Search Results - "Nathalie Murielly Rolim Abreu"
Intrusive luxation of permanent upper central incisor into the nasal cavity: A case report
Published in Dental traumatology (01-04-2022)“…This case report outlines a rare complete intrusion of a permanent, maxillary central incisor (tooth 11) into the nasal cavity, with a late diagnosis and…”
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Organic volume and permeability variations in the surface layer of artificial and natural enamel carious lesions
Published in Archives of oral biology (01-04-2023)“…Test the hypothesis the type of enamel caries (natural, artificial induced by gel, and artificial induced by acid solutions) affect the organic volume and the…”
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Resistência de união de pinos de fibra de vidro utilizando diferentes tratamentos radiculares
Published in Revista Cubana de estomatologia (01-12-2020)“…Resumo Introdução: Os pinos de fibra de vidro têm sido amplamente utilizados na reconstrução de elementos com perda excessiva de estrutura dentária. Objetivo:…”
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Enamel caries lesions, with and without initial cavitation, in relation to anatomical areas of the proximal surface in deciduous molars
Published in Archives of oral biology (01-01-2025)“…proximal enamel caries lesions (PEC) are believed to initiate and progress to cavitation below the proximal contact area (PCA), but no evidence exists on the…”
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Influence of carbonated acid beverage on fracture resistance and marginal gap formation in different restorative approaches to non-carious cervical lesions
Published in Clinical oral investigations (01-05-2023)“…Objective This study is to evaluate fracture resistance, failure mode, and gap formation at the restorative interface of unrestored or restored non-carious…”
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A cystic variant of calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour
Published in Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery, medicine, and pathology (01-01-2024)Get full text
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Bond strength of glass fiber posts using different endodontic treatments
Published in Revista Cubana de estomatologia (01-09-2020)“…Introduction: Glass fiber posts have been widely used for the reconstruction of elements with excessive dental structure loss. Objective: Evaluate the bond…”
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Aberrant palatal exostosis
Published in Revista Cubana de estomatologia (01-06-2020)“…Introduction: Exostosis is a benign bone growth that commonly affects the jaw and maxilla, but is rarely large. Objective: To describe a case of rare palatal…”
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Osteoma extenso em seio maxilar: Relato de caso
Published in ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION (06-10-2020)“…Osteomas são tumores benignos, tem comportamento clínico variavel, mas normalmente exibe crescimento lento e assintomático, sendo muitas vezes diagnosticados…”
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Múltiplos dentes supranumerários em paciente não sindrômico
Published in ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION (29-03-2021)“…Introdução: A hiperdontia, ou presença de dentes supranumerários, é uma alteração numérica no desenvolvimento dentário. Objetivo: Revisar as nuances sobre o…”
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Urgências, emergências médicas e terapêutica empregada no consultório odontológico
Published in ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION (12-03-2021)“…Introdução: Urgência refere-se a uma dada intercorrência médica em que o paciente encontra-se sem risco de vida iminente, em que há tempo para planejamento…”
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