Search Results - "NEWBURY, Dianne F"
Next-generation DNA sequencing identifies novel gene variants and pathways involved in specific language impairment
Published in Scientific reports (25-04-2017)“…A significant proportion of children have unexplained problems acquiring proficient linguistic skills despite adequate intelligence and opportunity…”
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A Functional Genetic Link between Distinct Developmental Language Disorders
Published in The New England journal of medicine (27-11-2008)“…This study shows an association between variants of CNTNAP2 and a diminished ability to repeat nonsense words, a behavioral marker of specific language…”
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Corrigendum: Genome-wide association study of motor coordination
Published in Frontiers in human neuroscience (23-01-2024)“…[This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.669902.]…”
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Genome-Wide Association Study of Motor Coordination
Published in Frontiers in human neuroscience (09-06-2021)“…The ability to finely control our movement is key to achieving many of the educational milestones and life-skills we develop throughout our lives. Despite the…”
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The Genetic and Molecular Basis of Developmental Language Disorder: A Review
Published in Children (Basel) (20-04-2022)“…Language disorders are highly heritable and are influenced by complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors. Despite more than twenty years of…”
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Exome sequencing in an admixed isolated population indicates NFXL1 variants confer a risk for specific language impairment
Published in PLoS genetics (01-03-2015)“…Children affected by Specific Language Impairment (SLI) fail to acquire age appropriate language skills despite adequate intelligence and opportunity. SLI is…”
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Copy Number Variation Screen Identifies a Rare De Novo Deletion at Chromosome 15q13.1-13.3 in a Child with Language Impairment
Published in PloS one (11-08-2015)“…A significant proportion of children (up to 7% in the UK) present with pronounced language difficulties that cannot be explained by obvious causes like other…”
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Candidate gene variant effects on language disorders in Robinson Crusoe Island
Published in Annals of human biology (17-02-2019)“…Background: Robinson Crusoe Island is a geographically and socially isolated settlement located over 600 km west of the Port of Valparíso, Chile. An unusually…”
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The Genetic Population Structure of Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile
Published in Frontiers in genetics (26-06-2020)“…Studies examining genetic conditions common in Latin America are highly underrepresented in the scientific literature. Understanding of the population…”
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Analysis of exome data in a UK cohort of 603 patients with syndromic orofacial clefting identifies causal molecular pathways
Published in Human molecular genetics (18-05-2023)“…Abstract Orofacial cleft (OC) is a common congenital anomaly in humans, which has lifelong implications for affected individuals. This disorder can be…”
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Stage 2 Registered Report: Variation in neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with sex chromosome trisomies: testing the double hit hypothesis
Published in Wellcome open research (01-06-2021)“…Background : The presence of an extra sex chromosome is associated with an increased rate of neurodevelopmental difficulties involving language. The 'double…”
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The dyslexia candidate locus on 2p12 is associated with general cognitive ability and white matter structure
Published in PloS one (28-11-2012)“…Independent studies have shown that candidate genes for dyslexia and specific language impairment (SLI) impact upon reading/language-specific traits in the…”
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Stage 2 Registered Report: Variation in neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with sex chromosome trisomies: testing the double hit hypothesis
Published in Wellcome open research (07-09-2020)“…Background : The presence of an extra sex chromosome is associated with an increased rate of neurodevelopmental difficulties involving language. The 'double…”
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Further evidence for a parent-of-origin effect at the NOP9 locus on language-related phenotypes
Published in Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders (14-06-2016)“…Specific language impairment (SLI) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder, observed in 5-10 % of children. Family and twin studies suggest a strong genetic…”
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Generalized Structured Component Analysis in candidate gene association studies: applications and limitations
Published in Wellcome open research (08-10-2020)“…Background: Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA) is a component-based alternative to traditional covariance-based structural equation modelling…”
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The Development of Mental Health Difficulties in Young People with and without Developmental Language Disorder: A Gene-Environment Interplay Study Using Polygenic Scores
Published in Journal of speech, language, and hearing research (09-05-2023)“…Purpose: Young people with developmental language disorder (DLD) have poorer mental health than those without DLD. However, not all young people with DLD are…”
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Stage 2 Registered Report: Variation in neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with sex chromosome trisomies: testing the double hit hypothesis
Published in Wellcome open research (2018)“…: The presence of an extra sex chromosome is associated with an increased rate of neurodevelopmental difficulties involving language. The 'double hit'…”
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Unraveling the molecular interactions between α7 nicotinic receptor and a RIC3 variant associated with backward speech
Published in Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS (01-12-2024)“…Recent work putatively linked a rare genetic variant of the chaperone Resistant to Inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase ( RIC3 ) (NM_024557.4:c.262G > A,…”
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Using Polygenic Profiles to Predict Variation in Language and Psychosocial Outcomes in Early and Middle Childhood
Published in Journal of speech, language, and hearing research (01-09-2019)“…Purpose: Children with poor language tend to have worse psychosocial outcomes compared to their typically developing peers. The most common explanations for…”
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Stage 1 Registered Report: Variation in neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with sex chromosome trisomies: protocol for a test of the double hit hypothesis
Published in Wellcome open research (2018)“…: The presence of an extra sex chromosome is associated with an increased rate of neurodevelopmental difficulties involving language. Group averages, however,…”
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