Search Results - "Netto, Márcio Lobo"
Cidades cognitivas: Utopia tecnológica ou revolução urbana?
Published in Estudos Avançados (01-12-2023)“…RESUMO Os avanços tecnológicos das últimas duas décadas, particularmente nos dispositivos eletrônicos e computação, abriram o caminho para uma extensa lista de…”
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Designing digital filter banks using wavelets
Published in EURASIP journal on advances in signal processing (22-07-2019)“…In digital filters theory, filtering techniques generally deal with pole-zero structures. In this context, filtering schemes, such as infinite impulse response…”
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A Comparison of Global Illumination Methods Using Perceptual Quality Metrics
Published in 2015 28th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (01-08-2015)“…This work aims to build a comparison basis for analyzing global illumination methods. We have compared six state-of-the-art global illumination methods,…”
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Conference Proceeding Journal Article -
CarAware: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Platform for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles Based on CARLA Simulation Framework
Published in 2023 8th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS) (14-06-2023)“…To facilitate studies in Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) and autonomous vehicles, we present the CarAware framework 1 for detailed multi-agent vehicle…”
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Conference Proceeding -
On building a memory evolutive system for application to learning and cognition modeling
Published in Advances in experimental medicine and biology (2010)“…We address here aspects of the implementation of a memory evolutive system (MES), based on the model proposed by A. Ehresmann and J. Vanbremeersch (2007), by…”
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An efficient formulation for optimization of FlexRay frame scheduling
Published in Vehicular Communications (01-08-2020)“…FlexRay is a communication bus for automotive applications, designed to ensure high data rates, fault tolerance, and operates on a time cycle, split in static…”
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A system for social network analysis
Published in 8th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2013) (01-12-2013)“…As new technologies advance, simulations and computational experiments are increasingly interesting alternatives for the scientific study of specific working…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Artificial life: towards new generation of computer animation
Published in Computers & graphics (01-12-2001)Get full text
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An artificial life approach for the animation of cognitive characters
Published in Computers & graphics (01-12-2001)“…This paper addresses the problem of cognitive character animation. We propose the use of finite state machines for the behavioral control of characters. Our…”
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ARENA and WOXBOT: first steps towards virtual world simulations
Published in Proceedings XIV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (2001)“…This paper reports new results of a project to build virtual worlds aimed at the graphic simulation of an arena where small mobile robots can perform requested…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Natural Phenomena Simulation
Published in Computers & graphics (01-08-2006)Get full text
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Structural and Parametric Evolution of Continuous-Time Recurrent Neural Networks
Published in 2008 10th Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks (01-10-2008)“…Neuroevolution comprehends the class of methods responsible for evolving neural network topologies and weights by means of evolutionary algorithms. Despite…”
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Conference Proceeding Journal Article -
Using neural networks to simulate the Alzheimer's Disease
Published in 2008 World Automation Congress (01-09-2008)“…Making use of biologically plausible artificial neural networks that implement Grossbergpsilas presynaptic learning rule, we simulate the possible effects of…”
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Conference Proceeding