Search Results - "Mori, Flor Marlene Luna Victoria"
Strategies for Confronting the COVID-19 Pandemic in the State of Piauí-Brazil: Contributions to Nursing
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (19-10-2024)“…The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the adoption of rapid, complex, and changeable measures. These measures allowed effective care planning and implementation of…”
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Caracterización del estado de salud de los adultos mayores en la region La Libertad
Published in Salud Uninorte (01-09-2017)“…Palabras claves: salud, adulto mayor, caracterización…”
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Principios de cuidado al adulto mayor en familias peruanas y mexicanas: Estudio comparado
Published in Salud Uninorte (01-01-2018)“…Palabras clave: Enfermería familiar, cuidado-adulto mayor…”
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Competencias de la enfermera en instituciones educativas: una mirada desde los gestores educativos
Published in Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem (02-08-2018)“…Resumen OBJETIVO Describir y analizar los atributos de las competencias de la enfermera en el cuidado de los escolares vista por los gestores de instituciones…”
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Competencies of the nurse in educational institutions: a look from educational managers
Published in Revista gaúcha de enfermagem (02-08-2018)“…Describe and analyze the attributes of the nurse competencies in caring of students since the manager look of educational institutions. Qualitative…”
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Characterization of the health status of the elderly in the region La Libertad (Peru)
Published in Salud Uninorte (15-09-2017)Get full text
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Principles of caring to the elderly in Peruvian and Mexican families: comparative study
Published in Salud Uninorte (15-01-2018)Get full text
Journal Article