Search Results - "Myers, Robert S.R."
Coalgebraic constructions of canonical nondeterministic automata
Published in Theoretical computer science (02-11-2015)“…For each regular language L we describe a family of canonical nondeterministic acceptors (nfas). Their construction follows a uniform recipe: build the minimal…”
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Varieties of Languages in a Category
Published in 2015 30th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (01-07-2015)“…Eilenberg's variety theorem, a centerpiece of algebraic automata theory, establishes a bijective correspondence between varieties of languages and…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Hybrid logic with the difference modality for generalisations of graphs
Published in Journal of applied logic (01-12-2010)“…We discuss recent work generalising the basic hybrid logic with the difference modality to any reasonable notion of transition. This applies equally to both…”
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On Continuous Nondeterminism and State Minimality
Published in Electronic notes in theoretical computer science (29-10-2014)“…This paper is devoted to the study of nondeterministic closure automata, that is, nondeterministic finite automata (nfas) equipped with a strict closure…”
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Journal Article -
Rational Operational Models
Published in Electronic notes in theoretical computer science (04-11-2013)“…GSOS is a specification format for well-behaved operations on transition systems. Aceto introduced a restriction of this format, called simple GSOS, which…”
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Journal Article