Search Results - "Musengezi, Jessica"
Using economics in conservation practice: Insights from a global environmental organization
Published in Conservation science and practice (01-05-2021)“…Identifying and implementing successful strategies to conserve nature is a central goal of environmental practitioners. Conservation tools increasingly have an…”
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Journal Article -
How do practitioners characterize land tenure security?
Published in Conservation science and practice (01-05-2020)“…Improving land tenure security (LTS) is a significant challenge for sustainable development. The Sustainable Development Goals and other recent global…”
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Journal Article -
Addressing human behavior in conservation design: Learning from program applications
Published in Biological conservation (01-03-2023)“…Human behavior plays a key role in determining conservation outcomes. The actions of multi-national environmental non-government organizations (NGOs) offer a…”
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Journal Article -
Incorporating Land Tenure Security into Conservation
Published in Conservation letters (01-03-2018)“…Insecure land tenure plagues many developing and tropical regions, often where conservation concerns are highest. Conservation organizations have long focused…”
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Creating conservation strategies with value-focused thinking
Published in Conservation biology (01-10-2023)“…Biodiversity and human well-being strategies are only as good as the set of ideas people think about. We evaluated value-focused thinking (VFT), a framework…”
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Journal Article -
Can integrating wildlife and livestock enhance ecosystem services in central Kenya?
Published in Frontiers in ecology and the environment (01-08-2017)“…Because wildlife and livestock compete for grazing resources, biodiversity conservation and livestock ranching typically have been portrayed as conflicting…”
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Journal Article -
economics and institutional economics of wildlife on private land in Africa
Published in Pastoralism : research, policy and practice (2012)“…In southern Africa, there are now 10,000 to 14,000 private ranchers that promote wildlife enterprises alone or in some in combination with domestic livestock…”
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Journal Article -
Wildlife utilization on private land: Understanding the economics of game ranching in South Africa
Published 01-01-2010“…Wildlife based land use has been spreading rapidly on private land of South Africa, as individuals harness the benefits of wildlife in semi-arid areas where…”
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Dissertation -
Wildlife utilization on private land: Understanding the economics of game ranching in South Africa
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Dissertation -
The economics and institutional economics of wildlife on private land in Africa
Published in Pastoralism : research, policy and practice (01-09-2012)“…In southern Africa, there are now 10,000 to 14,000 private ranchers that promote wildlife enterprises alone or in some in combination with domestic livestock…”
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Book Review