Search Results - "Muñuzuri, Alberto P"
Optimal control of the COVID-19 pandemic: controlled sanitary deconfinement in Portugal
Published in Scientific reports (10-02-2021)“…The COVID-19 pandemic has forced policy makers to decree urgent confinements to stop a rapid and massive contagion. However, after that stage, societies are…”
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Cluster states and π -transition in the Kuramoto model with higher order interactions
Published in Chaos, solitons and fractals (01-12-2023)“…We have examined the synchronization and de-synchronization transitions observable in the Kuramoto model with a standard pair-wise first harmonic interaction…”
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Unified representation of Life's basic properties by a 3-species Stochastic Cubic Autocatalytic Reaction-Diffusion system of equations
Published in Physics of life reviews (01-07-2022)“…Today we can use physics to describe in great detail many of the phenomena intervening in the process of life. But no analogous unified description exists for…”
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Improvement of a Surfactant Blend for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Carbonate Reservoirs by Means of an Ionic Liquid
Published in International journal of molecular sciences (31-12-2022)“…The promising experimental performance of surfactant blends encourages their use in recovering the large quantity of crude oil still remaining in carbonate…”
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Incorporating social opinion in the evolution of an epidemic spread
Published in Scientific reports (19-01-2021)“…The evolution of the COVID19 pandemic worldwide has shown that the most common and effective strategy to control it used worldwide involve imposing mobility…”
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Interface Fingering Instability Triggered by a Density-Coupled Oscillatory Chemical Reaction via Precipitation
Published in Langmuir (22-10-2019)“…A density fingering hydrodynamic instability is triggered by a chemical reaction at the interface between two fluids. The density instability is controlled by…”
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A bottom-up approach to construct or deconstruct a fluid instability
Published in Scientific reports (21-12-2021)“…Fluid instabilities have been the subject of study for a long time. Despite all the extensive knowledge, they still constitute a serious challenge for many…”
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Noise-Induced and Control of Collective Behavior in a Population of Coupled Chemical Oscillators
Published in The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory (09-03-2017)“…Synchronization of intercommunicating individual oscillators is an important form of collective behavior used in nature as a mechanism to face dangers, act…”
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A Goodwin Model Modification and Its Interactions in Complex Networks
Published in Entropy (Basel, Switzerland) (02-06-2023)“…The global economy cannot be understood without the interaction of smaller-scale economies. We addressed this issue by considering a simplified economic model…”
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Photosensitive Control and Network Synchronization of Chemical Oscillators
Published in Entropy (Basel, Switzerland) (30-05-2024)“…The Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction has long been a paradigmatic system for studying chemical oscillations. Here, we experimentally studied the…”
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Urbanity and the dynamics of language shift in Galicia
Published in Nature communications (11-04-2019)“…Sociolinguistic phenomena often involve interactions across different scales and result in social and linguistic changes that can be tracked over time. Here,…”
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Risk evaluation at municipality level of a COVID-19 outbreak incorporating relevant geographic data: the study case of Galicia
Published in Scientific reports (28-10-2021)“…The COVID-19 pandemic was an inevitable outcome of a globalized world in which a highly infective disease is able to reach every country in a matter of weeks…”
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Numerical Simulations of the Epley Maneuver With Clinical Implications
Published in Ear and hearing (01-07-2024)“…Canalith repositioning procedures to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo are often applied following standardized criteria, without considering the…”
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Osmotically Induced Membrane Fission in Giant Polymer Vesicles: Multilamellarity and Effect of the Amphiphilic Block Lengths
Published in Langmuir (18-09-2018)“…Amphiphilic block co-polymers are used to form large spherical vesicles. A sudden change in the osmotic pressure across the polymer membrane is used to induce…”
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Periodic Perturbation of Chemical Oscillators: Entrainment and Induced Synchronization
Published in Chemistry : a European journal (27-10-2014)“…It is well known that a large number of catalyst‐carrying beads immersed in an oscillatory chemical medium (Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction) display collective…”
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Assessing the risk of pandemic outbreaks across municipalities with mathematical descriptors based on age and mobility restrictions
Published in Chaos, solitons and fractals (01-07-2022)“…By March 14th 2022, Spain is suffering the sixth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. All the previous waves have been intimately related to the degree of imposed…”
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Accelerated Dynamics in Active Media: From Turing Patterns to Sparkling Waves
Published in Langmuir (17-03-2015)“…We report the destabilization of stationary Turing patterns and the subsequent emergence of fast spatiotemporal dynamics due to reactant consumption. The…”
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Numerical simulations to determine the stimulation of the crista ampullaris during the Head Impulse Test
Published in Computers in biology and medicine (01-09-2023)“…The Head Impulse Test, the most widely accept test to assess the vestibular function, comprises rotations of the head based on idealized orientations of the…”
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Control of the Chlorine Dioxide−Iodine−Malonic Acid Oscillating Reaction by Illumination
Published in Journal of the American Chemical Society (08-09-1999)“…We show that illumination of the chlorine dioxide−iodine−malonic acid reaction with visible light suppresses oscillations and shifts the steady state of the…”
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Coronary artery segmentation based on transfer learning and UNet architecture on computed tomography coronary angiography images
Published in IEEE access (01-01-2023)“…Coronary artery segmentation from CT scans is a helpful tool for coronary artery diseases diagnosis, which is frequently characterised by a vessel narrowing…”
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