Search Results - "Naziri, Siti Zarina Md"
The design revolution of logarithmic number system architecture
Published in 2014 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and System Engineering (ICEESE) (01-12-2014)“…Logarithmic number system (LNS) has been a trend in digital signal processing (DSP) for recent years, particularly digital image processing. LNS was been…”
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Implementation of LNS addition and subtraction function with co-transformation in positive and negative region: A comparative analysis
Published in 2016 3rd International Conference on Electronic Design (ICED) (01-08-2016)“…The European Logarithmic Microprocessor (ELM) had been an outstanding breakthrough in logarithmic number system (LNS) research history. The processor…”
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Analysis of FXP adders and multipliers for speed- and area-efficient LNS arithmetic unit
Published in 2014 2nd International Conference on Electronic Design (ICED) (01-08-2014)“…This paper portrays the selection of hardware unit architectures to be implemented in the new LNS based on a 32bit system. The implementations of the LNS…”
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The FPGA implementation of multiplicative inverse value of GF(28) generator using Extended Euclid Algorithm (EEA) method for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm
Published in 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics (ICCAIE) (01-12-2011)“…Extended Euclid Algorithm (EEA) is one of the alternatives in gaining the multiplicative inverse value in finite field GF(2 8 ). Previously, the look-up table…”
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Hardware Design of Combinational 128-bit Camellia Symmetric Cipher using 0.18µm Technology
Published in 2022 IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE) (15-08-2022)“…Camellia is another symmetric key block cipher with a 128-bit block size and key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits. As the hardware version of cipher…”
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Design of Multiplicative Inverse Value Generator using Logarithm Method for AES Algorithm
Published in 2020 32nd International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM) (14-12-2020)“…Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm is one of the most widely used symmetric block cipher that is utilized in data protection through symmetric…”
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An Analysis of Interpolation Implementation for LNS Addition and Subtraction Function in Positive Region
Published in 2016 International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE) (01-07-2016)“…Interpolation is among of the most popular approach used in approximating the values in logarithmic number system (LNS) arithmetic design. This method that…”
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Arithmetic addition and subtraction function of logarithmic number system in positive region: An investigation
Published in 2015 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD) (01-12-2015)“…Logarithmic number system or LNS has become an optimal choice in digital image processing instead of floating point (FP) system based on latest researches in…”
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Investigation and design of the efficient hardware-based RNG for cryptographic applications
Published in 2014 2nd International Conference on Electronic Design (ICED) (01-08-2014)“…The best security factor in any encryption algorithm is the random values used in key management or the structure of the algorithm itself. Thus, some of the…”
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The development of tiny encryption algorithm (TEA) crypto-core for mobile systems
Published in 2012 IEEE International Conference on Electronics Design, Systems and Applications (ICEDSA) (01-11-2012)“…In this paper, a cryptographic algorithm design called Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA) is proposed in order to minimize the memory footprint and maximize the…”
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The memory-less method of generating multiplicative inverse values for S-box in AES algorithm
Published in 2008 International Conference on Electronic Design (01-12-2008)“…The substitution box (S-box) component is the heart of the advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithm. The S-box values are generated from the multiplicative…”
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