Search Results - "Njagi, Tim"
Willingness to cooperate in shared natural resource management is linked to group identification through perceived efficacy and group norms
Published in Environmental research letters (01-05-2023)“…Cooperative management of shared natural resources is one of the most urgent challenges the world is facing today. While there have been advances in…”
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Factors Affecting Adaptation to Climate Change through Agroforestry in Kenya
Published in Land (Basel) (01-04-2021)“…The environmental effects of climate change have significantly decreased agricultural productivity. Agroforestry technologies have been applied as a solution…”
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The Impact of Household Wealth on Adoption and Compliance to GLOBAL GAP Production Standards: Evidence from Smallholder farmers in Kenya
Published in Agriculture (Basel) (01-02-2020)“…Horticultural production for the export market has been credited for rural community growth and employment in Sub-Saharan Africa. To make the agri-enterprises…”
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The role of agriculture in poverty escapes in Kenya – Developing a capabilities approach in the context of climate change
Published in World development (01-01-2022)“…•We explore the intersection between agriculture and poverty trajectories in the context of climate change in Kenya.•We use Q2 methodology that successfully…”
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Farmer-Led Irrigation and its Impacts on Smallholder Farmers' Crop Income: Evidence from Southern Tanzania
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (26-02-2020)“…Irrigation projects in sub-Saharan Africa are mostly unsustainable because of lack of maintenance by their users or government planners. By contrast, evidence…”
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The cultural evolution and ecology of institutions
Published in Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological sciences (05-07-2021)“…Human societies are structured by what we refer to as 'institutions', which are socially created and culturally inherited proscriptions on behaviour that…”
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Land tenure and the sustainability of pastoral production systems: a comparative analysis of the Andean Altiplano and the East African savannah
Published in Nomadic peoples (01-03-2019)“…Pastoral communities are facing mounting pressure on their livelihoods due to misconceptions about pastoralism and global trends including population growth…”
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