Search Results - "NEVES, VALDIR AUGUSTO"

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  1. 1

    Chemical characteristics and fractionation of proteins from Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves by Teixeira, Estelamar Maria Borges, Carvalho, Maria Regina Barbieri, Neves, Valdir Augusto, Silva, Maraíza Apareci, Arantes-Pereira, Lucas

    Published in Food chemistry (15-03-2014)
    “…•This study indicates that Moringa oleifera leaves have a high nutritional value.•The existing total protein in the leaves showed low in vitro…”
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    New molecular features of cowpea bean (Vigna unguiculata, l. Walp) β-vignin by de Souza Ferreira, Ederlan, Capraro, Jessica, Sessa, Fabio, Magni, Chiara, Demonte, Aureluce, Consonni, Alessandro, Augusto Neves, Valdir, Maffud Cilli, Eduardo, Duranti, Marcello, Scarafoni, Alessio

    “…Cowpea seed β-vignin, a vicilin-like globulin, proved to exert various health favourable effects, including blood cholesterol reduction in animal models. The…”
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    Soy β-conglycinin (7S globulin) reduces plasma and liver cholesterol in rats fed hypercholesterolemic diet by Ferreira, Ederlan de Souza, Silva, Maraiza Aparecida, Demonte, Aureluce, Neves, Valdir Augusto

    Published in Journal of medicinal food (01-01-2011)
    “…The aim of this study was to examine the comparative hypocholesterolemic effect of soybean 7S fraction in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet. Soybean 7S globulin…”
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    β-Conglycinin (7S) and glycinin (11S) exert a hypocholesterolemic effect comparable to that of fenofibrate in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet by Ferreira, Ederlan de Souza, Silva, Maraiza Aparecida, Demonte, Aureluce, Neves, Valdir Augusto

    Published in Journal of functional foods (01-10-2010)
    “…The hypocholesterolemic effect of isolated soybean proteins and fenofibrate in rats was compared. Forty-five rats were divided into five groups: standard (STD;…”
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    Ionically Bound Peroxidase from Peach Fruit by Neves, Valdir Augusto(Universidade Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho Faculty of Pharmaceuticals Sciences Department of Food Nutrition)

    “…Soluble, ionically bound peroxidase (POD) and polyphenoloxidase (PPO) were extracted from the pulp of peach fruit during ripening at 20°C. Ionically bound form…”
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    Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Sweet Lupin, Chickpea, and Lentil 11S Globulins Decreases their Antigenic Activity by Sormus de Castro Pinto, Silvia Elaine, Neves, Valdir Augusto, Machado de Medeiros, Beatriz Maria

    Published in Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (11-02-2009)
    “…We investigated the effects of treatments with the enzymes pepsin and trypsin on the in vitro immunological reactivity of the major globulins found in the…”
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    Polyphenol Oxidase from Yacon Roots (Smallanthus sonchifolius) by Neves, Valdir Augusto, da Silva, Maraiza Aparecida

    Published in Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (21-03-2007)
    “…Polyphenol oxidase (E.C. (PPO) extracted from yacon roots (Smallanthus sonchifolius) was partially purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation and…”
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    Soybean glycinin (11S) increases HDL-cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic rats by Giácomo Fassini, Priscila, de Souza Ferreira, Ederlan, Aparecida da Silva, Maraiza, Augusto Neves, Valdir, Demonte, Aureluce

    Published in Nutrition and food science (23-03-2012)
    “…Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to determine the effects of isolated soy glycinin (11S) on lipid metabolism in animals subjected to a…”
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    In vitro versus in vivo protein digestibility techniques for calculating PDCAAS (protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score) applied to chickpea fractions by Tavano, Olga Luisa, Neves, Valdir Augusto, da Silva Júnior, Sinézio Inácio

    Published in Food research international (01-11-2016)
    “…Seven different in vitro methods to determine the protein digestibility for chickpea proteins were considered and also the application of these methodologies…”
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    Changes in protein fractions, trypsin inhibitor and proteolytic activity in the cotyledons of germinating chickpea by Neves, V A, Lourenço, E J

