Search Results - "Nilüfer Yonguç, Gökşin"
Cerebellar volume in early-onset schizophrenia and its association with severity of symptoms
Published in Journal of international medical research (01-01-2019)“…Objectives This study aimed to investigate whether early-onset schizophrenia (EOS) cases differ from controls regarding volumes of the total cerebellum and the…”
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Aksesuar foramen transversarium. Accessory transverse foramen
Published in Pamukkale Medical Journal (02-09-2018)“…GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı kuru kemik servikal vertebralarda aksesuar FT insidansını araştırmaktır. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp…”
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Cerebellar volumes in early-onset bipolar disorder: a pilot study of a stereological measurement technique
Published in Klinik psikofarmakoloji bülteni (03-07-2019)“…Recent data from the literature have recognized the importance of cerebellum in bipolar disorder. Brain imaging studies focusing on cerebellar volumetric…”
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Development of the anatomy theaters in the Netherlands during the 1600s and contributions of some important names
Published in Sakarya tıp dergisi (01-12-2023)“…Creating a common historical perspective on anatomy is necessary for humanity to complete its mental and philosophical development. Since the 1600s, the…”
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Development of the anatomy theaters in the Netherlands during the 1600s and contributions of some important names
Published in Sakarya tıp dergisi (19-12-2023)“…Creating a common historical perspective on anatomy is necessary for humanity to complete its mental and philosophical development. Since the 1600s, the…”
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A case of an atlas vertebra bilaterally without costal elements of transverse processes
Published in Sakarya tıp dergisi (01-06-2018)“…An unusual atlas vertebra whose costal elements were not formed bilaterally was detected in an anatomy laboratory. Because the vertebral arteries have bony…”
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Asterion yerleşiminin posterolateral intrakraniyal girişimler açısından morfometrik değerlendirilmesi
Published in Ege tıp dergisi (28-06-2019)“…Amaç: Beyin cerrahisinde, fossa cranii posterior’a ulaşmayı gerektiren cerrahi girişimlerde, cranium’a giriş noktası yüzeyel anatomik belirgin noktaların…”
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Foramen Transversarium’larında Kostal Elementleri Bilateral Olarak Bulunmayan Bir Atlas Olgusu
Published in Sakarya tıp dergisi (29-06-2018)Get full text
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Implantation of volumetric evaluation of brain structures on MRI in pediatric age group by stereologic method
Published in Klinik psikofarmakoloji bülteni (01-01-2019)Get full text
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Posterior wall defect of sacrum: an anatomical study of sacral spina bifida
Published in Turkish neurosurgery (01-01-2021)“…AIMTo investigate the incidence, types, morphological and morphometric properties of spina bifida on dry sacral bones. MATERIAL AND METHODS110 dry adult…”
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Comparison of ultrasonography and skinfold measurements of subcutaneous fat thickness in the evaluation of body composition
Published in Anatomy (01-10-2014)Get full text
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Surgical anatomy of neurovascular structures related to ventral C1–2 complex: an anatomical study
Published in Surgical and radiologic anatomy (English ed.) (01-05-2018)“…Objective Transoral odontoidectomy and ventral C1–2 stabilization are important surgical procedures, performed to decompress ventral spinal cord, and to…”
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Anatomopathological findings in hangings: a retrospective autopsy study
Published in Medicine, science, and the law (01-04-2013)“…Background In this retrospective autopsy study, we aimed to review the anatomopathological findings observed in cases of hanging death for a five year period…”
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Estimation of stature and sex from sternal lengths: an autopsy study
Published in Anatomical science international (01-03-2015)“…The aim of this study was to derive regression equations for estimating stature and further to estimate sex from four measured sternal lengths. This study…”
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Comparison of Three Methods Used for Estimating Area of Foramen Magnum
Published in The Journal of craniofacial surgery (01-05-2018)“…To compare whether there are any differences between the 3 methods used for measure area of foramen magnum (FM) in skulls. The FMs of 150 skulls were examined…”
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Grape seed extract has superior beneficial effects than vitamin E on oxidative stress and apoptosis in the hippocampus of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
Published in Gene (25-01-2015)“…We aimed to investigate the effects of grape seed extract (GSE) and vitamin E (Vit E) on oxidative stress and apoptosis in the hippocampus of…”
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Morphological and Morphometric Analysis of Foramen Magnum: An Anatomical Aspect
Published in The Journal of craniofacial surgery (01-09-2016)“…To investigate the detailed morphological and morphometric analysis of foramen magnum (FM) in dry cranii. One hundred fifty skulls of unidentified sex were…”
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Anatomical and Radiological Investigation of Dry Bone Adult Mandibles Having Impacted Third Molar Teeth
Published in The Journal of craniofacial surgery (01-06-2018)“…To investigate the incidence of the impacted mandibular third molars in dry bones adult mandibles. The 198 dry bones adult mandibles gathered from the bone…”
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Foramen arcuale: a rare morphological variation located in atlas vertebrae
Published in Surgical and radiologic anatomy (English ed.) (01-08-2017)“…Objective To investigate the incidence of foramen arcuale in dry atlas vertebrae which may cause clinical problems. Materials and methods Eighty-one dry human…”
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