Search Results - "Murphy, E W"
Aging and Inhibitory Control in Text Comprehension
Published in Psychology and aging (01-06-1996)“…The degree to which inhibitory regulation is related to the initial perception of information or to the control of response tendencies was examined by asking…”
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Selenium Supplementation for Dairy Cows
Published in Irish journal of agricultural and food research (01-06-1997)“…It is well established that substantial parts of Western Europe, including Ireland, produce herbage with selenium concentrations in the range of 0.03 to 0.10…”
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Journal Article Conference Proceeding -
A Note on the Effects of Date of Autumn Sowing on Establishment of Lolium perenne L
Published in Irish journal of agricultural and food research (01-01-1992)“…Experiments were conducted to examine the influence of date of autumn sowing of Lolium perenne on seedling emergence and tiller development during winter and…”
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Effects of seeding rates and of mixtures of Lolium multiflorum Lam. and Lolium perenne L. on productivity
Published in Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research (1987)“…The effects of seeding rate on productivity of Lolium multiflorum Lam. (Italian ryegrass) were examined in an experiment over two years. There were eight…”
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Journal Article -
A Note on the Effect of Phosphorus on the Establishment of Lolium Perenne in an Outdoor Pot Experiment
Published in Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research (01-01-1990)“…In an outdoor pot experiment the effect of two rates of added phosphorus (P) on Lolium perenne establishment in two soils of high and low P status was studied…”
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The ionic control of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 synthesis in isolated chick renal mitochondria. The role of calcium as influenced by inorganic phosphate and hydrogen-ion
Published in The Journal of clinical investigation (01-02-1975)“…Isolated kidney mitochondria prepared from Vitamin D-deficient chicks catalyze the conversion of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 to 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3. It wasfound…”
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Maintenance of productivity of Lolium multiflorum Lam. by slurry seeding
Published in Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research (1987)“…Lolium multiflorum (Italian ryegrass) cv Meritra was sown in the autumn 1980, and was cut 4 times annually up to and including 1985. In September of each year,…”
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Journal Article -
role of mixtures and seeding rate in ryegrass productivity
Published in Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research (01-01-1986)“…A field investigation was carried out over 3 years to determine the merits of monocultures and various mixtures of perennial ryegrass cultivars in terms of dry…”
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productivity of Lolium multiflorum Lam. under cutting and grazing management
Published in Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research (1987)“…Lolium multiflorum (Italian ryegrass) cv. Meritra was evaluated under a conservation and two grazing regimes for two years. In the conservation system, plots…”
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Effect of Stocking Rates and Cobalt and Copper Supplementation on the Performance of Bullocks on Shallow Peatland
Published in Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research (01-08-1979)“…The performance of beef animals on shallow cut-over raised bog was studied with special emphasis on i) the effect of stocking rate on pasture and animal…”
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Mineral Content of Meats, Mineral Elements in Adipose Tissue of Lamb and Pork
Published in Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (01-11-1962)Get full text
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Trace minerals in type A school lunches
Published in Journal of the American Dietetic Association (01-02-1971)Get more information
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Provisional tables on the zinc content of foods
Published in Journal of the American Dietetic Association (01-04-1975)“…A critical and exhaustive review of published and unpublished data on the zinc content of foods showed that, with few exceptions, the major dietary sources of…”
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Vitamin content of type A school lunches
Published in Journal of the American Dietetic Association (01-10-1969)Get more information
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Lipid components of type A school lunches
Published in Journal of the American Dietetic Association (01-06-1970)Get more information
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Vitamin B6 components in fruits and nuts
Published in Journal of the American Dietetic Association (01-02-1966)Get more information
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Nutrient content of spices and herbs
Published in Journal of the American Dietetic Association (01-02-1978)“…Values for the nutrient content of spices and herbs culled from an extensive search of the literature and of unpublished sources are tabulated. Spices were…”
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Major mineral elements in type A school lunches
Published in Journal of the American Dietetic Association (01-09-1970)Get more information
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Proximate composition of ready-to-serve, rice-containing foods
Published in Journal of the American Dietetic Association (01-12-1965)Get more information
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Minerals and proximate composition of organ meats
Published in Journal of the American Dietetic Association (01-04-1961)Get more information
Journal Article