Search Results - "Nartišs, Māris"
Seismites resulting from high-frequency, high-magnitude earthquakes in Latvia caused by Late Glacial glacio-isostatic uplift
Published in Journal of Palaeogeography (01-09-2016)“…Geologically extremely rapid changes in altitude by glacial rebound of the Earth crust after retreat of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet at the end of the last…”
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An aeolian or a glaciolacustrine record? A case study from Mieļupīte, Middle Gauja Lowland, northeast Latvia
Published in Geologos (01-03-2017)“…In the Middle Gauja Lowland, northeast Latvia, dunes are distributed over a vast glaciolacustrine plain that formed during the retreat of the Fennoscandian ice…”
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Improving pixel‐based classification of GRASS GIS with support vector machine
Published in Transactions in GIS (01-11-2023)“…Open source GIS software GRASS releases 8.0 to 8.4 have received some long overdue improvements in imagery handling such as the ability to reuse spectral…”
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Published in Baltic Journal of Modern Computing (01-01-2021)“…[...]the Scientific Committee, formed by the authors of this foreword, decided to keep the free software spirit alive and give a chance to the participants to…”
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Pleistocene and Holocene aeolian sediments of different location and geological history: A new insight from rounding and frosting of quartz grains
Published in Quaternary international (10-04-2014)“…Rounding and frosting of quartz grains in aeolian sediments of the known stratigraphic position and unique geological setting was explored in Finnish,…”
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Liquefaction and re-liquefaction of sediments induced by uneven loading and glacigenic earthquakes: Implications of results from the Latvian Baltic Sea coast
Published in Sedimentary geology (15-07-2021)“…Seven internally-deformed layers were recognised in the shallow marine bay sediments deposited during mid Marine Isotope Stage 2 along the Latvian Baltic Sea…”
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Luminescence dating of aeolian–coastal events on the Kristianstad plain, SE Sweden
Published in Holocene (Sevenoaks) (01-01-2017)“…Aeolian–coastal sediments and landforms are excellent palaeoenvironmental archives, but chronological studies of coastal records are scarce in Sweden. In this…”
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Late-glacial to Holocene aeolian deposition in northeastern Europe – The timing of sedimentation at the Iisaku site (NE Estonia)
Published in Quaternary international (30-01-2015)“…The Late-glacial and Holocene aeolian inland dune complex at Iisaku (NE Estonia) has been investigated using an accurate and detailed compilation of the…”
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Sandy fan-like forms in the central-eastern mazovian lowland (central poland): textural record and chronology
Published in Geografiska annaler. Series A, Physical geography (01-06-2016)“…A unique, continuous, fan-shaped belt of sandy landforms in the central-eastern Mazovian Lowland, Central Poland has been investigated using a multiproxy…”
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The fan-like forms in the southern margin of the Mazovian Lowland area (Central Poland): a new high-resolution textural-timing study
Published in International journal of earth sciences : Geologische Rundschau (01-04-2016)“…An optically stimulated luminescence technique with a high-resolution sampling strategy, as well as a set of multiple proxies such as grain size distribution,…”
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The north-eastern aeolian ‘European Sand Belt’ as potential record of environmental changes: A case study from Eastern Latvia and Southern Estonia
Published in Aeolian research (01-09-2016)“…The Latvian and Estonian inland dunes belong to the north-eastern part of the 'European Sand Belt' (ESB). These dunes are widely distributed over broad…”
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Macro- and micro-scale study and chronology of Late Weichselian aeolian sediments in Estonia, north-eastern European Sand Belt
Published in International journal of earth sciences : Geologische Rundschau (01-09-2019)“…Patchy aeolian landforms, representing the NE part of the European Sand Belt, occur in NE Estonia, between the Gulf of Finland and Lake Peipsi. The dunes are…”
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Sedimentary features reveal transport paths for Holocene sediments on the Kristianstad coastal plain, SE Sweden
Published in GFF (03-04-2017)“…We have investigated coastal and aeolian deposits on the Kristianstad plain in southernmost Sweden by a combination of methods that has yielded data on…”
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An erratic dropstone of granodiorite with a water-escape structure from a Weichselian terrace along the River Gauja (NE Latvia)
Published in Catena (Giessen) (01-05-2016)“…A river terrace of the River Gauja (Latvia), built of Weichselian glaciolacustrine deposits, contains a large number of erratic boulders from the Fennoscandian…”
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