Search Results - "Nixon, Reginald D. V"
A review of overgeneral memory in child psychopathology
Published in British journal of clinical psychology (01-06-2014)“…Objectives Overgeneral autobiographical memory (OGM) refers to the impaired retrieval of specific events from autobiographical memory. This review examined OGM…”
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The Child PTSD Symptom Scale: An Update and Replication of Its Psychometric Properties
Published in Psychological assessment (01-09-2013)“…The psychometric properties of the Child PTSD Symptom Scale (CPSS) were examined in 2 samples. Sample 1 (N = 185, ages 6-17 years) consisted of children…”
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Development and validation of the Child Post-Traumatic Cognitions Inventory (CPTCI)
Published in Journal of child psychology and psychiatry (01-04-2009)“…Background: Negative trauma‐related cognitions have been found to be a significant factor in the maintenance of post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in…”
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Developing an integrated intervention to address intimate partner violence and psychological distress in Congolese refugee women in Tanzania
Published in Conflict and health (17-08-2019)“…Multi-sectoral, integrated interventions have long been recommended for addressing mental health and its social determinants (e.g., gender-based violence) in…”
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A Randomized Controlled Trial of Exposure Therapy and Cognitive Restructuring for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Published in Journal of consulting and clinical psychology (01-08-2008)“…Previous studies have reported that adding cognitive restructuring (CR) to exposure therapy does not enhance treatment gains in posttraumatic stress disorder…”
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The Additive Benefit of Hypnosis and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Treating Acute Stress Disorder
Published in Journal of consulting and clinical psychology (01-04-2005)“…This research represents the first controlled treatment study of hypnosis and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) of acute stress disorder (ASD). Civilian…”
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Cognitive Processing Therapy Versus Supportive Counseling for Acute Stress Disorder Following Assault: A Randomized Pilot Trial
Published in Behavior therapy (01-12-2012)“…Abstract The study tested the efficacy and tolerability of cognitive processing therapy (CPT) for survivors of assault with acute stress disorder. Participants…”
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Predictors of posttraumatic stress in children following injury: The influence of appraisals, heart rate, and morphine use
Published in Behaviour research and therapy (01-08-2010)“…Prospective studies of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children that investigate simultaneously both cognitive and biological or psychophysiological…”
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Acute Stress Symptoms in Children: Results From an International Data Archive
Published in Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (01-08-2012)“…Objective To describe the prevalence of acute stress disorder (ASD) symptoms and to examine proposed DSM-5 symptom criteria in relation to concurrent…”
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The Influence of Thought Suppression and Cognitive Load on Intrusions and Memory Processes Following an Analogue Stressor
Published in Behavior therapy (01-12-2009)“…Abstract Ironic Process Theory and the role of thought suppression have been used in part to explain the phenomenon of intrusive memories in various disorders,…”
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The effect of cognitive load and hyperarousal on negative intrusive memories
Published in Behaviour research and therapy (01-11-2007)“…Clinical theories of post-traumatic stress suggest that encoding processes at the time of a trauma are critical in determining whether intrusive memories will…”
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Assessing the validity and responsiveness of a generic preference quality of life measure in the context of posttraumatic stress disorder
Published in Quality of life research (01-10-2023)“…Purpose There is limited research exploring the usefulness of generic preference-based quality of life (GPQoL) measures used to facilitate economic evaluation…”
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Encouraging source monitoring after post‐event information exposure for analogue trauma
Published in Applied cognitive psychology (01-03-2022)“…Trauma victims often come to remember experiencing more trauma than they initially reported. Our experiments are the first to investigate a plausible mechanism…”
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The influence of data-driven processing on perceptions of memory quality and intrusive symptoms in children following traumatic events
Published in Behaviour research and therapy (01-06-2008)“…Ehlers and Clark [(2000). A cognitive model of post-traumatic stress disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38, 319–345] cognitive model of post-traumatic…”
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Does post-event cognitive load undermine thought suppression and increase intrusive memories after exposure to an analogue stressor?
Published in Memory (Hove) (01-04-2009)“…Ironic process theory has been used in part to explain the phenomenon of intrusive memories in various disorders including post-traumatic stress disorder. How…”
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Predicting acute anxiety and depression following hip fracture
Published in Journal of behavioral medicine (01-04-2007)“…: The role of injury-related beliefs and hopelessness on depression and anxiety in the acute phase following hip fracture was investigated in 103 hip fracture…”
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Posttraumatic anger: a confirmatory factor analysis of the Dimensions of Anger Reactions Scale-5 (DAR-5) - French adaptation
Published in European journal of psychotraumatology (31-12-2020)“…Background: Research has shown that posttraumatic anger is common after a traumatic experience, represents a risk factor for post-trauma psychopathology, and…”
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Treatment of comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder: A pilot study
Published in Journal of traumatic stress (01-08-2011)“…The efficacy of a cognitive–behavioral treatment program for individuals with comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depression (MDD) was…”
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Development of an international data repository and research resource: the Prospective studies of Acute Child Trauma and Recovery (PACT/R) Data Archive
Published in European journal of psychotraumatology (31-12-2020)“…Background: Studies that identify children after acute trauma and prospectively track risk/protective factors and trauma responses over time are…”
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Imaginal Exposure Alone and Imaginal Exposure With Cognitive Restructuring in Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Published in Journal of consulting and clinical psychology (01-08-2003)“…This study investigated the extent to which providing cognitive restructuring (CR) with prolonged imaginal exposure (IE) would lead to greater symptom…”
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