    Published in Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición (01-09-2001)
    “…The chickpea seed germination was carried out in 6 days. During the period it was observed a little variation on total nitrogen contents, however the non…”
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    Isolation, solubility and in vitro hydrolysis of chickpea vicilin-like protein by Tavano, Olga Luisa, Neves, Valdir Augusto

    Published in Food science & technology (01-01-2008)
    “…The chickpea vicilin-like globulin was isolated and chromatographed on Sepharose CL-6B and Sephacryl S-300. The native globulin with a molecular weight of 140…”
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    The Vicilin protein ( Vigna radiata L. ) of mung bean as a functional food: Evidence of “in vitro” hypocholesterolemic activity by Amaral, Ana Lucia, Ferreira, Ederlan Souza, Silva, Maraiza Aparecida, Neves, Valdir Augusto, Demonte, Aureluce

    Published in Nutrition and food science (01-01-2017)
    “…Purpose The hypocholesterolemic activity of legume vicilins and the structural homology among mung bean, soybean and adzuki bean vicilins (8S) suggest that…”
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    Peroxidase from peach fruit: thermal Stability by Valdir Augusto Neves, E. J. Lourenço

    “…Peroxidase from peach fruit was purified 28.9-fold by DEAE-cellulose, Sephadex G-100 and hydroxylapatite chromatography. The purified enzyme showed only one…”
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    The Vicilin protein (Vigna radiata L.) of mung bean as a functional food by Amaral, Ana Lucia, Ferreira, Ederlan Souza, Silva, Maraiza Aparecida, Neves, Valdir Augusto, Demonte, Aureluce

    Published in Nutrition and food science (13-11-2017)
    “…Purpose The hypocholesterolemic activity of legume vicilins and the structural homology among mung bean, soybean and adzuki bean vicilins (8S) suggest that…”
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    Nutritional Responses of Rats to Diets Based on Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Seed Meal or Its Protein Fractions by Tavano, Olga Luisa, da Silva, Sinézio Inácio, Demonte, Aureluce, Neves, Valdir Augusto

    Published in Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (26-11-2008)
    “…The aim of this study was to isolate the protein fractions from chickpea, var. IAC-Marrocos, as well as to evaluate its in vivo nutritional protein quality…”
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    Partial characterization of proteins from baru (Dipteryx alata Vog) seeds by Cruz, Kézia Soares da, Silva, Maraiza Aparecida da, Freitas, Osvaldo de, Neves, Valdir Augusto

    “…BACKGROUND: Baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) is a fruit distributed throughout the Brazilian savanna and contains a seed with a high protein content, whose…”
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    Legumin from chickpea: hypolipidemic effect in the liver of hypercholesterolemic rats by Amaral, Ana Lucia, Ferreira, Ederlan Souza, Neves, Valdir Augusto, Demonte, Aureluce

    Published in Nutrition and food science (02-09-2014)
    “…Purpose This study has determined the effects of 11S globulin isolated from Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) on lipid metabolism in animals subjected to a…”
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    Published in Journal of food biochemistry (01-12-2011)
    “…ABSTRACT Polyphenoloxidase (PPO) from atemoya fruit was extracted and partially purified by phase partitioning in Triton X‐114 (TX‐114), ammonium sulfate…”
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    Effects of heat treatment and calcium on postharvest storage of atemoya fruits/Efeitos do tratamento termico e calcio no armazenamento pos-colheita de frutos de atemoia by Torres, Liz Maria Abi Rached, da Silva, Maraiza Aparecida, Guaglianoni, Dalton Geraldo, Neves, Valdir Augusto

    Published in Alimentos e nutrição (01-07-2009)
    “…The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of postharvest warm dipping with calcium chloride (Ca[Cl.sub.2]) on atemoya fruit (Annona cherimola…”
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