Search Results - "Muñoz Cobos, F."
Functional improvement in frail older adults through the Vivifrail exercise program, during two years of pandemic
Published in Semergen, medicina de familia (01-11-2023)“…Physical exercise increases functional capacity in older adults, helping to prevent or delay dependence. This study evaluates the impact of a multicomponent…”
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Mejora funcional en personas mayores frágiles mediante el programa de ejercicios Vivifrail, durante dos años de pandemia
Published in Semergen, medicina de familia (01-11-2023)“…El ejercicio físico aumenta la capacidad funcional en personas mayores ayudando a evitar o retrasar situaciones de dependencia. En este estudio se evalúa el…”
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Polio y postpolio. Visión de pacientes y profesionales en atención primaria ()
Published in Revista española de salud pública (25-06-2018)Get full text
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Nutritional assessment of the fragile elderly in primary care
Published in Atención primaria (31-05-2005)“…To determine in primary care the nutritional status of elderly people at risk of malnutrition and to evaluate their evolution after an intervention…”
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Valoración nutricional en ancianos frágiles en atención primaria
Published in Atención primaria (01-05-2005)Get full text
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Qualitative research into women who are victims of male violence
Published in Atención primaria (30-04-2006)“…To analyse, from the point of view of the women, the experience of women who are victims of male violence and attended at primary care centres. Interpretative,…”
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Investigación cualitativa en mujeres víctimas de violencia de género
Published in Atención primaria (01-04-2006)Get full text
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Se diferencian los partos en clínicas públicas y privadas?
Published in Atención primaria (01-01-2002)Get full text
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Valoración nutricional en ancianos frágiles en atención primaria
Published in Atención primaria (31-05-2005)“…Determinar el estado nutricional de personas mayores con riesgo de desnutrición en atención primaria y evaluar la evolución tras la intervención. Intervención…”
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Improving care for victims of domestic violence. Impact of a priority intervention
Published in Atención primaria (15-09-2001)“…To evaluate the impact of a priority intervention in the care given to women who are victims of domestic violence and their children. Non-randomised…”
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Health problems and factors determining the number of on-demand visits of over-users of a health centre
Published in Atención primaria (31-05-2001)“…To describe the social and demographic characteristics and health problems of over-users of a health centre and to determine the number of attendances…”
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Mejora de la atención prestada a víctimas de violencia doméstica. Impacto de una intervención priorizada
Published in Atención primaria (15-09-2001)Get full text
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The application of risk strategy to a maternal-child program at a health center
Published in Atención primaria (30-04-1997)“…The overall objective is to prioritize health care for women and children at higher social risk. Intervention study. An urban health centre. Women and children…”
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Intervención grupal en los trastornos de ansiedad en Atención Primaria: técnicas de relajación y cognitivo-conductuales
Published in Semergen, medicina de familia (01-05-2006)“…Los trastornos de ansiedad son muy frecuentes en Atención Primaria. Su tratamiento incluye técnicas de relajación y respiración controlada y técnicas…”
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Antitobacco intervention in chronic patients followed-up at a nursing consult
Published in Atención primaria (01-07-1996)“…To break the dependency on tobacco of smokers with cardiovascular risk factors and monitored at a nursing clinic. A retrospective evaluation of the experience…”
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Investigación cualitativa en mujeres víctimas de violencia de género
Published in Atención primaria (30-04-2006)“…Analizar la experiencia de mujeres víctimas de la violencia de género atendidas en centros de atención primaria desde el punto de vista de las mujeres…”
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Factors associated with the participation of pregnant women in maternal education activities at a health center
Published in Atención primaria (15-11-1997)“…To determine the factors associated with participation in Maternal Education activities offered to pregnant women monitored at a Health Centre. A descriptive,…”
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Palliative treatment: care for the family
Published in Atención primaria (30-11-2002)Get full text
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Are deliveries of babies different in public and private clinics?
Published in Atención primaria (30-11-2002)Get full text
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