Search Results - "Morgane, P. J"
The neural basis of attentional alterations in prenatally protein malnourished rats
Published in Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. 1991) (01-01-2021)“…Abstract Protein malnutrition during gestation alters brain development and produces specific behavioral and cognitive changes that persist into adulthood and…”
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Prenatal malnutrition and development of the brain
Published in Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews (1993)“…In this review, we have summarized various aspects as to how prenatal protein malnutrition affects development of the brain and have attempted to integrate…”
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A review of systems and networks of the limbic forebrain/limbic midbrain
Published in Progress in neurobiology (01-02-2005)“…Evolutionarily older brain systems, such as the limbic system, appear to serve fundamental aspects of emotional processing and provide relevant and…”
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Calcium-binding protein-containing neuronal populations in mammalian visual cortex: a comparative study in whales, insectivores, bats, rodents, and primates
Published in Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. 1991) (1993)“…This study is focused on comparative analysis of gamma-aminobutyric acid-positive (GABAergic) neuronal populations in primary visual cortex of totally aquatic…”
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Effects of prenatal protein deprivation on postnatal development of granule cells in the fascia dentata
Published in Journal of comparative neurology (1911) (15-08-1991)“…The effect of prenatal protein deprivation on the postnatal development of granule cells in the fascia dentata in the rat was studied at 15, 30, 90, and 220…”
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Calretinin-immunoreactive neurons in the primary visual cortex of dolphin and human brains
Published in Brain research (13-11-1992)“…A new class of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic neurons immunoreactive to the calcium-binding protein calretinin (CR) was demonstrated in primary visual…”
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The effects of median raphé electrical stimulation on serotonin release in the dorsal hippocampal formation of prenatally protein malnourished rats
Published in Brain research (14-08-1999)“…Our previous work had shown an enhanced inhibition in the hippocampal formation of prenatally protein malnourished rats. We have also found a diminishment in…”
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Effects of Prenatal Protein Malnutrition on Hippocampal Long-Term Potentiation in Freely Moving Rats
Published in Experimental neurology (01-11-1997)“…It has been demonstrated that prenatal protein malnutrition significantly affects hippocampal plasticity, as measured by long-term potentiation, throughout…”
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Hippocampal Neurochemical and Electrophysiological Measures from Freely Moving Rats
Published in Experimental neurology (01-01-1999)“…This paper describes surgical and recording procedures that have been developed which permit the simultaneous monitoring of levels of select neurochemicals…”
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Modulation of paired-pulse responses in the dentate gyrus: effects of prenatal protein malnutrition
Published in Brain research (04-12-1999)“…Since our major hypothesis is that prenatal protein malnutrition significantly affects hippocampal neuroplasticity, this study examined the effects of prenatal…”
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Effects of protein deprivation on pyramidal cells of the visual cortex in rats of three age groups
Published in Journal of comparative neurology (1911) (01-02-1990)“…The effect of protein deprivation on rapid Golgi impregnated pyramidal neurons in layers II/III and V of the rat visual cortex was studied at 30, 90, and 220…”
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Prenatal protein malnutrition affects synaptic potentiation in the dentate gyrus of rats in adulthood
Published in Brain research (01-10-1986)“…Long-term potentiation (LTP) was studied in the dentate gyrus of anesthetized normal and prenatally protein malnourished rats in adulthood. LTP was initiated…”
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The paired-pulse index : A measure of hippocampal dentate granule cell modulation
Published in Annals of biomedical engineering (01-09-1997)“…This study was undertaken to assess whether the paired-pulse index (PPI) is an effective measure of the modulation of dentate granule cell excitability during…”
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Paired-pulse facilitation and inhibition in the dentate gyrus is dependent on behavioral state
Published in Experimental brain research (01-01-1989)“…It is well established that neuronal transmission from the entorhinal cortex through the dentate gyrus via the perforant path is dependent on behavioral state…”
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Prenatal protein malnutrition alters behavioral state modulation of inhibition and facilitation in the dentate gyrus
Published in Brain research bulletin (01-02-1992)“…We have examined the effects of prenatal protein malnutrition on interneuronally mediated inhibition and facilitation in the dentate gyrus of the rat using the…”
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The primary auditory cortex in cetacean and human brain: a comparative analysis of neurofilament protein-containing pyramidal neurons
Published in Neuroscience letters (26-10-1992)“…To extend our investigation of the anatomy of sensory systems in highly adapted aquatic and terrestrial mammals, we have analyzed the distribution of a…”
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Ultrastructure of synapses and golgi analysis of neurons in neocortex of the lateral gyrus (visual cortex) of the dolphin and pilot whale
Published in Brain research bulletin (01-03-1990)“…Qualitative and computerized quantitative analyses of ultrastructural features of synapses in different layers of the primary visual cortex in the dolphin…”
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Distribution of dopaminergic fibers and neurons in visual and auditory cortices of the harbor porpoise and pilot whale
Published in Brain research bulletin (1995)“…The distribution of putative dopaminergic fibers in two sensory cortical areas in the brain of the harbor porpoise ( Phocoena pbocoena) and pilot whale (…”
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Conservative features of neocortical evolution in dolphin brain
Published in Brain, behavior and evolution (01-01-1985)“…A Golgi survey of the convexity cortex in the brain of the dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, has revealed many cellular characteristics which may be indicative of…”
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Ontogeny of the levels of serotonin in various parts of the brain in severely protein malnourished rats
Published in Brain research (11-06-1984)“…We have previously reported that irreversible central and peripheral chemical changes and irreversible changes in spontaneous activity of single neurons in the…”
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