Search Results - "NCA quarterly"
Programs and Practices of Quality: What's Happening Out There?
Published in NCA quarterly (1999)“…Summarizes the development of a restructuring model of Poudre High School (Colorado) begun in 1989 with the creation of a three-tiered framework: (1) central…”
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Peer Coaching: A Hands-On Form of Administrative Staff Development
Published in NCA quarterly (1999)“…Asserts that high turnover in educational administrative personnel, especially principals, necessitates that attention and resources be allocated to…”
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Enhancing the Elementary School Curriculum through Community Arts Organizations: A Case Study
Published in NCA quarterly (1999)“…Presents a case study of 95 elementary schools within a 50-mile radius of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to discern the extent to which elementary schools use…”
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The School and the Private Sector: Romance or Marriage of Convenience
Published in NCA quarterly (1999)“…Presents the alliance between Reading High School (Pennsylvania) and a local corporation as a case study of the potential for incentives and private-sector…”
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Review of the Literature
Published in NCA quarterly (1999)“…Provides synopses of eleven recent articles on school improvement. Addresses specific topics such as: teacher assessment, early childhood education curriculum,…”
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Finding the Moral in a Primary Classroom: The Power of Literature Study
Published in NCA quarterly (1999)“…Discusses a study of the moral meanings first through third graders found as they participated in literature-study groups at Valley View Elementary School…”
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Outcomes Accreditation Revisited
Published in NCA quarterly (1999)“…Describes an outcomes accreditation study of 27 schools, undertaken after the 1985 North Central Association Commission on Schools' (NCA COS) two-year…”
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Utilizing the NCA Outcomes Endorsement to Address District-Wide Priorities
Published in NCA quarterly (1998)“…Describes the implementation of the Missouri School Improvement Process in the Springfield School District in Missouri. Suggests that supplementing the…”
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One State's Response to the Collaborative Imperative: Voluntary Articulation Between the University of Wyoming and Wyoming's Community Colleges
Published in NCA quarterly (1998)“…Presents the statewide articulation agreements developed by Wyoming higher education institutions, resulting in a common name and numbering system for…”
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Making Collaboration Work: A Challenge for the Commission
Published in NCA quarterly (1998)“…States that the effectiveness of the North Central Association's Commission on Institutions of Higher Education annual meeting programs and this issue of the…”
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Technology and Change: Impossible to Resist
Published in NCA quarterly (1998)“…Describes numerous changes in the educational environment brought about by technology. Asserts a need for students, faculty, and staff to engage in continuous…”
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Collaborative Doctoral Education: Overcoming Barriers, Building Coalitions, and Achieving Results
Published in NCA quarterly (1998)“…Discusses the collaboration of six Missouri higher education institutions to offer improved access to doctoral education and statewide preparation of…”
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Integrating Graduate Study with Corporate Responsibilities
Published in NCA quarterly (1998)“…Describes a growing competition for advancement within corporate ranks due to technical and cultural changes, an occurrence that has increased the number of…”
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Creating Institutional Alliances: Bringing People and Programs Closer Together
Published in NCA quarterly (1998)“…Discusses the strategic institutional alliance formed by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and two southeastern University of Wisconsin campuses that offer…”
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The Outcomes Endorsement: An Update
Published in NCA quarterly (1998)“…Summarizes an analysis of the outcomes endorsement improvement cycles of 120 schools. Provides results in standard scores on goal types as well as goal…”
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A Collaborative Liberal Arts Graduate Cohort Program in Teaching and Technology: Lessons Learned
Published in NCA quarterly (1998)“…Describes the collaboration between Augustana College (South Dakota) and a local K-12 school district in developing a master's degree program in education that…”
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In Quest of the NCA Commission on Schools Standard: A Journey for Students and Schools
Published in NCA quarterly (1998)“…Describes five major criteria, set by the North Central Association Commission on Schools (NCA), that must be present in order for a school to maintain…”
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A Collaboration to Improve the Teaching of Science and Mathematics in the Public Schools
Published in NCA quarterly (1998)“…States that producing better-trained science and mathematics teachers is a complex issue that requires creative approaches. Asserts that partnerships among…”
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Early Childhood Education: Part of the NCA Family
Published in NCA quarterly (1998)“…Analyzes accreditation for early childhood education programs in the context of two major schools of thought: "academic" learning versus "developmentally…”
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Information Literacy: The Collaborative Imperative
Published in NCA quarterly (1998)“…Asserts that information literacy has become the collaborative imperative in higher education. Addresses the ways in which Wayne State University's (Michigan)…”
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