Search Results - "Morales, Felipe González"
Jill Alpes, Emergency returns by IOM from Libya and Niger
Published in Eunomía (Valencia) (04-10-2021)“…Este artículo reseña: Jill Alpes, Emergency returns by IOM from Libya and Niger,(2020) Brot für die Welt / medico internacional e.V. Berlín, 24 pp…”
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Las “barreras cortafuegos” y los derechos humanos de las personas migrantes
Published in REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana (2024)“…Resumen. El acceso de la población migrante a los servicios públicos, tales como salud, educación, sistema judicial y diversos otros, además de su garantía…”
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Published in Sur : international journal on human rights (01-12-2021)“…The impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on human rights have been particularly severe for migrants around the world. This is due to the level of vulnerability…”
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El Caso Baraona y los desarrollos recientes de la Corte Interamericana sobre libertad de expresión y honor de los funcionarios públicos
Published in Revista electrónica Iberoamericana (15-01-2024)“…La sentencia reciente de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en el casoBaraona vs. Chile representa un avance relevante en la protección de la libertad…”
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Multilateralismo, migración y derechos humanos: antes y después del Pacto Mundial para una Migración Segura, Ordenada y Regular
Published in REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana (01-09-2020)“…Resumen Durante décadas, Naciones Unidas y los Estados Miembros se abstuvieron de emprender un abordaje multilateral de la migración. Los primeros intentos…”
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Derecho a la salud de mujeres migrantes: el enfoque de dos organismos de Naciones Unidas
Published in REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana (01-09-2022)“…Resumen Este artículo estudia el derecho humano a la salud de las mujeres migrantes desde la perspectiva de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU),…”
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Grazing by green sea-turtles does not affect reproductive fitness in Thalassia testudinum
Published in Aquatic botany (01-07-2017)“…[Display omitted] •Grazing by green sea-turtles does not affect sexual reproduction in T. testudinum.•The flowers in the grazed plots present modifications to…”
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Published in Sur : international journal on human rights (01-12-2021)“…The impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on human rights have been particularly severe for migrants around the world. This is due to the level of vulnerability…”
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Impact of the dedicated infrastructure on bus service quality: an empirical analysis
Published in Applied economics (26-11-2019)“…An econometric analysis is conducted to quantify the impact of different variables on the service quality of the Santiago, Chile bus system. The indicators…”
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Nunca Más: An Analysis of International Instruments on "Disappearances"
Published in Human rights quarterly (01-05-1997)“…The United Nations and the Organization of American States adopted standards to prevent and punish military dictators who "disappeared" their opponents. Brody…”
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Estimates of price elasticity of demand for urban freeway use with high-frequency control variables: the case of Santiago, Chile
Published in Applied economics (09-05-2015)“…Estimates are presented of toll and fuel price elasticities of demand for urban freeway use in Santiago, Chile. High-frequency toll and vehicle data were…”
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A Logit Model With Endogenous Explanatory Variables and Network Externalities
Published in Networks and spatial economics (01-03-2015)“…A novel logit model is presented that explicitly includes endogeneity in explanatory variables whose values depend on individual choice decisions that involve…”
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An Improved Stirling Approximation for Trip Distribution Models
Published in Networks and spatial economics (01-12-2014)“…Many trip distribution models used in transport systems planning are designed to solve maximum entropy optimization problems. Discrete by nature, they must be…”
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Informe de hallazgos de la misión de observación de derechos humanos en la frontera sur de méxico
Published in Revista electrónica Iberoamericana (2021)Get full text
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Integration of Spatial Correlation into a Combined Travel Model with Hierarchical Levels
Published in Spatial economic analysis (01-03-2013)“…A combined travel model incorporating spatial correlation is derived from the optimality conditions of a multi-objective optimization framework, in which the…”
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El monitoreo mediante visitas a países de la comisión interamericana de derechos humanos 1
Published in Revista electrónica Iberoamericana (2020)“…Las visitas a países con fines de monitoreo por la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos desempeñan un papel central en la labor de dicho organismo…”
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La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos: antecedentes, funciones y otros aspectos
Published in Anuario de derechos humanos (Universidad de Chile. Centro de Derechos Humanos) (01-01-2009)“…A través del análisis de las principales funciones que desempeña la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, el artículo analiza la evolución de la labor…”
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