeh, F., Fedorisˇin, J., Feofilov, G.A., Fini, R.A., Ganoti, P., Ghidini, B., Grella, G., Helstrup, H., Henriquez, M., Holme, A.K., Jacholkowski, A., Jones, G.T., Jovanovic, P., Jusko, A., Kamermans, R., Kinson, J.B., Knudson, K., Kolozhavari, A.A., Kondratiev, V., Králik, I., Kravcˇáková, A., Kuijer, P., Lenti, V., Lietava, R., Løvhøiden, G., Manzari, V., Martinská, G., Mazzoni, M.A., Meddi, F., Michalon, A., Morando, M., Nappi, E., Navach, F., Norman, P.I., Palmeri, A., Pappalardo, G.S., Pastircˇák, B., Pisˇút, J., Pisˇútova, N., Posa, F., Quercigh, E., Riggi, F., Röhrich, D., Romano, G., Sˇafarˇík, K., Sˇándor, L., Schillings, E., Segato, G., Sené, M., Sené, R., Snoeys, W., Soramel, F., Spyropoulou-Stassinaki, M., Staroba, P., Toulina, T.A., Turrisi, R., Tveter, T.S., Urbán, J., Valiev, F., van den Brink, A., van de Ven, P., Vande Vyrvre, P., van Eijndhoven, N., van Hunen, J., Vascotto, A., Vik, T., Villalobos Baillie, O., Vinogradov, L., Virgili, T., Votruba, M.F., Vrláková, J., Závada, P.

    Published in Nuclear Physics A (2003)
    “…The NA57 experiment has been designed to study the onset of the strange baryon and antibaryon enhancements in Pb Pb with respect to p-Be collisions, first…”
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    Λ, Ξ and Ω production in Pb Pb collisions at 158 A GeV/ c by Andersen, E., Antinori, F., Armenise, N., Bán, J., Barberis, D., Beker, H., Beusch, W., Bloodworth, I.G., Böhm, J., Caliandro, R., Campbell, M., Cantatore, E., Carrer, N., Catanesi, M.G., Chesi, E., Dameri, M., Darbo, G., Diaczek, A., Di Bari, D., Di Liberto, S., Di Mauro, A., Elia, D., Evans, D., Fanebust, K., Fini, R.A., Fontaine, J.C., Ftáčnik, J., Ghidini, B., Grella, G., Guida, M., Heijne, E.H.M., Helstrup, H., Holme, A.K., Huss, D., Jacholkowski, A., Jones, G.T., Jovanovic, P., Jusko, A., Kachanov, V.A., Kachelhoffer, T., Kinson, J.B., Kirk, A., Klempt, W., Knudson, K., Králik, I., Lassalle, J.C., Lenti, V., Lietava, R., Loconsole, R.A., Løvhøiden, G., Lupták, M., Mack, V., Manzari, V., Martinengo, P., Mazzoni, M.A., Meddi, F., Michalon, A., Michalon-Mentzer, M.E., Middelkamp, P., Morando, M., Muciaccia, M.T., Nappi, E., Navach, F., Norman, P.I., Osculati, B., Pastirčák, B., Pellegrini, F., Píška, K., Posa, F., Quercigh, E., Ricci, R.A., Romano, G., Rosa, G., Rossi, L., Rotscheidt, H., Šafařík, K., Saladino, S., Salvo, C., Šándor, L., Scognetti, T., Segato, G., Sené, M., Sené, R., Simone, S., Singovski, A., Snoeys, W., Staroba, P., Szafran, S., Thompson, M., Thorsteinsen, T.F., Tomasicchio, G., Tveter, T.S., Urbán, J., Vassiliadis, G., Venables, M., Villalobos Baillie, O., Virgili, T., Volte, A., Votruba, M.F., Závada, P.

    Published in Nuclear physics. A (1998)
    “…Enhanced production of strange baryons and anti-baryons at central rapidity in S-W and S-z.sbnd;S with respect to p-A reactions has been reported by the CERN…”
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