Search Results - "Moutinho, Luís"
Early unhealthy eating habits underlie morpho-functional changes in the liver and adipose tissue in male rats
Published in Histochemistry and cell biology (01-06-2022)“…Early-life consumption of high-fat and sugar-rich foods is recognized as a major contributor for the onset of metabolic dysfunction and its related disorders,…”
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Ischemia-Reperfusion Intervention: From Enhancements in Exercise Performance to Accelerated Performance Recovery-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (04-11-2020)“…It has been demonstrated that brief cycles of ischemia followed by reperfusion (IR) applied before exercise can improve performance and, IR intervention,…”
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A Real-Time Software Defined Networking Framework for Next-Generation Industrial Networks
Published in IEEE access (2019)“…Industry 4.0 brings in a whole set of new requirements to engineering industrial systems, with notorious impact at the networking layer. A key challenge posed…”
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Comparing Admission Control Architectures for Real-Time Ethernet
Published in IEEE access (2020)“…Industry 4.0 and Autonomous Driving are emerging resource-intensive distributed application domains that deal with open and evolving environments. These…”
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Antioxidant Activity and Inhibition of Human Neutrophil Oxidative Burst Mediated by Arylpropionic Acid Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
Published in Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin (2006)“…It has been suggested that the anti-inflammatory activity of some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be partly due to their ability to scavenge…”
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Correction to "Comparing Admission Control Architectures for Real-Time Ethernet"
Published in IEEE access (2020)“…In the above article <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref1">[1] , the last funding acknowledgment "[...] and in part by the Research Centre Instituto de…”
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A Importância da Música de Câmara nos Primeiros Anos de Formação do Ensino da Trompa
Published 01-01-2023“…O presente Relatório de Estágio Profissional insere-se no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, integrada no plano de estudos do…”
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Dissertation -
Effect of 24 sessions of stretching exercises performed before resistance exercises on hemodynamic responses
Published in Retos (Madrid) (01-01-2024)“…The present study aimed to compare the effect of 24 sessions of stretching exercises performed before resistance exercises versus resistance exercise sessions…”
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Studies on the NEXT Experiment Tracking System and Development of Medical Devices With SiPMs
Published 01-01-2016“…The recent developments of solid-state photodetectors, namely Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs), allowed a proliferation of this technology through numerous…”
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Dissertation -
Esquizofrenia e a Condição de Sem-Abrigo Schizophrenia and Homelessness
Published 01-01-2020“…Introdução:A esquizofrenia é uma perturbação psicótica grave, incapacitante e crónica. Muitos doentes vivem na rua, sem apoio médico ou social. O objetivo…”
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Dissertation -
Cooperative sensing for improved traffic efficiency: The highway field trial
Published in Computer networks (Amsterdam, Netherlands : 1999) (09-10-2018)“…The existing architecture of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) supporting Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) exhibits a hierarchical…”
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Comparing Admission Control Architectures for Real-Time Ethernet (vol 8, pg 105521, 2020)
Published in IEEE access (2020)Get full text
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Characterization of Plastic Scintillator Detector for In Vivo Dosimetry in Gynecologic Brachytherapy
Published in Journal of personalized medicine (20-03-2024)“…(1) Background: High dose gradients and manual steps in brachytherapy treatment procedures can lead to dose errors which make the use of in vivo dosimetry…”
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Correlation between fear of falling, eye-segmental coordination and dynamic balance in the elderly
Published in Motricidade (18-04-2024)“…Falls are well documented has being a major cause of accidental injury and deaths worldwide, especially among the elderly, with a higher probability of…”
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In Vivo Verification of Treatment Source Dwell Times in Brachytherapy of Postoperative Endometrial Carcinoma: A Feasibility Study
Published in Journal of personalized medicine (31-05-2022)“…(1) Background: In brachytherapy, there are still many manual procedures that can cause adverse events which can be detected with in vivo dosimetry systems…”
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Polymeric Micro - And Nanoparticles for Delivery of Therapeutic Peptides
Published 01-01-2010“…This thesis presents two polymeric systems, namely poly(L-lysine)/poly(L-glutamic acid) nanoparticles and nanocapsules, and chitosan/gum arabic nanoparticles,…”
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Dissertation -
Boas práticas para construção de redes hospitalares
Published 01-01-2011“…A arte de projectar a construção de infra-estruturas, para prestação de cuidados em ambientehospitalar, pode ser vista como uma estratégia para a implementação…”
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Dissertation -
Real-time dynamic traffic scheduling for medical applications on IEEE 802.15.6
Published in 2022 Thirteenth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) (05-07-2022)“…The evolution and actual capabilities of sensor-based technologies concerning miniaturization, processing power and energy efficiency, together with advances…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Desenvolvimento de um dosímetro Gama para braquiterapia
Published 01-01-2010“…A braquiterapia é um método radioterapêutico minimamente invasivo, onde são implantadas pequenas "sementes radioactivas" (com o tamanho de um grão de arroz)…”
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