Search Results - "Moraes, Jose Fernando V.N"
Post-exercise hypotension attenuates the effect of waist on vascular reactivity in adults of both sexes
Published in Journal of exercise physiology online (01-02-2012)“…Souza RAC, Nascimento RL, Souza JA, Almeida CMM, Silva AAS, Carvalho FO, Moraes JFVN, Moreira SR. Post-Exercise Hypotension Attenuates the Effect of Waist on…”
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Journal Article -
Blood Glucose Control for Individuals with Type-2 Diabetes: Acute Effects of Resistance Exercise of Lower Cardiovascular-Metabolic Stress
Published in Journal of strength and conditioning research (01-10-2012)“…ABSTRACTMoreira, SR, Simões, GC, Moraes, JFVN, Motta, DF, Campbell, CSG, and Simões, HG. Blood glucose control for individuals with type-2 diabetesAcute…”
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Journal Article