Search Results - "Neuffer, D.V."
Muon collection channel
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01-04-1999)“…A preliminary analysis of the collection channel for a muon collider is presented. Pions, produced in a target by 8–30 GeV protons, are captured and…”
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Journal Article -
Calculations of the conditions for bunched-beam e-p instability in the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring (PSR)
Published in Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (1991)“…Recent observations are consistent with the possibility of an electron-proton instability in the Proton Storage Ring (PSR), with both a bunched and an…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Comment on «Unlimited electron acceleration in laser-driven plasma waves
Published in Physical review letters (03-09-1984)Get full text
Journal Article -
Acceleration stages for a muon collider
Published in Proceedings of the 1999 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.99CH36366) (1999)“…Using muons in high energy colliders has an advantage in that the muons emit negligible synchrotron radiation, but has the disadvantage that the lifetime of…”
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Conference Proceeding -
The CEBAF beam transport system lattice design
Published in Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (1991)“…The status of the CEBAF (Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility) accelerator lattice designs is reported. Recent developments are described, including:…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Accelerator design for the high-power industrial FEL
Published in Proceedings Particle Accelerator Conference (1995)“…We have developed a conceptual design for an industrial-use kilowatt UV and IR FEL driven by a recirculating, energy-recovering 200 MeV, 1-5 mA superconducting…”
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Conference Proceeding