Search Results - "Neide Martins Moreira"
Treatment with low doses of aspirin during chronic phase of experimental Chagas’ disease increases oesophageal nitrergic neuronal subpopulation in mice
Published in International journal of experimental pathology (01-12-2017)“…Summary Patients with Chagas’ disease may develop dysfunctions of oesophageal and colonic motility resulting from the degeneration or loss of the myenteric…”
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Parasitological, microbiological, and antimicrobial resistance profiles of raw and drinking water in a tourist city in the tri-border region of South America
Published in Journal of water and health (01-02-2022)“…Despite the large amounts of freshwater available in Brazil, the deterioration of surface water can represent a risk of waterborne disease for national and…”
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Epidemic curves and the profile of patients hospitalized by COVID-19 in a border region
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-01-2024)“…to describe the epidemic curves and analyze the epidemiological profile of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in a triple border city…”
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Oral dependent-dose toxoplasmic infection model induced by oocysts in rats: Myenteric plexus and jejunal wall changes
Published in Experimental parasitology (01-09-2015)“…•We analyzed the jejunum of rats infected with different doses of T. gondii.•The tested dose was from 10 to 5000 oocysts orally.•NADHd-p and NADPHd-p neuronal…”
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Diagnóstico da infecção pelo Toxoplasma gondii em gestantes de fronteira brasileira, Foz do Iguaçu
Published in Cadernos saúde coletiva (2023)“…Resumo Introdução: O Toxoplasma gondii, parasito intracelular obrigatório, é o agente etiológico da toxoplasmose, a qual acomete cerca de um terço da população…”
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Published in Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo (01-09-2011)“…Twelve strains of Trypanosoma cruzi isolated from wild reservoirs, triatomines, and chronic chagasic patients in the state of Paraná, southern Brazil, and…”
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Skin injuries in newborns hospitalized in neonatal intensive care: a cross-sectional study
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (01-01-2024)“…To analyze the skin injuries of hospitalized newborns and identify factors related to the number of lesions. This was a cross-sectional epidemiological study…”
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Congenital syphilis in Parana and its twin cities: focus on Foz do Iguacu/ Sifilis congenita no Parana e em suas cidades gemeas: enfoque em Foz do Iguacu/ Sifilis congenita en Parana y sus ciudades gemelas: foco en Foz de Iguazu
Published in Revista enfermagem UERJ (01-01-2023)“…Objective: to analyze the occurrence of congenital syphilis in Parana and its twin cities, with a focus on Foz do Iguacu. Method: cross-sectional,…”
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Clinico-epidemiological and sociodemographic profile of HIV/AIDS patients who are co-infected with Toxoplasma gondii in the border region of Brazil
Published in Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (01-01-2020)“…Abstract The present study assessed clinico-epidemiological and sociodemographic characteristics and risk factors for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in…”
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Biotherapic 200 DH reduces of parasitism in mice infected with cerebral Toxoplasma gondii
Published in International journal of high dilution research (23-12-2021)“…Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis that represents a serious public health problem, worldwide distributed. Pregnant women are part of the most risky…”
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Effect of 7DH biotherapic of Toxoplasma gondii in mice infected with the protozoan
Published in International journal of high dilution research (23-12-2021)“…Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii worldwide distributed [1]. In both, men and animals, the infection with T. gondii can…”
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extract of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi intensifies morphological alterations in the colon of diabetic rats
Published in Revista da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Sorocaba (03-04-2024)“…There are several challenges in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Some of these challenges include the discovery of bioactive compounds with the potential to…”
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Influence of age and ways of treatment in the parasitemia in mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi treated with high potency biotherapy
Published in International journal of high dilution research (23-12-2021)“…Introduction: The infection of mice by Trypanosoma cruzi is well known, making this a good model for understanding the effect of highly diluted medications…”
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Highly diluted medication reduces tissue parasitism and inflammation in mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi
Published in International journal of high dilution research (27-08-2021)“…Background: The search for new therapeutic approaches with fewer side effects and better treatment efficacy to the Chagas Disease has been a major challenge…”
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Biotherapic of Trypanosoma cruzi 17x controlled histopathological alterations in mice infected by this protozoon
Published in International journal of high dilution research (23-12-2021)“…Introduction: about 10 million people worldwide suffer from Chagas’ disease [1]. The World Health Organization (WHO) has explicitly…”
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Homeopathy: statistical significance versus the sample size in experiments with Toxoplasma gondii
Published in International journal of high dilution research (23-12-2021)“…Introduction: Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis that represents a serious public health problem, caused by Toxoplasma gondii, which affects 20-90% of the world human…”
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Prevalence of intestinal parasites in children from public preschool in the Triple Border Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay
Published in ABCS health sciences (08-03-2021)“…Introduction: The prevalence of parasitosis in children from Brazilian border cities is unknown. Objective: To identify the prevalence of intestinal parasites…”
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Lesão de pele em recém-nascidos hospitalizados em terapia intensiva neonatal: estudo seccional
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (2024)“…RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar as lesões de pele de recém-nascidos hospitalizados e identificar fatores relacionados ao número de lesões. Método: Estudo…”
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Perfil sorológico de doadores de sangue do hemonúcleo de uma região de tríplice fronteira
Published in Saúde e Pesquisa (25-08-2024)“…Identificar a soroprevalência reagente e as características (idade e sexo) em doadores de sangue de um município de tríplice fronteira, Foz do Iguaçu. Estudo…”
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Cuidado à saúde da criança em tempos de pandemia: metassíntese qualitativa
Published in Ideação (Cascavel) (17-01-2024)“…Objetivo: buscar evidências científicas que descrevam dificuldades ou potencialidades para o cuidado à saúde da criança em tempos de pandemia. Método:…”
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