Search Results - "Nelson, Aaron A."
Prairie plant phenology driven more by temperature than moisture in climate manipulations across a latitudinal gradient in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Published in Ecology and evolution (01-03-2019)“…Plant phenology will likely shift with climate change, but how temperature and/or moisture regimes will control phenological responses is not well understood…”
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Saving phase: Injectivity and stability for phase retrieval
Published in Applied and computational harmonic analysis (01-07-2014)“…Recent advances in convex optimization have led to new strides in the phase retrieval problem over finite-dimensional vector spaces. However, certain…”
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Journal Article -
Climate Effects on Prairie Productivity Partially Ameliorated by Soil Nutrients and Plant Community Responses
Published in Ecosystems (New York) (01-08-2023)“…Net primary productivity (NPP) is a key ecosystem function of plant communities. Climate change is expected to affect NPP both directly and indirectly through…”
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Climate warming threatens the persistence of a community of disturbance-adapted native annual plants
Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-10-2021)“…With ongoing climate change, populations are expected to exhibit shifts in demographic performance that will alter where a species can persist. This presents…”
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Climate manipulations differentially affect plant population dynamics within versus beyond northern range limits
Published in The Journal of ecology (01-02-2021)“…Predicting species' range shifts under future climate is a central goal of conservation ecology. Studying populations within and beyond multiple species'…”
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Introduced annuals mediate climate-driven community change in Mediterranean prairies of the Pacific Northwest, USA
Published in Diversity & distributions (01-12-2021)“…Aim How climate change will alter plant functional group composition is a critical question given the well‐recognized effects of plant functional groups on…”
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Random vector functional link networks for function approximation on manifolds
Published in Frontiers in applied mathematics and statistics (17-04-2024)“…The learning speed of feed-forward neural networks is notoriously slow and has presented a bottleneck in deep learning applications for several decades. For…”
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Journal Article -
Nocturnal events in children: When and how to evaluate
Published in Current problems in pediatric and adolescent health care (01-12-2020)“…Nocturnal events of wide variety and concern are frequently reported by patients and their caregivers. To evaluate suspected abnormal events, primary care…”
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Indications for epilepsy monitoring in pediatric and adolescent health care
Published in Current problems in pediatric and adolescent health care (01-11-2020)“…Seizures present in childhood with infinite diversity. History alone may suffice for diagnosis in some cases; more often additional evidence is needed to…”
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Introduction: Epilepsy monitoring in pediatric and adolescent health care
Published in Current problems in pediatric and adolescent health care (01-11-2020)Get full text
Journal Article -
New Algorithms and Improved Guarantees for One-Bit Compressed Sensing on Manifolds
Published in 2019 13th International conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA) (01-07-2019)“…We study the problem of approximately recovering signals on a manifold from one-bit linear measurements drawn from either a Gaussian ensemble, partial…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Phase retrieval from very few measurements
Published in Linear algebra and its applications (15-05-2014)“…In many applications, signals are measured according to a linear process, but the phases of these measurements are often unreliable or not available. To…”
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Journal Article -
Climate warming threatens the persistence of a community of disturbance-adapted native annual plants
Published in Ecology (Durham) (08-07-2021)“…Abstract With ongoing climate change, populations are expected to exhibit shifts in demographic performance that will alter where a species can persist. This…”
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Journal Article -
Modern Problems in Mathematical Signal Processing: Quantized Compressed Sensing and Randomized Neural Networks
Published 01-01-2019“…We study two problems from mathematical signal processing. First, we consider problem of approximately recovering signals on a smooth, compact manifold from…”
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Dissertation -
Random Vector Functional Link Networks for Function Approximation on Manifolds
Published 26-08-2024“…Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 10 (2024), 2297-4687 The learning speed of feed-forward neural networks is notoriously slow and has presented a…”
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Journal Article -
Phase retrieval from very few measurements
Published 26-07-2013“…In many applications, signals are measured according to a linear process, but the phases of these measurements are often unreliable or not available. To…”
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Journal Article -
Saving phase: Injectivity and stability for phase retrieval
Published 19-02-2013“…Recent advances in convex optimization have led to new strides in the phase retrieval problem over finite-dimensional vector spaces. However, certain…”
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Female pheromones stimulate release of luteinizing hormone and testosterone without altering GnRH mRNA in adult male Syrian hamsters ( Mesocricetus auratus)
Published in General and comparative endocrinology (15-09-2004)“…In many species chemosensory stimuli function as important signals that influence reproductive status. Neurons synthesizing the peptide gonadotropin-releasing…”
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