Search Results - "Muhammad, Ahmad Adam"

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  1. 1

    Molecular determination of van genes among clinical isolates of enterococci at a hospital setting by Kankalil George, Siju, Suseela, M.R., El Safi, Saleh, Ali Elnagi, Elmoeiz, Al-Naam, Yaser A, Adlan Mohammed Adam, Ahmed, Mary Jacob, Ashly, Al-Maqati, Thekra, Kumar KS, Harish

    Published in Saudi journal of biological sciences (01-05-2021)
    “…Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) poses a formidable challenge to public health due to its inherent resistance to multiple antibiotics coupled with the…”
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  2. 2

    Testicular embryonic rhabdomyosarcoma : case report with brief literature review by Adam, Ahmad Muhammad, Bin Awf, Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad, Faraj Allah, Ishraga A.

    Published in Sudan journal of medical sciences (01-03-2012)
    “…الخلفية : ورم الساركومة العضلية المخططة هو ورم خبيث ينشا من الأنسجة الصلبة الوسيطة التي تميز عادة لتشكيل العضلات المخططة. يمكن أن يحدث في عدد كبير من المواقع و…”
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  3. 3

    Perception of professionalism among first year medical students in OIU by Karrar, Musaab, Mardi, Tariq Jumah, al-Hadi, al-Sadiq, Abu al-Nasir, Hazim, Ibn Awf, Muhammad M. A. M., Adam, Ahmad Muhammad, Ibn Awf, M. A. M., Ibn Awf, Abd al-Rahman M. A. M.

    Published in Sudan journal of medical sciences (01-06-2012)
    “…Background: Since days of Hippocrates, and passing through the Geneva Declaration and Helsinki Convention the eve of the 21st century guidelines and mission…”
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  4. 4

    Prospective randomised controlled trial of teaching medical students behavioural sciences by al-Ubaydi, Khalid S., al-Murjani, Ahmad Muhammad Uthman, Kirkisawi, Nailah, Mardi, Tariq Jumah, Ibn Awf, Muhammad Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad, Abd al-Aziz, Abd al-Aziz Sadiq, Adam, Ahmad Muhammad, Hajj, Musab Krar, Ibn Awf, Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad

    Published in Sudan journal of medical sciences (01-09-2012)
    “…569880 خلفية : في العقود القليلة الماضية٬ صعدت الكفاءة المهنية الطبية كقضية صعبة للتعليم و التقييم. الهدف : لمقارنة مستوى فهم الكفاءة المهنية الطبية٬ و الأخلاق…”
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  5. 5

    Testicular microlithiasis : report of two cases and overview by Babakr, Abd al-Rahman E. T., Obaideen A. M., Adam, Ahmad Muhammad

    Published in Sudan journal of medical sciences (16-11-2010)
    “…Testicular microlithiasis is a rare asymptomatic disease of the testis. It is associated with testicular tumors and a wide variety of other pathologies. The…”
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  6. 6

    Pattern and incidence of cancer at el Obeid Hospital, Western Sudan by Dumi, al-Bushra Ahmad, Ahmad, Muhammad Adam, al-Faky, Abd al-Salam Hamad Muhammad

    Published in Sudan journal of medical sciences (06-08-2009)
    “…الخلفية : زيادة عدد المسنيين، التغيير في نمط الحياة، العادات الغذائية المستحدثة و ظهور الإيدز كلها عوامل زادت من خطر التعرض للسرطان في الدول النامية و التي من…”
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  7. 7

    Neonatal multiple hepatic haemangiomas : a rare presentation by Saeed, Ahmad Muhammad Adam, Qaddur, Muhammad Uthman al-Hasan

    Published in Sudan journal of medical sciences (01-12-2007)
    “…Hepatic haemangiomas are vascular malformations that rarely affect infants. They have no characteristic presentation. Clinical diagnosis is difficult and…”
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  8. 8

    Acute Cholecystitis in paediatric patients in Khartoum, Sudan by Adam, Ahmad Muhammad, Bin Awf, Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad, Ali, Sayyid

    Published in Sudan journal of medical sciences (01-09-2007)
    “…Introduction : Acute cholecystitis in children is a rare presentation, especially acicular type. Many cases of acute cholecystitis in pediatrics were reported…”
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  9. 9

    Rare coexistence of benign renal oncocytoma and renal cell carcinoma by Khalaf Allah, Muhammad, Uthman, Hibah Hasan, Mustafa, Usamah, Saeed, Ahmad Muhammad Adam

    Published in Sudan journal of medical sciences (17-10-2008)
    “…الهدف : التعريف بمظهر و ترافق نادر لورم غدي كلوي نادر مع سرطان الكلية في الكلية اليسرى لمريض يبلغ عمره 65 عاما حضر يشكو من ألم مزمن بخاصرته اليسرى. أوضحت…”
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  10. 10

    Outcome of double burr-hole craniotomy in patients with chronic subdural haematoma by Ahmad, Ibrahim Mahjub, Adam, Muhammad Ahmad, Hamzah, Amir Abd Allah, Hasan, Najm al-Din

    Published in Sudan journal of medical sciences (01-09-2007)
    “…Background : Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is a common condition in late stages of life. Most of the patients are subjected to minor trivial trauma which…”
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  11. 11

    A modified apache ii score for predicting mortality of variceal bleeding by Abd al-Rahim, al-Nibras M., Muhammad, Ahmad Adam, Bin Awf, Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad

    Published in Sudan journal of medical sciences (01-06-2007)
    “…الأهداف : تهدف هذه الدراسة لتقويم مقياس APACHE 11 في التنبؤ بحدوث الوفاة لدى مرضى النزيف الحاد بسبب دوالي المرىء المرضى و الطرق : شملت الدراسة عدد 102 مريض…”
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