Search Results - "NORBERG, U. M"
Leg morphology and locomotion in birds: requirements for force and speed during ankle flexion
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-03-2003)“…Muscle force production and speed of movement of a bone are not only highly dependent on muscle properties but also on the biomechanical arrangements of the…”
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How a Long Tail and Changes in Mass and Wing Shape Affect the Cost for Flight in Animals
Published in Functional ecology (01-02-1995)“…1. Relationships between foraging strategy, flight performance and wing shape in animals can be demonstrated with the use of aerodynamic theory. The optimal…”
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The cost of hovering and forward flight in a nectar-feeding bat, Glossophaga soricina, estimated from aerodynamic theory
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-09-1993)“…Energy expenditure during flight in animals can best be understood and quantified when both theoretical and empirical approaches are used concurrently. This…”
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Evolution of Vertebrate Flight: An Aerodynamic Model for the Transition from Gliding to Active Flight
Published in The American naturalist (01-01-1985)“…I counter recent criticism against the arboreal theory of the evolution of flight in vertebrates. It has been stated, for instance, that incipient flapping…”
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Lift-based paddling in diving grebe
Published in Journal of experimental biology (15-05-2001)“…To examine the hydrodynamic propulsion mechanism of a diving great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus), the three-dimensional kinematics was determined by…”
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Soaring and non-soaring bats of the family pteropodidae (flying foxes, Pteropus spp.): wing morphology and flight performance
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-02-2000)“…On oceanic islands, some large diurnal megachiropteran bat species (flying foxes; Pteropus spp.) frequently use thermal or slope soaring during foraging…”
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Aerodynamics, kinematics, and energetics of horizontal flapping flight in the long-eared bat Plecotus auritus
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-08-1976)“…The kinematics, aerodynamics, and energetics of Plecotus auritus in slow horizontal flight, 2-35 m s-1, are analysed. At this speed the inclination of the…”
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Aerodynamics of hovering flight in the long-eared bat Plecotus auritus
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-10-1976)“…Steady-state aerodynamic and momentum theories were used for calculations of the lift and drag coefficients of Plecotus auritus in hovering flight. The lift…”
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Moments of inertia of bat wings and body
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-07-1991)“…The moments of inertia of the wings about the shoulder joint and about the roll axis were estimated in eight species of bats, using strip analysis. The moment…”
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Ecological morphology and flight in bats (Mammalia; Chiroptera): wing adaptations, flight performance, foraging strategy and echolocation
Published in Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences (16-09-1987)“…Bat wing morphology is considered in relation to flight performance and flight behaviour to clarify the functional basis for eco-morphological correlations in…”
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Evolutionary Convergence in Foraging Niche and Flight Morphology in Insectivorous Aerial-Hawking Birds and Bats
Published in Ornis Scandinavica (01-07-1986)“…Some insectivorous birds and most insectivorous bats catch their prey in flight. This puts large demands on flight manoeuvrability and agility and calls for…”
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Asymmetric toes aid underwater swimming
Published in Nature (London) (05-10-2000)“…The unique morphology of the toes of the great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus), which are asymmetrically lobed with a narrower skin flap on the lateral side…”
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Allometry of Bat Wings and Legs and Comparison with Bird Wings
Published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences (10-06-1981)“…Allometric equations on wing dimensions versus body mass are given for eight species of megabats and 76 species of microbats, on forearm length versus mass for…”
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Biomechanics of Flight
Published in BioScience (01-10-1990)Get full text
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Some Advanced Flight Manoeuvres of Bats
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-04-1976)“…Two manoeuvres in bats are described: rolls through 180°, in Nyctalus noctula, and a series of sideslips in Otomops martiensseni. These manoeuvres cause a…”
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An Arrangement Giving a Stiff Leading Edge to the Hand Wing in Bats
Published in Journal of mammalogy (01-11-1969)“…A special arrangement giving a stiff leading edge of the hand wing, the two distal phalanges of the third digit excluded, is described. The second digit, the…”
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