Search Results - "Newmeyer, Frederick J."
Conversational corpora : when “big is beautiful”
Published in Cognitextes (17-06-2019)“…The goal of this paper is to examine the relationship between corpus size and conclusions drawn from corpora regarding questions of grammatical theory. Many…”
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A rejoinder to Maarten Lemmens’s paper ‘In defence of frequency generalisations and usage-based linguistics. An answer to Frederick Newmeyer’s “Conversational corpora : when big is beautiful”
Published in Cognitextes (17-06-2019)“…1. Some introductory remarks First, I must express my heart-felt gratitude to Maarten Lemmens for writing a collegial, thought-provoking, and informative reply…”
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Form and Function in the Evolution of Grammar
Published in Cognitive science (01-03-2017)“…This article focuses on claims about the origin and evolution of language from the point of view of the formalist–functionalist debate in linguistics. In…”
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Complexity and Relative Complexity in Generative Grammar
Published in Frontiers in communication (19-03-2021)“…The notions of “complexity” and its antonym “simplicity” have played an important role in the history of generative grammar. However, these terms have been…”
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Grammar Is Grammar and Usage Is Usage
Published in Language (Baltimore) (01-12-2003)“…A number of disparate approaches to language, ranging from cognitive linguistics to stochastic implementations of optimality theory, have challenged the…”
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The origins of language: A slim guide by James R. Hurford (review)
Published in Language (Baltimore) (01-06-2015)Get full text
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Getting the word out: The early generativists' multipronged efforts to diffuse their ideas
Published in Language (Baltimore) (01-03-2014)“…This discussion note revolves around the early days of generative grammar, that is to say the late 1950s and the 1960s. A number of commentators have claimed…”
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Nonsyntactic Explanations of Island Constraints
Published in Annual review of linguistics (14-01-2016)“…The explanation of island phenomena has been a central feature of formal grammatical theory practically since its inception. However, a growing number of…”
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On comparative concepts and descriptive categories: A reply to Haspelmath
Published in Language (Baltimore) (01-09-2010)“…In his discussion note (Haspelmath 2010), Martin Haspelmath proposes a radical disconnect between the grammatical analyses of individual languages and…”
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Formalism and functionalism in linguistics
Published in Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Cognitive science (01-05-2010)“…Formalism and functionalism in linguistics are often taken to be diametrically opposed approaches. However, close examination of the relevant phenomena reveals…”
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On Gahl and Garnsey on Grammar and Usage
Published in Language (Baltimore) (01-06-2006)“…Newmeyer argues that Knowledge of grammar, knowledge of usage: Syntactic probabilities affect pronunciation variation (2004) by Gahl and Garnesy is not…”
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The Reception of Early Transformational Grammar in Europe
Published in Cadernos de Linguística (13-01-2021)“…The early success in the United States of Chomsky’s book Syntactic Structures and the theory of transformational-generative grammar that it introduced raises…”
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La réanalyse syntaxique et le conflit formaliste-fonctionnaliste en linguistique
Published in Langages (Paris) (25-11-2014)“…Deux positions sur la réanalyse se sont largement répandues dans la littérature. La première correspond à la position classique du courant syntaxique dominant…”
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A Reply to the Critiques of 'Grammar Is Grammar and Usage Is Usage'
Published in Language (Baltimore) (01-03-2005)“…In response to commentary on Newmeyer's "Grammar Is Grammar and Usage Is Usage" (Language, 2003, 79, 682-707), it is argued that stochastic grammar is not…”
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Commentary on Denis Bouchard, ‘exaption and linguistic explanation’
Published in Lingua (01-12-2005)“…In a response to Denis Bouchard's "Exaption and Linguistic Explanation" (Lingua, 2005, 115, 12, 1685-1696), Bouchard's critique of the minimalist program of…”
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Iconicity and Generative Grammar
Published in Language (Baltimore) (01-12-1992)“…A theme running through much of the functionalist literature in linguistics is that grammatical structure, to a considerable degree, has an 'iconic'…”
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Optimality and Functionality: A Critique of Functionally-Based Optimality-Theoretic Syntax
Published in Natural language and linguistic theory (01-02-2002)“…This paper examines 'functionally-based optimality theory' (FOT), the version of optimality theory that requires that each constraint be paired with an…”
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A Rejoinder to Bresnan and Aissen
Published in Natural language and linguistic theory (01-02-2002)“…Consider the implications. Since constraints are stated in terms of phrase structure configurations, syntactic categories and features, and so on, it follows…”
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HOW THE BRAIN EVOLVED LANGUAGE. Donald Loritz . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. 227. $45.00 cloth
Published in Studies in second language acquisition (01-12-2001)“…Loritz discusses the nature and evolution of language in the context of a connectionist approach to neural architecture, namely, Adaptive Resonance Theory…”
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