Search Results - "Morell‐Mengual, Vicente"
Development and psychometric properties of an instrument for the Assessment of Sexual Behaviour and Knowledge of people with Intellectual Disability
Published in Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities (01-07-2022)“…ABSTRACT Background This paper presents psychometric properties of an instrument for the Assessment of Sexual Behaviour and Knowledge of people with…”
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People with intellectual disabilities' sexuality from three different perspectives: Parents, professionals, and themselves
Published in Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities (01-11-2023)“…Background A positive conception of sexuality among people with intellectual disabilities is crucial and relies on several social and interpersonal contexts…”
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SALUDIVERSEX: A quality of life and sexual health intervention for adults with mild intellectual disabilities
Published in Journal of intellectual disabilities (01-12-2024)“…Individuals with intellectual disabilities need an affective and sexual education adapted to their characteristics. There are few interventions that meet these…”
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Factors Associated with Condom Use in Anal Intercourse Among Spanish Men Who Have Sex with Men: Proposal for an Explanatory Model
Published in AIDS and behavior (01-11-2021)“…Men who have sex with men (MSM) account for more than half of the new HIV diagnoses in Spain. This study aims to carry out a descriptive analysis of the sexual…”
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Development and Psychometric Properties of the Detection of Sexual Abuse Risk Screening Scale (DSARss)
Published in Sexual abuse (01-10-2020)“…People with intellectual disability (ID) are more vulnerable to being victims of sexual abuse (SA) because, in most cases, they are not able to detect the…”
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Factorial Structure and Psychometric Properties of a Brief Scale of the Condom Use Self-Efficacy for Spanish-Speaking People
Published in Health education & behavior (01-04-2019)“…Background. Studies have shown the role played by perceived self-efficacy in explaining condom negotiation and condom use. Aims. The factorial structure and…”
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Published in INFAD (Barcelona) (02-07-2016)“…Las actitudes hacia la expresión sexual de las personas con discapacidad sexual por parte de la población general siguen siendo muy restrictivas. El objetivo…”
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Sexualidad en diversidad funcional intelectual: recopilación de los instrumentos de evaluación del equipo Salusex
Published in INFAD (Barcelona) (08-08-2021)“…La sexualidad de las personas con discapacidad intelectual (DI) ha sido un tema muy controvertido. Su sexualidad ha estado sustentada por una serie de mitos y…”
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La influencia de la personalidad en la percepción de los cuidados sobre la salud de los jóvenes españoles
Published in INFAD (Barcelona) (02-07-2016)“…Las principales causas de mortalidad y morbilidad entre la población se relaciona con el estilo de vida. Con el objetivo de examinar los efectos de la…”
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Traducción y validación preliminar del Cuestionario de Adicción al Sexo en jóvenes
Published in INFAD (Barcelona) (02-07-2016)“…La adicción al sexo es una patología de inicio en la adolescencia y adultez temprana con una importante repercusión social y personal. Su identificación…”
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Analysis of the Effectiveness of an Affective-Sexual Education Program for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Published in The Journal of sex research (22-01-2024)“…In recent years, the number of programs to improve sex education for people with intellectual disabilities has increased. However, in most cases, these…”
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Factors associated with condom use in vaginal intercourse among Spanish adults with intellectual disability: Proposal for an explanatory model
Published in Research in developmental disabilities (01-02-2022)“…•HIV prevention in people with intellectual disabilities.•People with intellectual disabilities report low consistent condom use.•Unawareness of intimacy rules…”
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HIV and STI Prevention Among Spanish Women Who have Sex with Women: Factors Associated with Dental Dam and Condom Use
Published in AIDS and behavior (01-01-2023)“…The scientific community has systematically ignored the needs of women who have sex with women (WSW). The invisibilization of romantic and sexual relationships…”
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Academic Perfectionism, Psychological Well-Being, and Suicidal Ideation in College Students
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (21-12-2022)“…High levels of perfectionism in college students can compromise their academic performance and psychological well-being. This study aims to analyze the…”
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Psychometric properties and validation of the sexual sensation seeking scale in Spanish adolescents: Brief screening method for use in research and clinical practice
Published in Personality and individual differences (01-02-2018)“…Sexual sensation seeking among adolescents has been mostly associated with unprotected sex and other risky behaviors. This paper presents the Spanish…”
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A Qualitative Analysis About Sexual Health of Foster Teenagers: What Concerns Do Their Caregivers Have?
Published in Sexuality research & social policy (02-07-2024)Get full text
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Sexual Health in Spanish People with Intellectual Disability: the Impact of the Lockdown due to COVID-19
Published in Sexuality research & social policy (01-09-2022)“…Introduction The lockdown due to COVID-19 affected the sexual health of the people with intellectual disabilities by differentially modifying the frequency and…”
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Analysis of demographic, psychological and cultural aspects associated with the practice of sexting in Mexican and Spanish adolescents
Published in International journal of intercultural relations (01-05-2021)“…Sexting is an increasingly frequent phenomenon among adolescents, and it involves risky behaviors such as sextortion or even grooming. This study aims to…”
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Factors Associated with Condom Use in Vaginal Intercourse Among Spanish Heterosexual and Bisexual Men
Published in Sexuality research & social policy (01-06-2023)“…Introduction In Spain, the sexual route is the main route of transmission in new HIV diagnoses. Men who have heterosexual relations are the second group with…”
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Sexual Sensation Seeking: A Validated Scale for Spanish Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual People
Published in AIDS and behavior (01-11-2018)“…Sexual Sensation Seeking has been identified as a main predictor of unsafe sex that particularly affects LGB people. This study adapts and validates the Sexual…”
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